共找到83條詞條名為劉建國的結果 展開









1. 國家973計劃課題“能源微藻規模化光自養培養過程的環境響應、優化及放大原理”
2. 國家農業863計劃課題“餌料型微藻新品系培育及餌料工程化高效生產技術”
3. 國家海洋公益性科技專項課題“大型紅藻栽培與資源高值利用技術開發及示範推廣”
4. 國家海洋局海洋可再生能源專項課題“支撐海洋能源微藻高效培養的敵害生物防治技術”
5. 國家海洋局海洋生物專項課題“工業用優質龍鬚菜和麒麟菜高效養殖”
6. 中國科學院太陽能計劃課題“產氫微藻藻種庫構建及微藻制氫光生物反應器研製”
7. 中國科學院重大科研設備專項課題“藻類細胞工程培養的大型封閉式光生物反應器研製”


1. 劉建國等,2014,微藻規模培養的管道光生物反應器,第十六屆中國專利獎優秀獎。
2. 劉建國等,2013,高產卡拉膠海藻規模栽培、高值加工與近海環境治理,國家海洋局海洋科學技術二等獎。
3. 劉建國等,2014,用柱狀光生物反應器生產微藻餌料與再生能源,國家海洋局海洋科學技術二等獎。
4. 劉建國等,2014,微藻規模培養的管道光生物反應器,第十四屆山東省專利獎二等獎。
5. 劉建國等,2012,光生物反應器高密度培養雨生紅球藻研發,雲南省楚雄州發明一等獎。
6. 劉建國等,2012,雨生紅球藻蝦青素資源開發的關鍵原理與技術,青島市發明二等獎。
7. 劉建國等,2013,雨生紅球藻蝦青素新產品研製及應用。雲南省技術發明三等獎。
8. 劉建國等,2012,高產卡拉膠海藻規模栽培、高值加工與近海環境治理,山東省科技進步三等獎。


1. Screening and phylogenetic analysis of lipid-rich microalgae.Algal Research, 10.1016/j.algal.2015.02.028, 2015(IF=5.014,1區)
2. Improvement of H2 photoproduction in Chlorella pyrenoidosa in artificial and natural seawater by addition of acetic acid and control of nutrients. Algal Research, 10: 104–109, 2015(IF=5.014,1區)
3. Efficacy of binary combinations of botanical pesticides for rotifer elimination in microalgal cultivation.Bioresource Technology, 154:67-73, 2014(IF=5.039,1區).
4. Treatment potential of a synergistic botanical pesticide combination for rotifer extermination during outdoor mass cultivation ofSpirulina platensis.Algal Research, 6:139-144, 2014(IF=5.014,1區)
5. Botanical pesticides as potential rotifer-control agents in microalgal mass culture.Algal Research, 4:62-69, 2014(IF=5.014,1區). Sustainable hydrogen photoproduction by phosphorus-deprived marine green microalgaeChlorella sp. Int. J. of Molecular Sci. 16:2705-2716, 2015(IF=2.339,2區)
6. De Novo Transcriptome Analysis of an Aerial MicroalgaTrentepohlia jolithus: Pathway Description and Gene Discovery for Carbon Fixation and Carotenoid Biosynthesis.PlosOne, 9(9):e108488,2014(IF=3.534,1區).
7. Observations on pests and diseases affecting a eucheumatoid farm in China.J. Applied Phycology, DOI: 10.1007/s10811-014-0507-z, 2014(IF=2.492,1區).
8. The enhancement mechanism of hydrogen photoproduction in Chlorella protothecoides under nitrogen limitation and sulfur deprivation.Inter. J. of Hydrogen Energy. 39:8969-8976,2014(IF=2.930,2區).
9. Role of the mitochondrial alternative oxidase pathway in hydrogen photoproduction inChlorella protothecoides. Planta, DOI: 10.1007/s00425-014-2231-y, 2014(IF=3.376,1區).
10. Comparison of the photosynthetic characteristics of twoIsochrysis galbana strains under high light.Botanica Marina, DOI 10.1515/bot-2014-0056(IF=1.000,3區)
11. Proteomic analysis in nitrogen-deprivedIsochrysis galbana during lipid accumulation. PLoS One, 10.1371/journal.pone. 0082188, 2013(IF=3.534,1區).
12.Isochrysis sp. IOAC724S, a newly isolated, lipid-enriched, marine microalga for lipid production, and optimized cultivation conditions.Biomass and Bioenergy, 10.1016/j.biombioe. 2013.11.003, 2013(IF=3.411,1區).
13. mpacts of glyphosate on photosynthetic behaviors inKappaphycus alvarezii andNeosiphonia savatieri detected by JIP-test. J Appl Phycol. 24: 467-473, 2012(IF=2.326,1區).
14. solation of wild microalgae from natural water bodies for high hydrogen producing strains,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37(5):4046-4056, 2012(IF=3.548,1區).
15. Some studies on screening unicellular microalgae for biofuels and bioactive products in our laboratory and pilot platform.Algological Studies, 145/146:99-117, 2014.
16. The enhancement of hydrogen photoproduction in Chlorella protothecoides exposed to nitrogen limitation and sulfur deprivation.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(22): 16903-16915, 2012(IF=3.548,1區).
17. New tolerant strains of purple nonsulfur bacteria for hydrogen production in a two-stage integrated system.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(10):8820-8827, 2012(IF=3.548,1區).
18. Different photosynthetic behaviors inKappaphycus alvarezii andKappaphycus striatum during dehydration and rehydration.Marine Biology Research. DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2015.1007876(2015)(IF=1.134,3區)