2006年7月在中科院生態環境研究中心獲博士學位,2005年11月至2006年5月於美國Wayne State University交流學習,2009年11月至2011年12於日本東京大學作博士后研究(JSPS特別研究員)。2006年博士畢業后留在中科院生態環境研究中心任助理研究員,2009年3月任項目副研究員,2012年從東京大學作博士后出站后回到中科院生態環境研究中心任副研究員。主要從事土壤污染控制原理和技術方面的研究,研究內容包括微量元素(主要是重金屬元素)在土壤-植物系統中遷移轉化的化學與生物學機制,農業環境中重金屬等污染物的健康風險與控制技術。在國內外學術刊物上發表論文30餘篇,其中國外SCI收錄雜誌20餘篇,影響因子大於6的論文9篇,論文被他人正面引用300來次,參與出版專著2部。
Duan GL, Hu Y, Schneider S, McDermott J, Chen J, Sauer N, Rosen BP, Daus B, Liu ZJ and Zhu YG. Inositol transporters AtINT2 and AtINT4 regulate arsenic accumulation in Arabidopsis seeds. Nature Plants
Chen SC, Peng JJ, Duan GL*, Enrichment of functional microbes and genes during pyrene degradation in two different soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments
Hu Y, Norton GH, Duan GL*, Huang YC, Liu YX. Effect of selenium fertilization on the accumulation of cadmium and lead in rice plants. Plant and Soil
Duan GL, Liu WJ, Chen XP, Hu Y and Zhu YG. Association of arsenic with nutrient elements in rice plants. Metallomics
Duan GL, Kamiya T, Ishikawa S, Arao T, Fujiwara T*. Expressing ScACR3 in Rice Enhanced Arsenite Efflux and Reduced Arsenic Accumulation in rice grains. Plant and Cell Physiology
Duan GL, Zhang HM, Liu YX, Jia Y, Hu Y, Cheng WD. Long-term fertilization with pig-biogas residues results in heavy metal accumulation in paddy field and rice grains in Jiaxing of China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Duan GL, Hu Y, Liu WJ, Kneer R, Zhao FJ, Zhu YG. Evidence for a role of phytochelatins in regulating arsenic accumulation in rice grain. Environmental and Experimental Botany
Zhang J; Zhao QZ; Duan GL*; Huang YC. Influence of sulphur on arsenic accumulation and metabolism in rice seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany
Duan GL, Zhou Y, Tong YP, Mukhopadhyay R, Rosen B, Zhu YG, A CDC25 homologue from rice functions as an arsenate reductase. New Phytologist
Duan GL, Zhu YG, Tong YP, Cai C, Kneer R. Characterization of Arsenate Reductase in the Extract of Roots and Fronds of Chinese Brake Fern, an Arsenic Hyperaccumulator. Plant Physiology