



用於頭髮吹乾或整形的電熱器具,它以電動機為原動機,直接裝上風葉工作。電動機帶動風葉旋轉,將空氣從進風口吸入,經過電熱元件加熱,從風口吹出熱風。其電熱元件一般是家用鎳鉻絲。改變電動端電壓,使電機轉速變化,就能控制出風口的風量,採用電熱絲抽頭方式則可調節溫度。風量和溫度的可調節,使之更適合於美發護髮之用。較高級的電吹風機採用電路控制,可為電動機和電熱元件提供連續可變的電壓,達到無級調溫調速的目的.For the electric hair dryer or orthopedic appliances, which the electric motor as prime mover, mounted directly on the fan working. Motor driven fan rotation, the air inhaled from the air inlet, through the heating element heating, blow hot air from the outlet. The heating element nickel-chromium wire is usually home. to change the electrical voltage, so that motor speed changes, can control the air flow out the outlet, using electric wire-tap method can adjust the temperature. air flow and temperature can be adjusted to make it more suitable for hair care purposes. the more advanced hair dryer machine is the control circuits, motors and electrical components for providing continuously variable voltage to achieve the purpose of stepless speed control thermostat.


(2)電吹風手柄上有三檔開關,根據需要選擇,分為關閉 檔、冷風檔、熱風檔,通過改變開關位置,可分別吹送熱風或 冷風。
(3)洗頭后,為使頭髮乾燥,先將濕頭髮用干毛巾擦乾,然 後用電吹風熱風吹千,每次以2—3分鐘即可,如頭髮長而密可 延長至5分鐘。吹乾后整理髮型時,應在頭髮上塗勻髮乳,吹 風口與頭髮的距離保持一定距離,防止頭皮灼傷或將頭發燒 焦。如平時作為美髮使用,不需要洗頭,可用濕毛巾濕潤一下 頭髮,千萬不要用熱風直接吹頭髮,這樣會使頭髮失去水分和 營養物質,時間久了會使頭髮泛黃。