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- 清華大學博士
- 安徽工程大學材料科學與工程學院院長
1. 介電、鐵電和反鐵電陶瓷與器件
2. 壓電陶瓷和單晶的研究(無鉛化)
3. 鐵電和壓電薄膜和厚膜製備和器件工藝
4. 功能複合物陶瓷和梯度功能陶瓷
5. 低溫共燒陶瓷的研究(LTCC)
6. 納米鐵電體的製備和燒結
1. Ruzhong Zuo, Xusheng Fang and Chun Ye, “Phase Structures and Electrical Properties of New Lead Free (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 Ceramics” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(9) 092904 (2007)
2. Ruzhong Zuo, Xusheng Fang and Chun Ye, “Phase Transitional Behavior and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead Free (Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-(Bi0.5K0.5)TiO3”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., in press, (2007).
3. Ruzhong Zuo, Torsten Granzow, Doru C. Lupascu and Jürgen R?del, “Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Ceramics Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90(4) 1101-1104 (2007)
4. Longjie Zhou, Georg Rixecker and Fritz Aldinger, Ruzhong Zuo and Zhe Zhao “Electric Fatigue in Ferroelectric Lead Zirconate Stannate Titanate Ceramics Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89(12)3868-70 (2006)
5. Kyle G. Webber, Ruzhong Zuo, Christopher S. Lynch, Micromechanical modeling of PMN-32%PT ceramic based on single crystal properties. Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications. Edited by Osinski, Marek; Yamamoto, Kenji; Jovin, Thomas M. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6170, pp. 21-29 (2006)
6. Ruzhong Zuo, Jürgen R?del, Renzheng Chen and Longtu Li, “Sintering and Electrical Properties of Lead-free Piezoelectric Na0.5K0.5NbO3 Ceramics,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89(6) 2010-2015 (2006)
7. Longjie Zhou, Ruzhong Zuo, G. Rixecker, A. Zimmermann, T. Utschig and Fritz Aldinger, “Electric Fatigue in Antiferroelectric PZST Ceramics Induced by Bipolar Electric Cycling,” J. Appl. Phys., 99, 044102, (2006)
8. Rajendra K. Bordia, Ruzhong Zuo, Olivier Guillon, Samuel M. Salamone and Jürgen R?del, “Anisotropic Constitutive Laws for Sintering Bodies,” Acta Materialia, 54, 111-118, (2006)
9. Ruzhong Zuo, and Jürgen R?del, “Continual Mechanical Approach to Sintering of Nanocrystalline Zirconia,” Adv. Engi. Mater., 7(10) 949-952 (2005)
10. Rongjun Xie, Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach, Uwe Mackens, Naoto Hirosaki and Jürgen R?del, “Uniaxial Viscosity of Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics (LTCC)Powder Compacts Determined by Loading Dilatometry,” J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 25(4): 417-424 (2005)
11. Ruzhong Zuo and Jürgen R?del, “Temperature Dependence of Constitutive Behavior for Solid State Sintering of Alumina,” Acta Materialia, 52(10) 3059-3067 (2004)
12. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach and Jürgen R?del, “Shrinkage-Free Sintering of Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics by Loading Dilatometry,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 87(3)526-28 (2004)
13. Emil Aulbach, Ruzhong Zuo and Jürgen R?del, “Laser-Assisted High Resolution Loading Dilatometer and Applications,” Experimental Mechanics, 44(1)71-75 (2004)
14. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach and Jürgen R?del, “Experimental Determination of Sintering Stresses and Sintering Viscosities,” Acta Materialia, 51(15) 4563-4574(2003)
15. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach, Rajendra K. Bordia and Jürgen R?del, “Critical Evalution of Hot Forging Experiments: Case Study in Alumina,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 86(7), 1099-1105 (2003)
16. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach and Jürgen R?del, “Viscous Poisson’s Coefficient Determined by Discontinuous Hot Forging,” J. Mater. Res., 18(9) 2170-2176 (2003)
17. Ruzhong Zuo, Longtu Li, Zhilun Gui, Takfu Hung and Zhengkui Xu, “TEM and EDS Investigation of Heterogeneous Interfaces in Cofired Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors,” Mater. Sci. & Engi.B, 95(1) 1-5 (2002)
18. Ruzhong Zuo, Longtu Li, Zhilun Gui, Xiaobing Hu and Chenxiang Ji, “Effects of Additives on the Interfacial Microstructure of Electrode-Ceramic Multilayer Systems,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85(4) 787-93 (2002)
19. Ruzhong Zuo, Longtu Li, Chenxiang Ji, Xiaobing Hu and Zhilun Gui, “Cofiring Characteristics and Dielectric Properties for Dielectric Composites with Macroscopic Inhomogeneity and X7R Characteristics,” J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 21, 2925-2929 (2001)
20. Ruzhong Zuo, Longtu Li, Renzheng Chen and Zhilun Gui, “Sintering Characteristics and Dielectric Properties of Silver-Doped PMN-PZN-PT Relaxor Ferroelectric Ceramics,” J. Mater. Sci., 35, 5433-5436 (2000)
1. Ruzhong Zuo, Longtu Li, Zhilun Gui, Mechanism and controlling of Silver Migration in cofired multilayer devices with Ag-Pd Inner electrodes, 第三屆亞洲鐵電會議,香港, 2000年12月。(海報)
2. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach and Juergen Roedel, Experimentally-Determined Viscous Poisson's Coefficient and Thin Film Sintering, 第105屆美國陶瓷學會年會,納什維爾,美國,2003年4月。(口頭報告)
3. Ruzhong Zuo, Emil Aulbach and Juergen Roedel, Experimental Determination of Sintering Stresses and Sintering Viscosities, 第8屆歐洲陶瓷會議及展覽會,伊斯坦布爾,土耳其,2003年6月。(口頭報告)
4. Ruzhong Zuo and Juergen Roedel, Application of Continuum Mechanical Formulations to Thin Film Sintering, 第五屆環太平洋先進材料和工藝國際會議,北京,2004年11月。 (口頭報告)
5. RuzhongZuo and Juergen Roedel, Preparation and Electrical Properties of Lead-Free Na0.5K0.5NbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics, 第9屆歐洲陶瓷會議及展覽會,斯洛維尼亞, 2005年6月。(口頭報告)