共找到118條詞條名為陳濤的結果 展開
- 山東藝術學院美術學院國畫系教師
- 福建省委網信辦副主任、室務會議成員
- 河南省禹州市委副書記、市長
- 中國職業足球運動員
- 科大訊飛執行總裁
- 天津大學化工學院教授
- 中國男作家
- 北京千思文化傳播公司副總經理
- 江蘇省常州市委常委、宣傳部長
- 勝宏科技(惠州)股份有限公司董事長
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- 山東北城集團董事長
- 瓊海市市委常委
- 淮北市公安局刑事偵查支隊支隊長
- 北京朝陽區政協主席、黨組書記
- 寧波大學商學院教授
- 中共河南省鹿邑縣委常委、常務副縣長
- 革命烈士
- 義烏市公安局政治委員
- 西華師範大學副校長
- 中國科學技術大學教授
- 樂山市委督查室主任
- 福建莆田市委組織部幹部三科科長
- 《青春有你》學員
- 中國人民大學文學院教師
- 雲南省委統戰部紀檢組長
- 阜陽廣播電視台交通廣播主持人
- 定西市檔案局檔案管理科科長
- 瓦礫鄉人民政府鄉長
- 如來陳濤-E店寶創始人
- 西安海關黨組成員
- 潘口鄉黨委副書記、鄉長
- 浙江省舟山市直屬機關工作委員會書記
- 伊春市烏馬河區委常委、紀委書記
- 四川省價格認證中心副主任
- 中國航空集團黨組工作部團委副書記
- 貴州省第十三屆人民代表大會代表
- 河海大學副教授
- 海南省醫療保障局黨組成員、副局長
- 陳家溝陳氏二十一世嫡宗傳人
- 包頭包鋼醫院主任醫師
- 內江師範學院教授
- 鞍鋼集團設計研究院院長
- 《火力少年王3》中人物
- 湖北省潛江市廣播電視局局長
- 中國青年政治學院教育工作者
- 中共昆明市委政策研究室主任
- 國家稅務總局湛江市赤坎區稅務局副局長
- 西安鐵一中高中物理教師
- 中國美術學院雕塑系教師
- 琅琊區人民檢察院檢察長
- 湖北省武漢市硚口區發展和改革局局長
- 中國排球運動員
- 江西省殘疾人聯合會
- 黑龍江省哈爾濱市南崗區學雷鋒志願服務大隊大隊長
- 相聲演員
- 武打演員
- 外交學院副教授
- 西南財經大學博士研究生
- 高級計算機工程師
- 湖北三峽學院醫學院中醫系主任
- 四川農業大學理學院教授
- 豐溪鎮黨委副書記
- 六盤水市英雄協警
- 廣東省廣州市中級人民法院審判員
- 北京工業大學副研究員
- 中國地質大學珠寶學院副教授
- 福建省"148"指揮中心副主任
- 遼寧職業學院教授
- 對外經濟貿易大學金融學院教授
- 中國速度輪滑運動員
- 北京師範大學講師
- 廣西南寧市通用機械廠任廠長助理
- 上海核醫學專家
- 空間天氣學國家重點實驗室副研究員
- 安徽省馬鞍山市收藏家協會理事
- 上海綠地申花小將
- 成都銅雀台整形美容醫院醫生
- 武漢理工大學教授
- 導演
- 懷遠縣委組織部辦公室主任
- 四川省作家協會會員
- 桑德環境資源子公司總經理助理
- 紫砂工藝美術師
- 醫生
- 法學專家、西北政法大學教授
- 中國小童星
- 中國拳擊運動員
- 杭州銘醫整形執業醫師
- 大興街道辦事處副主任
- 辛亥革命烈士
- 阿壩州農業畜牧局副局長
- 上海電機學院外國語學院副教授
- 遼寧省教育廳科技處處長
- 三峽大學醫學院黨委書記
- 黔南州商務局調研員
- 德陽市經濟和信息化委員
- 已故摩托車愛好者
- 攀枝花市國有資產投資有限責任公司副總
- 安徽財經大學副教授、博士研究生
- 海南省十九大黨代表
- 郊納鎮紀委副書記
- 第二屆水利部綜合事業局“優秀青年”
- 北京市農村工作委員會副主任
- 新城街道幹部、駐水電廠社區工作組組長
- 保亭黎族苗族自治縣委宣傳部常務副部長
- 萍鄉市住房和城鄉建設局政務服務科科長
- 國家稅務總局潛江市稅務局黨委委員、副局長
- 武漢工商學院專職數學教師
- 武漢同濟醫院心臟大血管外科副主任醫師
- 成都瑞恩糖尿病醫院的副主任醫師
- 成都市龍泉驛區山泉街道辦事處副主任
- 貴州中醫藥大學第二附屬醫院醫師
- 武漢科技大學教授
- 湘潭市推進新型城鎮化工作領導小組辦公室主任
- 中科院武漢病毒研究所博士生導師
- 華東電力試驗研究院副總工程師兼安全監督與生產部主任
- 四川省自然資源廳總規劃師
國際期刊Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology的審稿編輯
Metabolic Engineeing, Biotechnology for Biofuels,Bioresource Technology,ACS Synthetic Biology,Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Micirobial Cell Factories, Journal of Biotechnology,Biotechnology Journal,Current Microbiology、生物工程學報,化工學報、化學進展等國內外學術期刊審稿人。學術成就:
1.Y Mao, J Fu, R Tao, C Huang, Z Wang*, YJ Tang, T Chen*, X Zhao. Systematic metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for industrial-level production of optically pure D-(-)-Acetoin. Green Chemistry,2017,19, 5691-5702.
2. G Huo, Y Zhu, Q Liu, R Tao, N Diao, Z Wang, T Chen*. Metabolic engineering of an E. coli ndh knockout strain for PHB production from mixed glucose‐xylose feedstock.Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.2017, 92(10):2739-2745.
3.Q Yuan, T Huang, P Li, T Hao, F Li, H Ma*, Z Wang*, X Zhao, T Chen*, I. Goryanin. Pathway-Consensus Approach to Metabolic Network Reconstruction for Pseudomonas putida KT2440 by Systematic Comparison of Published Models. PloS one,2017, 12 (1), e0169437.
4. Y Zhang, P Kang, S Liu, Y Zhao, Z Wang, T Chen*. glyA gene knock-out in Escherichia coli enhances L-serine production without glycine addition., Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2017, 22 (4), 390-396.
5. T Liu, YY Yu, T Chen, WN Chen. A synthetic microbial consortium of shewanella and bacillus for enhanced generation of bioelectricity. Biotechnology and bioengineering.2017, 114 (3), 526-532.
6. Z Li, J Meng, W Wang, Z Wang, M Li, T Chen, CJ Liu. The room temperature electron reduction for the preparation of silver nanoparticles on cotton with high antimicrobial activity. Carbohydrate Polymers.2017, 161, 270-276.
7.Y Zou, T Chen, L Feng, S Zhang, D Xing, Z Wang*. Enhancement of 5-aminolevulinic acid production by metabolic engineering of the glycine biosynthesis pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biotechnology Letters, 2017, 39(9):1369-1374.
8. A Kalantari, T Chen, B Ji, IA Stancik, V Ravikumar, D Franjevic, C. Saulou-Bérion, A. Goelzer, and Ivan Mijakovic..Conversion of glycerol to 3-hydroxypropanoic acid by genetically engineered Bacillus subtilis. Frontiers in microbiology.2017, 8:638
1.J Fu, G Huo, L Feng, Y Mao, Z Wang*, H Ma, T Chen*, X Zhao. Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis for chiral pure meso-2, 3-butanediol production.Biotechnology for biofuels. 2016.9:90
2.Lili Feng, Ya Zhang, Jing Fu, Tao Chen, Xueming Zhao,Zhiwen Wang *,Metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for efficient production of 5-aminolevulinic acid. Biotechnology and Bioengineering.2016.113(6):1284-1293.
3.Y Li, X Zhu, X Zhang, J Fu, Z Wang, T Chen*, X Zhao. Characterization of genome-reduced Bacillus subtilis strains and their application for the production of guanosine and thymidine. Microbial cell factories. 2016.15:94.
4.Bo Zhang, Xin-li Li, Fu Jing, Ning Li, Zhiwen Wang*,Ya-jie Tang, Tao Chen*.Production of Acetoin through Simultaneous Utilization of Glucose, Xylose, and Arabinose by Engineered Bacillus subtilis. PloS one. 2016,11 (7), e0159298.
5.JH Yu, LW Zhu, ST Xia, HM Li, YL Tang, XH Liang, T Chen, YJ Tang*.Combinatorial optimization of CO2 transport and fixation to improve succinate production by promoter engineering. Biotechnology & Bioengineering. 2016,113(7):1531-1541.
6.S Liu, P Kang, Z Cui, Z Wang, T Chen*. Increased riboflavin production by knockout of 6-phosphofructokinase I and blocking the Entner–Doudoroff pathway in Escherichia coli.Biotechnology letters. 2016.38(8):1307-1314.
7.Qinglong Meng, Yanfei Zhang, Xiaozhi Ju, Chunling Ma, Hongwu Ma*, Jiuzhou Chen, Ping Zheng, Jibin Sun, Jun Zhu, Yanhe Ma, Xueming Zhao, Tao Chen*.Production of 5-aminolevulinic acid by cell free multi-enzyme catalysis. Journal of Biotechnology. 2016;226:8–13.
8.Xiaoyan Yang, Qianqian Yuan, Yangyang Zheng, Hongwu Ma*, Tao Chen, Xueming ZhaoAn engineered non-oxidative glycolysis pathway for acetone production in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters. 2016, 38(8):1359-1365.
9.X Wang, G Wang, X Li, J Fu, T Chen, Z Wang*, X Zhao. Directed evolution of adenylosuccinate synthetase from Bacillus subtilis and its application in metabolic engineering. Journal of biotechnology. 2016.231:115-121.
10.J Meng, B Wang, D Liu, T Chen, Z Wang*, X Zhao. High-yield anaerobic succinate production by strategically regulating multiple metabolic pathways based on stoichiometric maximum in Escherichia coli. Microbial Cell Factories. 2016;15:141.
11.余君涵,馬雯雯,王智文,陳濤,趙學明。人工合成啟動子文庫研究進展。微生物學通報. 2016;43(1):198-204.
12.徐志博,林振泉,陳濤。大腸桿菌中核黃素的生物合成途徑改造及生產。化學工業與工程. 2016;33(2):114-119.
1.Yifan Li; Zhenquan Lin; Can Huang; Yan Zhang; Zhiwen Wang; Chen Tao*, Xueming Zhao.Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli using CRISPR-Cas9 meditated genome editing. Metabolic Engineering. 2015,31:13-21.27.
2. Zhang, Bo;Li, Ning;Wang, Zhiwen;Tang, Ya-Jie;Chen, Tao*Zhao, Xueming, Inverse metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis for xylose utilization based on adaptive evolution and whole-genome sequencing, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(2), pp 885-896, 2015/2/1.
3.Wang Xiaoyue, Wang Baiyun, Wang Zhiwen*, Chen Tao, Zhao Xueming. The research progress of protein directed evolution. Prog. Biochem. Biophys. 2015,42(2):123-131.
4.Ma, Wenwen;Wang, Xiaoyue;Mao, Yufeng;Wang, Zhiwen*;Chen, Tao;Zhao, Xueming, Development of a markerless gene replacement system in Corynebacterium glutamicumusing upp as a counter-selection marker., Biotechnology Letters,. 2015.37(3):609-617.
5.Zhibo Xu, Zhenquan Lin, ZhiwenWang, Tao Chen*. Improvement of the riboflavin production by engineering the precursors biosynthesis pathways inEscherichia coli.Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015,23(11):1834-1839.
6.Zhenquan Lin, Yan Zhang, Qianqian Yuan, Qiaojie Liu, Yifan Li, Zhiwen Wang, Hongwu Ma*, Tao Chen*, Xueming Zhao. Metabolic engineering ofEscherichia colifor poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production via threonine bypass.Microbial Cell Factories,2015,14:185.
7.QinglongMeng,YanfeiZhang,ChunlingMa,HongwuMa*,XuemingZhao,TaoChen.Purification and functional characterization of thermostable 5-aminolevulinic acid synthases.Biotechnology Letters,2015, 37(11):2247-2253.
10.朱旭軍,李一凡,李楊,付晶,王智文,陳濤*.陳濤枯草芽孢桿菌無標記遺傳操作技術研究進展2015, 42(12): 2440−2447.
11.李思夢;李曉靜;陳濤*,代謝工程方法改造大腸桿菌生產胸苷,生物工程學報, 31:01期, pp 105-114, 2015.
1 Qiaojie Liu; Zhenquan Lin; Yan Zhang; Yifan Li; Zhiwen Wang; Tao Chen*, Improved poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production in Escherichia coli by inactivation of cytochrome bd-II oxidase or/and NDH-II dehydrogenase in low efficient respiratory chains., Journal of Biotechnology, 192 Pt A卷, pp 170-176, 2014/12/20.
2. Yan Zhang,Zhenquan Lin,Qiaojie Liu,Yifan Li,Zhiwen Wang,Hongwu Ma,Tao Chen*,Xueming Zhao.Engineering of Serine-Deamination pathway, Entner-Doudoroff pathway and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex to improve poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production in Escherichia coli.Microbial Cell Factories.2014, 13(1):172.
3 Ning Li; Bo Zhang; Zhiwen Wang; Ya-Jie Tang; Tao Chen*; Xueming Zhao, Engineering Escherichia coli for fumaric acid production from glycerol., Bioresour Technol, 174C卷, pp 81-87, 2014/10/7.
4. Fu, Jing; Wang, Zhiwen; Chen, Tao*; Liu, Weixi; Shi, Ting; Wang, Guanglu; Tang, Ya-jie; Zhao, Xueming, NADH plays the vital role for chiral pure D-(-)-2,3-butanediol production in Bacillus subtilis under limited oxygen conditions., Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(10), pp 2126-2131, 2014/10.
5. Ma, Xianghui; Zhang, Xinbo; Wang, Baiyun; Mao, Yufeng; Wang, Zhiwen*; Chen, Tao*; Zhao, Xueming, Engineering microorganisms based on molecular evolutionary analysis: a succinate production case study., Evolutionary Applications, 7(8), pp 913-920, 2014/9.
6. Wang Baiyun; Wang Xiaoyue; Wang Zhiwen*; Chen Tao; Zhao Xueming, Redox Cofactor Metabolic Engineering with Escherichia coli, Progress in Chemistry, 26(9), pp 1609-1618, 2014/9.
7. Lin, Zhenquan; Xu, Zhibo; Li, Yifan; Wang, Zhiwen*; Chen, Tao*; Zhao, Xueming, Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of riboflavin, Microbial Cell Factories, 13卷, 2014/7/16.2014, 13:104
8. Shi, Ting; Wang, Yongcheng; Wang, Zhiwen*; Wang, Guanglu; Liu, Dingyu; Fu, Jing; Chen, Tao; Zhao, Xueming, Deregulation of purine pathway in Bacillus subtilis and its use in riboflavin biosynthesis, Microbial Cell Factories, 13:101, 2014/7/15.
9.Wang, Guanglu; Bai, Ling; Wang, Zhiwen*; Shi, Ting; Chen, Tao; Zhao, Xueming, Enhancement of riboflavin production by deregulating gluconeogenesis in Bacillus subtilis., World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 30(6), pp 1893-1900, 2014/6.
10.賈慧慧;李曉靜;陳濤*;趙學明, 微生物發酵法生產L-絲氨酸及L-半胱氨酸研究進展, 中國生物工程雜誌, 05期, pp 100-106, 2014/5/15.
11. Yang, Jiangang; Wang, Zhiwen; Zhu, Nianqing; Wang, Baiyun; Chen, Tao*; Zhao, Xueming, Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli and in silico comparing of carboxylation pathways for high succinate productivity under aerobic conditions, Microbiological Research, 169(5–6), pp 432-440, 2014/5.
12.馬紅武;劉會娟;朱年青;陳濤*, 代謝工程方法改造谷氨酸棒狀桿菌生產乙偶姻, 天津大學學報(自然科學與工程技術版), 11期, pp 967-972, 2014/4.
13. Zhu, Nianqing; Xia, Huihua; Yang, Jiangang; Zhao, Xueming; Chen, Tao*, Improved succinate production in Corynebacterium glutamicum by engineering glyoxylate pathway and succinate export system, Biotechnology Letters, 36(3), pp 553-560, 2014/3.
14. 李桂瑩;張新波;王智文*;石婷;陳濤;趙學明, 逆向代謝工程的最新研究進展, 生物工程學報, 08期, pp 1151-1163, 2014/3.
15. Tao Chen; Nianqing Zhu; Huihua Xia, Aerobic production of succinate from arabinose by metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum, Bioresource Technology, 151(5–6), pp 411-414, 2014/1.
16. 夏慧華;尹國民;朱年青;陳濤*, 谷氨酸棒桿菌生產琥珀酸的代謝工程研究進展, 微生物學通報, 05期, pp 943-949, 2014
1.Hao, Tong;Han, Binbin;Ma, Hongwu;Fu, Jing;Wang, Hui;Wang, Zhiwen;Tang, Bincai; Chen, Tao*;Zhao, Xueming*, 2013, In silico metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis for improved production of riboflavin, Egl-237, (R,R)-2,3-butanediol and isobutanol, Molecular Biosystems, 9(8), pp 2034-2044 (SCI, IF=3.350(2012))
2.Zhu, Nianqing;Xia, Huihua;Wang, Zhiwen;Zhao, Xueming;Chen, Tao*, 2013, Engineering of Acetate Recycling and Citrate Synthase to Improve Aerobic Succinate Production in Corynebacterium glutamicum, PLos One, 8(4), (SCI, IF=3.730(2012)
3.劉維喜;付晶;章博;陳濤*, 2013, 微生物木糖代謝途徑改造製備生物基化學品, 生物工程學報, (08), pp 1161-1172
4.鄭宗寶;趙美娜;陳濤*;趙學明, 2013, 基於重組策略的一體化生物加工過程最新進展, 生物工程學報, (10), pp 1354-1362
5.顧群;李一凡;陳濤*, 2013, 合成生物系統的組合優化, 生物工程學報, (08), pp 1064-1074
6.湯彬彩;郝彤;袁倩倩;陳濤;馬紅武*, 2013, 一種基於代謝網路分析最小化基因組的方法及其在大腸桿菌中的應用, 生物工程學報, (08), pp 1173-1184
7.Li, Yifan;Gu, Qun;Lin, Zhenquan;Wang, Zhiwen;Chen, Tao*;Zhao, Xueming, 2013, Multiplex Iterative Plasnnid Engineering for Combinatorial Optimization of Metabolic Pathways and Diversification of Protein Coding Sequences, ACS Synthetic Biology, 2(11), pp 651-661 (SCI, IF=(2012))
8.Li-Wen Zhu;Xiao-Hong Li;Lei Zhang;Hong-Mei Li;Jian-Hua Liu;Zhan-Peng Yuan;Tao Chen;Ya-Jie Tang*, 2013, Activation of glyoxylate pathway without the activation of its related gene in succinate-producing engineered Escherichia coli, Metabolic Engineering, 20(4), pp 9-19 (EI, SCI, IF=6.859(2012))
9.Shi, Ting;Wang, Guanglu;Wang, Zhiwen*;Fu, Jing;Chen, Tao;Zhao, Xueming, 2013, Establishment of a Markerless Mutation Delivery System in Bacillus subtilis Stimulated by a Double-Strand Break in the Chromosome, PLos One, 8(11), (SCI, IF=3.730(2012))
10.Li, Ning;Zhang, Bo;Chen, Tao*;Wang, Zhiwen;Tang, Ya-jie;Zhao, Xueming, 2013, Directed pathway evolution of the glyoxylate shunt in Escherichia coli for improved aerobic succinate production from glycerol, Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 40(12), pp 1461-1475 (SCI, IF=2.321(2012))
11.Liu, Rui-Sang; Zhou, Huan;Li, Hong-Mei;Yuan, Zhan-Peng;Chen, Tao;Tang, Ya-Jie*, 2013, Metabolism of L-methionine linked to the biosynthesis of volatile organic sulfur-containing compounds during the submerged fermentation of Tuber melanosporum, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97(23), pp 9981-9992 (EI, SCI, IF=3.689(2012))
12.Tao Chen*;Weixi Liu;Jing Fu;Bo Zhang;Ya-jie Tang, 2013, Engineering Bacillus subtilis for acetoin production from glucose and xylose mixtures, Journal of Biotechnology, 168(4), pp 499-505 (EI, SCI, IF=3.183(2012))
1.Zheng, Zongbao; Chen, Tao*;Zhao, Meina;Wang, Zhiwen;Zhao, Xueming, 2012, Engineering Escherichia coli for succinate production from hemicellulose via consolidated bioprocessing, Microbial Cell Factories, 11, (EI, SCI, IF=3.5520(2011),
2.Wang, Qingzhao;Chen, Tao; Zhao, Xueming;Chamu, Jauhleene, 2012, Metabolic engineering of thermophilic Bacillus licheniformis for chiral pure D-2,3-butanediol production, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(7), pp 1610-1621 (SCI, IF=3.9460(2011)
3.Wang, Meng;Fu, Jing; Zhang, Xueyu;Chen, Tao*, 2012, Metabolic engineering of Bacillus subtilis for enhanced production of acetoin, Biotechnology Letters, 34(10), pp 1877-1885 (EI, SCI, IF=1.853(2012)
4.付晶;王萌;劉維喜;陳濤*;FuJingWangMengLiuWeixiChenTao(KeyLaborato, 2012, Latest Advances of Microbial Production of 2,3-Butanediol, Progress in Chemistry, 24(11), pp 2268-2276 (SCI, IF=0.670(2012)).