
2015年1月22日,首屆“絲綢之路學術帶”高端國際論壇暨“絲綢之路經濟帶研究協同創新中心”揭牌儀式在西安交通大學成功舉行。在此論壇上,西安交通大學校長王樹國向來自中國、哈薩克、俄羅斯、土耳其、印度、巴基斯坦、新加坡、波蘭等12個國家的100餘位與會嘉賓和專家,發出了“加強高等教育合作,攜手共創美好未來——創建新絲綢之路大學聯盟”的倡議,誠邀海內外名校在2015年5月22日至26日,在陝西省委省政府舉辦的“絲綢之路國際博覽會”上,共同發起成立“新絲綢之路大學聯盟”(University Alliance of the New Silk Road,縮寫UASR)。
西 安 宣 言
於中國 西安
May 22, 2015
Xi’an, China
Xi’an Declaration
“The Silk Road is a path to win-win cooperation promoting common development and prosperity and a road towards peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding, trust, and all-round exchanges.” Over the past 2,100 years, the Silk Road spanned across Europe and Asia making histories in the confluence of civilizations, business interoperability, cultural development, and human and social interactions. The belief of openness, cooperation, harmony, and inclusiveness is forged to last.
Civilization is diversified by communications and enriched by mutual learning. Against the backdrop of globalization, the trend of higher education in collaboration and integration is getting inevitable. Today, representatives of about a hundred universities from countries and regions around the world gather at Xi’an, China, the starting point of the Silk Road, on an equal and cooperative basis, to establish the ‘University Alliance of the New Silk Road’ (UANSR) to contribute to the common development of civilizations and the open collaboration in higher education.
UANSR will advocate the spirit of the Silk Road – ‘peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit’ - to establish cooperative education platforms and further regional development. It will advocate the concept of “Silk Road Academic Belt” to facilitate cooperation among member universities in the fields of inter-university exchange, talent nurturing, research collaborations, cultural exchange, policy studies, and medical and health service collaborations etc., strengthening the understanding and friendship across different countries.
Admiring the full moon in Chang’an and sharing countless stories of the Silk Road, we explore the opportunities in higher education and promote the friendship between different nations. Standing at the new starting point of the Silk Road, all members of UANSR will uphold the belief of unity in diversity, openness, and inclusiveness to formulate strategic development for a bright future!
西 安 共 識
The Xi’an Consensus
Embracing the spirit of the Silk Road– ‘peace and friendship, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit’, We, the representative members of the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR), are committed to promoting the openness and cooperation in higher education. Advocating the exchanges and mutual learning among diverse cultures, we are devoted to the common prosperity of humankind. We hereby adopt the UASR Charter at the first Executive Council meeting held today in Xi’an, the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, and reach upon the following consensus:
——Adhering to the principle of consultation and joint construction, we shall improve the institutional system and operationalmechanism of the Alliance.UASR shall establish the information platform to facilitate cooperation among the members, and promote regional and specialized sub-alliances of under the framework of the UASR charter.
——Advocating the spirit of openness and inclusiveness, we shall initiate the joint-training and the cooperative education.UASR shall promote multiple forms of cooperation in talent cultivation, expanding the scale of student exchange and cultivating high-level and interdisciplinary talents with an international vision.
——Upholding the concept of extensive exchanges and mutual learning, we shall organize various activities to enhance cultural dialogues and cooperation.UASR shall carry out the collaborations in the fields of culture, science & technology and sports to boost the exchanges among members and strengthen the friendship in the young generations.
——Acknowledging the commitment of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, we shall support multi-tieredandwide-ranging cooperation in research.UASR shall enhance the cooperation in science and technology in order to establish joint research centers and international technology transfer centers. The alliance shall promote cooperation between think-tanks of different members and countries. Focusing on the major issue concerning the development of human beings, UASR shall form inter-displinaryandcross-cultural research centers to develop significant collaborative platforms.
The Silk Road has witnessed a long history of openness and cooperation in global scale. Today, once again, it is witnessing the openning of a new page of educational cooperation in the ancient city of Chang’an, for the "glory of the world". Hereby We all Members of the UASR sincerelyundertake to pursue our common goal for the openness and cooperation in higher education, and to strive for the sustainable development and common prosperity of all humankind!
(This consensus was written in Chinese and English and adopted on 9 April 2016 in Xi’an, China.)
截止2016年4月9日,已有哈爾濱工業大學、香港理工大學、香港大學、香港中文大學、香港城市大學、景德鎮陶瓷學院、莫斯科鮑曼國立技術大學、莫斯科動力工程學院、哈薩克那扎爾巴耶夫大學、哈薩克國立大學、吉爾吉斯國立師範大學、吉爾吉斯國立建設交通與建築大學、法國中央高等電力學院、科英布拉大學、義大利米蘭理工大學、英國利物浦大學、巴基斯坦科技大學、新加坡國立大學、韓國釜山大學、泰國清邁大學、芬蘭坦佩雷理工大學、河南科技大學、西安交通大學、西北大學、陝西師範大學、西安電子科技大學、長安大學、延安大學、西安理工大學、北華大學 等來 自31個國家和地區的128所大學先後加入該聯盟。