reaction orin reactio
1992.9-1996.6 在山東輕工業學院材料系學習,獲學士學位
1996.9-1999.4 在浙江大學材料系學習,攻讀碩士學位,主要從事納米複合發光材料的研究
1999.9-2002.6 在山東大學晶體材料國家重點實驗室攻讀博士學位,主要從事氮化物微/納米材料的軟化學合成研究
2002.7-2004.8 山東大學晶體所 講師
2004.9-2006.8 山東大學晶體所 副教授
2005.4-2005.6 新加坡國立大學 訪問學者
2006.9至今 山東大學晶體所 教授
1. A facile sulfur vapor assisted reaction method to grow boron nitride nanorings at relative low temperature, J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 19188
2. Synthesis of GaN nanospindles via a facile solid-state reactio route, Journal of Crystal Growth 280 (2005) 341
3. Synthesis of Cubic Boron Nitride at Low-Temperature and Low-Pressure Conditions Chemistry of Materials,13(2001)2457
Hard cheese to hot squeeze, Nature, (作者Philip Ball, * 對Chem. Mater.文章的專門報道),2001
Soft chemistry method developed for the synthesis of cubic boron nitride, MRS Bull., (作者Cora Linda, * 對Chem. Mater.文章的專門報道)
4. A novel hydrothermal route to synthesize boron nitride nanocrystals,Inor.Chem.Commu.,7(2004)592
5. Synthesis of cubic boron nitride by structural induction effect, J.Cryst. Growth,270(2004)192
6. Synthesis and optical absorption investigation on GaP/GaN core/shell nanocomposite materials, Mater. Lett. 61(2007)523
7. The effect of temperature on the synthesis of BN nanocrystals, J. Cryst. Growth, 241(2002)124
8. Synthesize AlN Nanocrystals in Organic Solvent at Atmospheric Pressure, J. Cryst. Growth, 242(2002)229
9. A Novel Synthetic Route to Prepare Cubic BN Nanocrystals, Mater. Res. Bull., 37(2002)2085
10 The Activation of Benzene Molecules by BN Nanocrystals, Mater. Lett. 57(2002)703
1.水熱條件下製備氮化物超微粉和氮化物晶體的方法,ZL 02110066.7
2.製備氮化物納米微粉的方法,ZL 01115125.0
3.GaAsSb/InP雙異質結晶體三極體及其製備方法,ZL 01115034.3
4.一種在水熱條件下多步原位反應製備氮化物微晶和體塊晶體的方法,ZL 03111724.4
5.用於控制水熱和溶劑熱反應過程的高壓反應釜,ZL 03112453.4
1.2英寸以上半絕緣SiC材料與GaN HEMT微波功率器件,863計劃,100萬,2007-2010
3.2007年度教育部新世紀優秀人才獎勵基金, 50萬 2008-2010