將經濟學分析方法與GIS技術應用到土地利用變化影響及對策研究,推動了經濟學與GIS技術之間的學科交叉及其綜合應用,如將計量經濟學分析方法引入柵格尺度土地利用變化的機制及影響分析,在研究土地用途轉換及優化管理時嵌入了基於遙感反演的耕地利用分解分析等。研究成果具有創新性,如基於縣域水平的實證研究解釋了經濟增長對城市用地擴張的影響,論證了適度的城市擴張並沒有造成國土資源過度流失,退耕還林還草工程帶來的耕地減少不會威脅我國的糧食產能等研究成果直接服務於國家土地利用管理與決策,撰寫一些政策簡報得到中辦與國辦採用和國家領導人批示。研發完成的具有自主知識產權的用地結構均衡分析(CGELUC)模型、土地系統動態(DLS)模型及發明專利在國家的部分縣市的生態建設規劃得到推廣應用。土地利用變化機制分析與影響評價的研究成果被高教出版社與 Springer出版集團資助出版,以英文專著的形式全球發行。
Xiangzheng Deng*, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle, et al., 2015. Impact of urbanization on cultivated land changes in China. Land Use Policy,45, 1–7.
Xiangzheng Deng*,Chunhong Zhao, 2015. Identification of Water Scarcity and Providing Solutions for Adapting to Climate Changes in the Heihe River Basin of China, Advances in Meteorology, Volume Article ID 279173, 13 pages.
Zhihui li, Xiangzheng Deng*, Feng Wu et al., 2015. Scenario Analysis for Water Resources in Response to Land Use Change in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Heihe River Basin. Sustainability 5, 7(3), 3086-3108.
Zhan Wang, Xiangzheng Deng*, Jiancheng Chen, 2015. Impacts of sparing use of water on farmer income of China.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C. 89–90, 18-24.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Xuemei Bai, 2014. Sustainable Urbanization in Western China. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 56(3): 12-24.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Jikun Huang, Yingzhi Lin et al., 2014. Climate Variations and Grassland Dynamics in Qinghai Province of China: A LUCD Model Based Numerical Experiment. Advances in Meteorology 2014.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Fan Zhang, Zhan Wang, et al., 2014. An Extended Input Output Table Compiled for Analyzing Water Demand and Consumption at County Level in China. Sustainability 6(6): 3301-3320.
Xiangzheng Deng*,Chunhong Zhao, 2014. Identification of water scarcity and providing solutions for adapting to climate changes in the Heihe River Basin of China. Advances in Meteorology.
Jiang Li, Enjun Ma, Xiangzheng Deng*, 2014. Impacts of Irrigation on the Heat Fluxes and Near-Surface Temperature in an Inland Irrigation Area of Northern China. Energies 7(3): 1300-1317.
Zhihui Li, Xiangzheng Deng*, Fang Yin, et al., 2014. Analysis of Climate and Land Use Changes Impacts on Land Degradation in the North China Plain. Advances in Meteorology.
Qian Zhang, Jeremy Wallace, Xiangzheng Deng*, et al., 2014. Central versus local states: Which matters more in affecting China's urban growth?. Land Use Policy 38: 487-496.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Jikun Huang, Yingzhi Lin, et al., 2013. Climate Variations and Grassland Dynamics in Qinghai Province of China: A LUCD Model Based Numerical Experiment. Advances in Meteorology 2013.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Haiyue Zhong, Xuemei Bai, et al., 2013. Opportunities and challenges for development of urbanization in Western China. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 11(3): 236-243.
Zhihui Li, Xiangzheng Deng*, Jikun Huang, et al., 2013. Critical studies on integrating land use induced effects on changes of climate regulation services into impact assessment of human well-being. Advances in Meteorology.
Xiangzheng Deng*, Jianzhi Han, Fang Yin, 2012. Net energy, CO2 emission and land-based cost-benefit analyses of Jatropha biodiesel: a case study of the Panzhihua region of Sichuan province in China." Energies 5(7): 2150-2164.
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