共找到3條詞條名為黃曉婷的結果 展開







2011-至今 幼兒教育質量評估工具的開發與實踐
2010-至今“Impact of Vocational Education and Training”職教影響項目
2010-2011 “Financial Asset Building”FAB項目
Wang L; Huang X; Schnell J. (2014). Communicative Representations of Chinese “Gao-Kao” High Stakes Testing Using Paralleled Testing in the U.S. as Cross-Cultural Context. American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2014, 2, (2), 33-37.
黃曉婷,宋映泉.(2013). 學前教育的質量與表現性評價——以幼兒園過程性質量評價為例 //北京大學教育評論 2013,11(1):2-10
Wang L; Huang X; Schnell J. (2013). Using Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad to Interpret Chinese “Gao-Kao” High Stakes Testing and Stressing ? Paralleled Testing in the U.S. as Cross-Cultural Context. KOME ? An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. 2013,1(2)2, 55-63.
Loyalka, P; Liu, CF; Song, YQ; Yi, HM ; Huang, XT; Wei, JG ; Zhang, LX; Shi, YJ ; Chu, J; Rozelle, S. (2013) Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS . 41(4), 1012-1025.
Huang, X. (2012) 從當代教育測量學角度看我國高考研究. 教育與考試. (已接受))
Wang, L. & Huang, X. (2012) 高中英語學習策略量表編製與Rasch多維度分析. 心理學探新, 32 (1).
Tan, S.H. & Huang, X. (2012) 我國教育評價現狀與改進建議. 中國教育學刊,2012 (1).
Huang, X. & Song, Y. & Prashant, L. (2012) 運用Rasch方法測量中國學前教育中師生互動質量 (Measuring the quality of teacher-child interaction in China’s preschools: A Rasch Measurement Approach). 2012 PROMS亞太地區客觀測量學術論壇大會報告.
Huang, X. & Prashant, L. (2012) 通過建立縱向鏈接量表測量中國某省中職學校增值情況(Constructing Vertically Scaled Math Tests to Measure the Value-Add in China’s VET Schools). 2012 IMPS國際心理計量學會年會大會報告.
Huang, X. (2011) PISA 2006 科學測試試題對中美學生的的功能一致性研究 (The Functional Equivalence of the PISA 2006 Science Assessment between U.S. and Chinese Students.). 2011 AERA 年會全文收錄並作大會報告
Huang, X. (2011) 分析PISA 2006 科學測試對中國內地與香港學生的公平性(The Measurement Equivalence of the PISA 2006 Science Assessment between Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Students). 2011年國際心理計量學年會大會報告
Huang, X. & Zhang, Y. (2008) 劍橋少兒英語考試中所測量的語言技巧與知識元素分析(Language Skills and Components Measured in the Cambridge Young Learner’s English Tes)t. (paper accepted for presentation at 2008 AERA meeting in NYC) 2008 AERA 年會全文收錄並作大會報告
Lee, Y & Huang, X. (2008) 通過數據模擬研究多層線性回歸中的共線性和去中效應(A Simulation Study of Collinearity and Centering Effects in HLM). (accepted for poster presentation at 2008 NCME meeting in NYC) 2008 NCME 年會海報
Converse, P., Wolfe, E. W., and Huang, X. (2008) 紙質與郵件的混合型問卷問卷形式對問卷回收率的影響(Response Rates for Mixed-Mode Surveys Using Mail and Email/Web). American Journal of Evaluation, 29, 99-107. 《美國評價學刊》第29期
Wang, L., and Huang, X. (2006). 國際教育成就評價協會兒童認知發展狀況測驗項目功能差異分析.《考試研究》2006第4期
Huang, X., Wolfe, E., W. & Oswald, Frederick L. (2006) 比較回答紙質問卷和網路問卷人群的特徵差異 (A Comparison of the Characteristics of Respondents to Paper- and Web-Based Surveys). (presentation at 2006 AERA meeting in San Francisco) 2006 AERA 年會全文收錄並作大會報告
Huang, X. & Wang,. L. (2006) 國際教育成就評價協會兒童認知發展狀況測驗中英文版本的項目反應差異分析(Validity Equivalence Between the Chinese and English Versions of the IEA Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test). (presentation at the 13th International Objective Measurement Workshop in Berkeley) 2006 IOMW 年會全文收錄並作大會報告
Huang, X. & Wolfe, E, W. (2005) 學齡前兒童語言發展水平測試對中美兒童的公平性分析(Explanations of Translation Differences on Chinese and English versions of a Language Test for Preschooler). (presentation at 2005 AERA meeting in Montreal) 2005 AERA 年會全文收錄並作大會報告


2010 教育學 博士美國加州大學伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley
專業方向:量化研究和評估(Quantitative Method and Evaluation)
2007 教育學 碩士學位美國加州大學伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)
2002 英語語言文學 學士學位上海外國語大學

