

吳亮,男,蘇州大學講師, 自2003年以來從事非線性物理和統計物理方面的理論研究。






1. Wu, L., S. Zhu, X. Luo, and D. Wu,Effects of clustering on diversity-induced resonance in hidden metric spaces.Physical Review E, 2010.81(6): p. 061118.
2. Wu, L., S. Zhu, and X. Luo,Diversity-induced resonance on weighted scale-free networks.Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2010.20(3): p. 033113-6.
3. Wu, L. and S. Zhu,Load-dependent random walks on complex networks.Eur. Phys. J. D, 2009.54(1): p. 87-93.
4. Huang, Y., L. Wu, and S. Zhu,Synchronization in evolving snowdrift game model.Eur. Phys. J. B, 2009.69(3): p. 431-438.
5. Wu, L. and S. Zhu,Scale-free networks by super-linear preferential attachment rule.Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2008.387(14): p. 3789-3795.
6. Chen, L., L. Wu, and S. Zhu,Synchronization in complex networks by time-varying couplings.Eur. Phys. J. D, 2008.48(3): p. 405-409.
7. Wu, L., S. Zhu, and Y. Ni,Combination of two basic types of synchronization in a coupled semiconductor laser system.Eur. Phys. J. D, 2007.41(2): p. 349-354.
8. Li, J., L. Wu, and S. Zhu,Clustering and Synchronization in an Array of Repulsively Coupled Phase Oscillators.Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007.48(1): p. 159.
9. Wu, L., S. Zhu, and J. Li,Synchronization on fast and slow dynamics in drive-response systems.Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2006.223(2): p. 208-213.
10. Zhou, Y., L. Wu, and S. Zhu,Digital communication of two-dimensional messages in a chaotic optical system.Chinese Physics, 2005.14(11): p. 2196.
11. Yun, Z., S. Zhu, and L. Wu,Preference of Chaotic Synchronization in a Coupled Laser System.Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2005.44(6): p. 1076.
12. Wu, L. and S. Zhu,Digital Communication Using Multi-mode Chaotic Lasers.Communications in Theoretical Physics, 200441(02): p. 225-230.
13. Zhu, S. and L. Wu,Anticipating and Lag Synchronization in Chaotic Laser System.International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2004.18(17-19): p. 2547-2551.
14. Wu, L. and S. Zhu,Communications using multi-mode laser system based on chaotic synchronization.Chinese Physics, 2003.12(3): p. 300.
15. Wu, L. and S. Zhu,Multi-channel communication using chaotic synchronization of multi-mode lasers.Physics Letters A, 2003.308(2-3): p. 157-161.
16. Wu, L. and S. Zhu, Physics Letters A, 2003.315(1-2): p. 101-108.