



[1]J. Liu, Z. Zhou, How many cages midscribe an egg, Inventions Mathematicae 203.2 (2016), 655-673.
[2]J. Liu, Z. Zhou, Intersection number and stability of some inscribable graphs, Geometirae Dedicata 185.1 (2016), 105-121.
[3]H. Ge, B. Hua, Z. Zhou, Circle patterns on surfaces of finite topological type, arXiv: 1909.03419, accepted by American Journal of Mathematics
[4]H. Ge, B. Hua, Z. Zhou, Combinatorial Ricci flow for idea circle patterns, submitted
[5]Y. Jiang, Q. Luo, Z. Zhou, Circle patterns on surfaces of finite topological type revisited, accepted by Pacific Journal of Mathematics
[6]Z. Zhou, Circle patterns on surfaces of finite topological type, arXiv:1703.01768, submitted
[7]Z. Zhou, Taming the flexibility of circle patterns, arXiv: 1805.08354, submitted