共找到2條詞條名為蔡丹丹的結果 展開




蔡丹丹,2014年06月畢業於華南理工大學,獲得博士學位。主要從事石墨烯和氮摻雜石墨烯基材料的製備、鋰離子電池材料和功能配合物化學等方面的研究,以第一作者身份已在電化學國際權威期刊Journal of Power Sources、Electrochimica Acta和Journal of Alloys and Compounds發表SCI學術論文6篇,申請發明權利2項,均已授權,其他署名作者SCI論文十多篇。






1.Cai D., et al, Interconnected a-Fe2O3 nanosheet arrays as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta 192 (2016) 407-413. (IF=4.803)
2.Cai D., et al, Facile synthesis of ultrathin-shell graphene hollow spheres for high-performance lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta139 (2014) 96-103. (IF=4.803)
3.Cai D., et al, Superior cycle stability of graphene nanosheets prepared by freeze-drying process as anodes for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Power Sources254 (2014) 198-203. (IF=6.333)
4.Cai D., et al, Superhigh capacity and rate capability of high-level nitrogen-doped graphene sheets as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta90 (2013) 492-497. (IF=4.803)
5.Cai D.,et al, High specific capacity of TiO2-graphene nanocomposite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries in an enlarged potential,Electrochimica Acta74 (2012) 65-72. (IF=4.803)
6.Cai D., et al, High rate capability of TiO2/nitrogen-doped graphene nanocomposite as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Alloys and Compounds561 (2013) 54-58. (IF=3.014)
7. Lian P.,Cai D., et al, Preparation and electrochemical properties of (Fe2.5Ti0.5)1.04O4-graphene nanocomposite,Electrochimica Acta104 (2013) 267-273. (IF=4.803)
8. Yu L.,Cai D., et al. Hydrothermal Synthesis of SnO2 and SnO2@ C Nanorods and Their Application as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries.RSC Advances38 (2013) 17281-17286. (IF=3.289)
9. Yu L.,Cai D., et al. Synthesis of Microspherical LiFePO4-Carbon Composites for Lithium-Ion Batteries.Nanomaterials3 (2013) 443-452. (IF=pending)
10. Zhang L., Wang S.,Cai D., et al, Li3V2(PO4)3@C/gropehne composite with improved cycling performance as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta91 (2013) 108-113. (IF=4.803)
11. Chen J., Wang S.,Cai D., et al, Porous SiO2 as a separator to improve the electrochemical performance of spinel LiMn2O4 cathode,Journal of Membrane Science449 (2014) 169-175. (IF=5.557)
12. Lian P., Wang J.,Cai D., et al, Porous SnO2@C/graphene nanocomposite with 3D carbon conductive network as a superior anode material for lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta116 (2014) 103-110. (IF=4.803)
13、Lian P., Wang J.,Cai D., et al,,Design and synthesis of porous nano-sized Sn@C/graphene electrode material with 3D carbon network for high-performance lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,604(2014)188-195.(IF=3.014)
14. Li D., Ding L., Wang S.,Cai D., et al, Ultrathin and High-Ordered CoO Nanosheet Arrays for Lithium-Ion Batteries with High Cycle Stability and Rate Capability,Journal of Materials Chemistry A2 (2014) 5625-5630.(IF=8.262)
1. 王海輝,蔡丹丹,等,氮摻雜石墨烯/金屬氧化物納米複合材料的製備方法,發明專利,授權號:ZL201210072378.3
2. 王海輝,蔡丹丹,等,一種氮硫共摻雜石墨烯的製備方法,發明專利,授權號:ZL201310073047.6.

