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世界英語教師協會是世界上最具權威性的英語語言教學學術機構,目前其註冊成員已近兩萬人,其中大多數都是在本國乃至國際範圍內有一定成就的專家,學者,這些成員遍布世界各地. 劉駿博士成為TESOL史上唯一一位來自非英語母語國家的主席,同時也是TESOL自成立四十多年以來最年輕的主席. 劉駿博士當選為主席,是中國英語教育步入世界英語教學先進行列的開端,這不僅僅是他個人的驕傲,同時也是所有非英語母語國家英語教師的驕傲,是中國的驕傲.
劉駿博士出生於中國的蘇州常熟。二十世紀九十年代,他赴美深造,一九九六年在美國俄亥俄州立大學獲得了第二語言習得以及外語教學博士學位以後,留校任教。兩年後在美國第二語言習得方面名聲顯赫的美國亞利桑那大學又不惜餘力聘任 劉駿博士到該校執教,並破格聘其為終身教授.
自二00三年八月 劉駿博士受聘到 汕頭大學,擔任英語語言中心主任一職以來,他全面負責學校基礎英語教學工作,具體包括教學大綱,課程設置,教材選用,教師職業發展及評估,確立研究項目,舉辦國際學術年會,創辦專業雜誌,指導教師科研活動和學生課外活動等。此外,為從教學第一線上更直接地了解學生學習英語的情況, 劉駿博士還擔任一至兩個班的教學任務,以利於制定英語語言中心未來的發展規劃.
Professor and Head of the Department of English in the College of Humanities at The University of Arizona, and faculty member of both English Language/Linguistics (EL/L) and the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program. He is the Past President of TESOL (Teachers of English to the Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.) for 2007-2008. He is also Executive Director of the English Language Center at Shantou University in Guangdong, China.
Scholarly books and monographs
English Language Teaching: New Perspectives, Approaches, and Standards. (Forthcoming by the Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., London. (425 pp.)
Peer Response in Second Language Writing Classrooms.
Published in May 2002 by Michigan University Press, Ann Arbor, MI. (182 pp.), co-authored with J. Hansen.
Asian Students' Classroom Communication Patterns in U.S. Universities. Published in October 2001 by Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. Westport, CT. (270 pp.)
The following textbooks and teacher resource books were published in China:
Studying in the United States: Strategies and Cultural Implications. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. 2007 (co-authored with W. Wang). 228 pp.
NorthStar Student Companion Books (1-5). Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. 2006 (chief-editor, and collaborated with 30 teachers at English Language Center, Shantou University, PRC). 1000 pp.
English Conversation for Businessmen. China Radio and TV Production Press. Beijing, China. 1992 (co-authored with W. Wang). 130 pp.
Manual of High School English Teachers in China. Hunan Education Press. Hunan, China. 1991 (co-edited with T. Wu et al.). 551 pp.
English Methodology. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China. 1990 (co-authored with C. T. Wu et al.). 300 pp.
Reading Comprehension. Zhejiang Education Press. Zhejiang, China. 1990 (co-authored with S. H. Wan et al.). 221 pp.
A Collection of English Games. People's Education Press. Beijing, China. 1990. 145 pp.
Cloze Test 100. Translation Publishing House. Shanghai, China. 1989. 160 pp.
Chapters in scholarly books and monographs
Chinese graduate teaching assistants teaching freshman composition to native English speaking students. In E. Llurda. Ed., Non-Native Language Teachers: Perceptions, Challenges, and Contributions to the Profession. Boston, MA: Springer, 2005. pp. 155-177.
Confessions of a Nonnative English-speaking professional. In L. Kamhi-Stein, Ed., Learning and Teaching from Experience: Perspectives on Nonnative English Speaking Professional. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004. Pp. 35-47.
Process drama in second/foreign language classrooms. In G. Brauer, Ed., Body and Language: Intercultural Learning Through Drama. Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. 2002, Pp. 147-65.
My writing from Chinese to English: Cultural transformation. In D. Belcher & U. Connor, Eds., Reflections on Multiliterate Lives. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 2001. Pp. 121- 31.
From their own perspectives: The impact of NNS professionals in ESL on their students. In G. Braine, Ed., Voices and Visions: Non-Native Educators in ELT. New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associations, Inc., 1999. Pp. 159-76.
Peer reviews with the instructor: Seeking alternatives. In J. C. Richards, Ed., Teaching in action: Case studies from second language classrooms. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, 1998. Pp. 236-40.
Helping two advanced ESL learners improve English speaking abilities. (Co-authored with K. Samimy). In J. C. Richards, Ed., Teaching in action: Case studies from second language classrooms. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, 1998. Pp. 321-24.