











1. 主持國家自然科學基金,“基於半光滑牛頓法的電力系統安全性問題的研究”,(編號:60474070, 19+19=38萬元),2005.1-2007.12。
2. 主持湖南省科技廳項目,“半光滑Newton法及其在電力系統穩定性分析中的應用”(編號:S2006F223,2萬元),2006.8-2007.12.
3. 主持湖南省自然科學基金重點項目(追加),“弱耦合非光滑系統分解方法的研究及其在電力系統中的應用”,(編號: 05JJ20002,3+3=6萬元),2005-2006。
4. 主持湖南省自然科學基金,“弱耦合非光滑系統分解方法的研究及其在電力系統中的應用”,(編號: 04JJ3031,2+2=4萬元),2005.1-2006.12。
5. 主持湖南省教育廳優秀青年項目,“非線性微分代數方程及其在電力系統中的應用”,(編號 02B021,3萬元),2003.1-2004.12。
6. 作為主要研究人員參加一項國家自科金項目的研究,“H-半變分不等式的理論與應用” (批准號:10171008, 13萬元),2002.1.-2004.12。


1. X.J. Tong, F. F. Wu, L. Qi,Available Transfer Capability Calculation Using a Smoothing Pointwise Maximum Function,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Feb.2, 2008. (SCI, EI)
2. 童小嬌,邴萍萍,楊洪明,基於納什均衡理論的電力市場一類動態投標分析,中國電機工程學報,2007.3.
3. X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu and L. Qi, On the convergence of decoupled optimal power flow method, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 28(3-4) (2007):1-19. (SCI)
4. X.J. Tong, C. Ling and L. Qi, A semismooth-infinite programming algorithm for solving optimal power flow with transient stability constraints.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2007. (SCI)
5. X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Yan and Y. Ni, A semismooth Newton method for solving optimal power flow, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol.3, No. 3(2007), 553-567. (SCI)
6. X.J. Tong, L. Qi and Y.F. Yang, The Lagrangian global method for nonsmooth constrained equations, Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 33, 2006, 89-109. (SCI)
7. X.J. Tong, S. Xiao, A feasible method for solving the KKT system of variational inequalities, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, Vol. 35, 2006, 87-105.
8. 童小嬌,何炳生, 一類音調變分不等式的非精確交替方向法, 數學物理學報, 26A(2), 2006, 273-282.
9. 羅可, 林睦鋼, 童小嬌. 最優潮流問題的解耦半光滑Newton型演演算法. 控制與決策,2006, 21(5): 580-584 . (EI收錄)
10. 羅可, 童小嬌. 求解最優潮流KKT系統的一類新模型及演演算法設計. 控制理論與應用,2006,23(4):245-250 . (EI收錄)
11. 楊洪明,童小嬌,賴明勇,基於非線性互補函數的電力市場動態研究,電網技術,2006,30(22):42-48。
12. X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A smoothing projected Newton-type method for semismooth equations with bound constraints, Journal of Industrial Management Optimization, Vol.1, 2005, 235-250. (SCI)
13. X.J. Tong, M. Lin, Semismooth Newton-type algorithms for solving optimal power flow problems, 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, Dalian, China, 2005, 1-7. (EI)
14. 童小嬌,肖世校,邴萍萍,帶半無限約束的非線性方程系統的牛頓型方法,《高等學校計算數學學報》,Vol.27, 2005, 252-258.
15. X.J. Tong, L. Qi, On the convergence of a trust-region method for solving constrained nonlinear equations with degenerate solutions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 123(2004), No.1. 187-211.(SCI)
16. L. Qi, X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, An active-set projected trust region algorithm for box constrained nonsmooth equations, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.120(2004),601-625. (SCI)
17. X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, A trust region algorithm with null space technique for equality constrained optimization, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Vol.17(2004).54-63。
18. X.J. Tong, S. Zhou, A trust-region algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization problem, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, Vol 24 (2004), 445-460.
19. 張永平,童小嬌,吳復立等,基於非線性互補問題函數的半光滑Newton最優潮流演演算法. 中國電機工程學報, 24(9), 2004,130-135。 (EI)
20. 張永平,童小嬌,倪以信等.,基於半光滑牛頓法的可用輸電能力新演演算法. 電力系統自動化, 28(7),2004,35-38。 (EI)
21. 張永平,童小嬌,倪以信等,實時電力市場阻塞管理演演算法研究,電網技術, 28(15), 2004,6-10。
22. 吳偉傑,童小嬌,嚴正,吳復立,倪以信,陳壽孫,基於光滑化函數的ATC新模型及其有效演演算法,電力系統自動化,28(19), 2004,32-35. (EI)
23. X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Combining trust-region and line-search method for equality constrained optimization, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 24(2003), 143-162. (SCI)
24. X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Combining trust-region and line-search algorithms for minimization subject to bounds, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 32(2003), 355-369.
25. X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, Global convergence of trust region algorithm for equality and bound constrained nonlinear optimization, 《高校應用數學學報》(英),1(2003), 83-94.
26. X.J. Tong, S.Z. Zhou, A trust-region algorithm for nonlinear inequality constrained Optimization, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol.21, No.2(2003), 207-220. (SCI)
27. X.J. Tong, D.H. Li, L. Qi, An iterative method for solving semismooth equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 146(2002), 1-10. (SCI)
28. 童小嬌,周叔子,等式與界約束非線性優化的信賴域增廣Lagrangian 演演算法,計算數學,2002年第1期, 27-38。
29. 童小嬌, 周叔子,Global convergence of a trust region algorithm for inequality constrained optimization, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 1 (2001), 113-136.
30. 童小嬌,周叔子,A trust region algorithm for nonlinear problems of equalities and inequalities, Chinese J. Numer. Math. And Appl.; 3(2001), 90-102;中文稿:《數值計算與計算機應用》,2001年第1 期。
31. 童小嬌,周叔子,Global convergence of a trust region algorithm using inexact gradient for equality-constrained optimization, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 3(2000), 365-373。 (SCI)
32. 童小嬌,周叔子,Global convergence of non-monotonic trust region algorithm for nonlinear optimization, 《高校應用數學學報》(英),2000年第2期。
33. 童小嬌,周叔子,A trust region algorithm for a class of nonlinear optimization, 《高校應用數學學報》(英),2000年第1期。
34. 童小嬌,A reduced Hessian trust region method for solving equality constrained optimization, 《應用數學》, 2001年第4 期。
35. 童小嬌,周叔子,Combining trust region method and quasi-Newton method for equality constrained optimization, 《應用數學》,2000年第3期。
36. 童小嬌,周叔子,一類非線性優化的信賴域內點演演算法,《應用數學》,2000年第1期。
(II) 已接受待發表論文:
37. X.J. Tong, S.Y. Wu, R. Zhou, New approach for nonlinear programming with transient stability constraints arising from power systems, Computational Optimization and Applications, 2008, accepted.
38. X.J. Tong, F.F. Wu and J. Su, Quadratic approximation and visitation of online constrct-based available transfer capability region of power systems, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2008, accepted.
39. 童小嬌, 王潔, 楊洪明, 張新華, 計及輸電線路和投標變數界約束的電力市場動態投標模型及分析, 系統工程理論與實踐,2007 (已接受).
40. 童小嬌,周任軍,鄧學華,楊洪明,電力系統穩定平衡解模型及計算方法,中國電機工程學報,2007(已接受).
41. 童小嬌,何偉,周任軍,鄧學華,基於SIP演演算法的暫態穩定約束最優潮流的計算,控制與決策,2007,(已接受).
42. 童小嬌,何偉, 解非線性方程的拉格朗日全局投影方法, 數學物理學報, 2008, 第一期.
(III) 國際會議論文
43. Xiaojiao Tong, Yongping Zhang, and Felix F. Wu, A decoupled semismooth Newton method for optimal power flow, IEEE Power Engineering Society 2006 General Meeting, June 18-22, 2006, Montreal, Quebee, Canada. (EI收錄)
44. X.J. Tong, H.M. Yang, P.P. Bing, A dynamic bidding model of power markets based on the supply function approach, ICEEE 2006, Mexico, September 6-8, 2006。
45. 羅可,林睦鋼,童小嬌. 最優潮流的投影漸進半光滑Newton型演演算法. 2005中國控制與決策學術年會論文集:775-779 (EI)
46. H.W. Yan, R. Ma, X.J. Tong, A novel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation approach based Apriori algorithm for unit's bidding ability assessment, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005,2:863 – 867. (EI收錄)
47. H.W. Yan, R. Ma, X.J. Tong, SLIQ in data mining and application in the generation unit's bidding decision system of electricity market, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005. (EI收錄)
48. R. Ma, H.W. Yan, X.J. Tong, Multiobjective fuzzy optimal transaction planning based optimal power flow for electricity market, Power Engineering Conference, 2005. IPEC 2005. The 7th International, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2005. (EI收錄)
49. Felix.F. Wu, Xiaojiao. Tong , Jifeng Su, Quadratic Approximation and Visualization of Online Contract-Based Available Transfer Capability Region of Power Systems, Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-VI, August 22-27, 2004, Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy.


獲湖南省自然科學二等獎1項(排名第一),先後主持國家自然科學基金項目 6項,湖南省自然科學基金項目3項,湖南省教育廳重點和青年項目各1項;獲國家科學技術學術著作出版資助,出版專著1部,發表學術論文70餘篇,其中SCI、EI檢索40餘篇;培養研究生20餘人;多次應邀到澳大利亞新南威爾大學、中國香港大學、中國香港理工大學、中國香港城市大學、中國香港浸會大學。