共找到4條詞條名為陳士林的結果 展開



陳士林,首席研究員,現任中國中醫科學院中藥研究所所長,世界衛生組織傳統醫學合作中心主任,國際歐亞科學院院士,CGCM(中藥全球化聯盟)副主席。曾任中國醫學科學院藥用植物研究所所長、香港理工大學客座教授,並在英國皇家植物園丘園接受專業培訓、哈佛醫學院Mclean醫院做訪問學者等。現兼任日本東京藥科大學客座教授、美國藥典傳統中藥諮詢組委員等。為教育部長江學者和創新團隊計劃負責人,擔任APSB,Chinese Medicine,CHM,《藥學學報》等刊副主編。




通過全基因組解析提出靈芝為首個中藥基原藥用模式真菌,被Nature China選為中國最佳研究亮點推介;完成並發表人蔘、丹參赤芝、菊花、卷柏、穿心蓮、紫芝等全基因組圖譜和相關組學研究,成功培育並獲批6個中藥材新品種證書或良種證書,主編並開拓奠定《本草基因組學》學科基礎並由科學出版社出版,列為全國高等醫藥院校規劃教材;
獲國家發明專利和美國專利授權36項,發表論文400餘篇,其中SCI論文200餘篇,包括國際著名期刊Nature Communications, PNAS等,論文被他引2.2萬餘次,H指數65(Google Scholar),連續五年入選Elsevier高被引中國學者榜單。
1.Shilin Chen*.; Xu, J.; Liu, C.; Zhu, Y.; Nelson, D. R.; Zhou, S.; Li, C.; Wang, L.; Guo, X.; Sun, Y.; H Luo, Y Li, J Song, B Henrissat, A Levasseur, J Qian, J Li, X Luo, L Shi, LHe, L Xiang, X Xu, Y Niu, Q Li, Mira V. Han, H Yan, J Zhang, H Chen, A Lv, ZWang, M Liu, David C. Schwartz & C Sun*. Genome sequence of the model medicinal mushroomGanoderma lucidum.Nature communications 2012, 3, 913.
2.Song, C; Liu, Y; Song, A; Dong, G; Zhao, H; Sun, W; Ramakrishnan, Shyam; Wang, Y; Wang, S; Li, T; Niu, Y; Jiang, J; Dong, B; Xia, Y; Chen, S; Hu, Z; Chen, F; Chen, Shilin, The Chrysanthemum nankingense genome provides insights into the evolution and diversification of chrysanthemum flowers and medicinal traits. , 2018 Vol: 11(12): 1482-1491
3.Shilin Chen*.; Song, J.; Sun, C.; Xu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Verpoorte, R.; Fan, T.-P.*, Herbal genomics: Examining the biology of traditional medicines.Science 2015, 347 (6219), S27-S29.
4.Xu J , Chu Y, Liao B, Xiao S, Yin Q, Bai R, Su H, Dong L, Li X, Qian J, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Wu M, Zhang J, Li G, Zhang L, Chang Z, Zhang Y, Jia Z, Liu Z, Daniel Afreh, Ruth Nahurira8, Zhang L, Cheng R, Zhu Y, Zhu G, Rao W, Zhou C, Qiao L, Huang Z, Cheng Yung-Chi, Chen Shilin, Panax ginseng genome examination for ginsenoside biosynthesisGigaSciencedoi: 10.1093 gix093, 2017
5.Sun W; Leng L; Yin Q; Xu M; Huang M; Xu Z; Zhang Y; Yao H; Wang C; Xiong C; Chen S; Jiang C; Xie N; Zheng X; Wang Y; Song C; Reuben J. Peters,The medicinal plant Andrographispaniculate genome provides insight into biosynthesis of the bioactive diterpenoid neoandrographolide, 2018
6.China Plant BOL Group, DZ LI et al., Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA2011, 108, 19641-19646.
7.Z Xu, T Xin, Dorothea Bartels,Y Li, W Gu,H Yao,S Liu,H Yu,X Pu, J Zhou, J Xu, C Xi ,H Lei Jingyuan Song,Shilin Chen.Genome analysis of the ancient tracheophyte Selaginella tamariscinareveals evolutionary features relevant to the acquisition of desiccation tolerance.Mol Plant2018.
8.Xu, Z.; Peters, R. J.; Weirather, J.; Luo, H.; Liao, B.; Zhang, X.; Zhu, Y.; Ji, A.; Zhang, B.; Hu, S.; Au, K. F.; Song, J*.; Shilin Chen*., Full-length transcriptome sequences and splice variants obtained by a combination of sequencing platforms applied to different root tissues of Salvia miltiorrhiza and tanshinone biosynthesis.The Plant Journal 2015.
9.Shilin Chen*.; Pang, X.; Song, J.; Shi, L.; Yao, H.; Han, J.; Leon, C., A renaissance in herbal medicine identification: from morphology to DNA.Biotechnology advances2014, 32 (7), 1237-1244.
10.H Xu, J Song, H Luo, Y Zhang, Q Li, Y Zhu, J Xu, Y Li, C Song, B Wang, W Sun, G Shen, X Zhang, J Qian, A Ji, Z Xu, X Luo, L He, C Li, C Sun, H Yan, G Cui, X Li, Xi Li, J Wei, J Liu,Y Wang, A Hayward, D Nelson, Z Ning, RJ. Peters, X Qi, S Chen. Analysis of the Genome Sequence of the Medicinal Plant 2016, Volume 9, Issue 6, p949–952.
11.Pang, X.; Song, J.; Zhu, Y.; Xu, H.; Huang, L.; ShiLin Chen*. Applying plant DNA barcodes for Rosaceae species identification.Cladistics 2011, 27 (2), 165-170.
12.Zhu, Y.; Luo, H.; Zhang, X.; Song, J.; Sun, C.; Ji, A.; Xu, J.; ShiLin Chen*., Abundant and selective RNA-editing events in the medicinal mushroomGanoderma lucidum.Genetics 2014, 196 (4), 1047-1057.
13.Li, X.; Yang, Y.; Henry, R. J.; Rossetto, M.; Wang, Y.; ShiLin Chen*, Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome.Biological Reviews 2015, 90 (1), 157-166.
14.D Zhang; C Jiang; C Huang; D Wen; J Lu; S Chen; T Zhang; Y Shi; J Xue; W Ma; L Xiang; W Sun;Shilin Chen,The light-induced transcription factor FtMYB116 promotes accumulation of rutin in Fagopyrum tataricum. 2018
15.Jung Chao Yuntao Dai Robert Verpoorted Wing Lame Yung-Chi Chenge Li-Heng Pao Wei Zhang Shilin Chen Major achievements of evidence-based traditional Chinese medicine in treating major diseasesBiochemical Pharmacology Volume 139, 1 September 2017, Pages 94-10
16.Huang Z,, Xu J,, Xiao S, Liao B,Gao Y, Zhai C, Qiu X, Xu W and Chen Shilin Comparative optical genome analysis of two pangolin species: Manis pentadactyla and Manis javanica.Giga Science 2016,5, 1-5
17.Li, Q.; Li, Y.; Song, J.*; Xu, H.; Xu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Li, X.; Gao, H.; Dong, L.; Qian, J.; Sun, C, Shilin Chen*., High-accuracy de novo assembly and SNP detection of chloroplast genomes using a SMRT circular consensus sequencing strategy.New Phytologist 2014, 204 (4), 1041-1049.
18.C Wang, X Su, W Sun, S Zhou, J Zheng, M Zhang, M Sun, J Xue, X Liu, J Xing, Shilin Chen.,Efficient production of succinic acid from herbal extraction residue hydrolysate, 2018
19. LL Dong, J Xu ,Y Li,H Fang,W Niu,X Li,Y Zhang,W Ding,SL Chen, Manipulation of microbial community in the rhizosphere alleviates the replanting issues in Panax ginseng.Soil Biology and Biochemistry .Volume 125, October 2018, Pages 64-74
20. R Shi, Z Hu, H Lu, L Liu, L Xu, Y Liu, H Wu, B Huang, G Zhang,* S Chen,* F Yang*, Hierarchical Nanostructuring Array Enhances Mid-Hybridization for Accurate Herbal Identification via ITS2 DNA Barcode.Analytical Chemistry.2019, doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b04687.


獲吳階平醫藥創新獎、Agilent Thought Leadership Award等榮譽。獲教育部高校成果科技進步一等獎1項,國家科技進步二等獎3項。


擔任APSB,Chinese Medicine,CHM,《藥學學報》等刊副主編。


《中藥飲片標準湯劑》(第二卷),陳士林劉安 主編,劉昌孝主審,科學出版社,2019年1月。