發表學術論文200餘篇,出版專(編)著6部。學術論著得到國內外同行關注,被CNKI資料庫源期刊引用7000餘次,Google Scholar引用6000餘次。
2012/01 – ,國家氣候中心,研究員,首席專家,二級專業技術崗位
2004/11 – 2011/12,國家氣候中心,研究員,首席專家
2001/11 – 2004/10,國家氣候中心,研究員
1998/12 – 1999/12,2000/06 – 2001/10,國家氣候中心,副研究員
1998/04 – 1998/11,2000/01 – 2000/05,德國哥廷根大學,洪堡學者
1994/07 – 1998/03,國家氣候中心,助研、副研究員
1985/07 – 1991/08,遼寧師範大學,地理系,助教、講師
“Climate Research”、“Chinese Geographical Science”、“水科學進展”、“乾旱區研究”、“災害學”(卸任)、“氣象科技進展”、“水利水電科技進展”等學術期刊編輯委員會委員或常務編委。
1. 任國玉、張蘭生,1997,科爾沁沙地麥里地區晚全新世植被演化,植物學報,39(4),353-362
2. 任國玉,1998,全新世東北平原森林-草原生態過渡帶的遷移,生態學報, 18 (1),33-37
3. Ren, G. and Lansheng Zhang, 1998, A preliminary mapped summary of Holocene pollen data for Northeast China,Quaternary Science Review, 17,669-688
4. 任國玉,1998,內蒙古湖相沉積C年代測定中“硬水”影響的發現,湖泊科學,10(3),80-82
5. Ren, G., 1998, Pollen evidence for increased summer rainfall in the Medieval warm period at Maili, Northeast China,Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 1931-1934
6. Ren, G., 2000, Decline of the mid-to late Holocene forests in China: climatic change or human impact?Journal of Quaternary Science, 15 (3), 273-281
8. Ren, G. and H.-J. Beug, 2002,Mapping Holocene pollen data and vegetation of northern China,Quaternary Science Review, 21 (12-13), 1395-1422
10. 任國玉、徐銘志、初子瑩等,2005,中國氣溫變化研究的最新進展,氣候與環境研究,10 (4),701-716
11. Ren, G., Yaqing Zhou, Ziying Chu, et al., 2008, Urbanization effect on observed surface air temperature trend in North China,Journal of Climate, 21 (6), 1333-1348
15. Ren, G.Y., H.B. Liu, Z.Y. Chu, et al.,2011, Climate change over eastern China and implications for South-North Water Diversion Project,Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12 (8): 600-617
16. Ren, G.Y., Chen Y., Zou X.K., et al.,2011, Change in climatic extremes over Chinese mainland based on an integrated extreme climate index,Climatic Research, 50 (1-2): 113-124
17. Ren G.Y., Ding Yihui., Zhao Zongci, et al.,2012, Recent progress in studies of climate change in China,Advance in Atmospheric Sciences, 29 (5): 958-977
18. Ren G.Y., Y.Q. Zhou, 2014, Urbanization effects on trends of extreme temperature indices of national stations over Chinese mainland, 1961-2008,Journal ofClimate, 27 (6): 2340-2360