共找到100條詞條名為張穎的結果 展開











• Ying Zhang, Xuemei Han, Zhiguang Niu*.Health risk assessment of Haloacetonitriles in drinking water based on internal dose. Environmental Pollution,DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.049
• Zhiguang Niu, Lei Du, Jiafu Li,Ying Zhang*, Zhiwei Lv*. Ecological risk assessment of microcystin-LR in the upstream section of the Haihe River based on a species sensitivity distribution model. Chemosphere, 2018, 193: 403-411
• Ying Zhang, Ning Zhang, Peng Zhao, Zhiguang Niu*. Characteristics of molecular weight distribution of dissolved organic matter in bromide-containing water and disinfection by-product formation properties during treatment processes. Journal of Environmental Science,DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2017.03.013
• Zhiguang Niu, Chong Wang,Ying Zhang*, Xiaoting Wei, Xili Gao. Leakage rate model of urban water supply networks using principal component regression analysis. Transactions of Tianjin University, DOI: 10.1007/s 12209-017-0090-x
• Kai Zhang, Zhi-Guang Niu*, Zhiwei Lv,Ying Zhang*. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in water supply reservoirs in Jingjinji area, China. Ecotoxicology,2017, (26): 1284–1292
• 張穎,韓雪梅. 飲用水中鹵乙腈類(HANs)消毒副產物研究現狀與進展. 安全與環境學報. 2017, 17(3): 1183-1189.
• Ying Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Zhiguang Niu*, Shaopei Jin. Ecological risk assessment of toxic organic pollutant and heavy metals in water and sediment from a landscape lake in Tianjin City, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(13): 12301–12311
• Jiafu Li, Chong Wang, Lei Du, Zhiwei Lv, Xiaonan Li, Xuepeng Hu, Zhiguang Niu*,Ying Zhang*. Did municipal solid waste landfill have obvious influence on polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in ambient air: A case study in East China. Waste Management,2017, 62: 169–176
• Zhiguang Niu, Xiaonan Li,Ying Zhang*. Composition profiles, levels, distributions and ecological risk assessments of trihalomethanes in surface water from a typical estuary of Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2017, 117: 124-13
• Zhi-Guang Niu, Xue-Peng Hu,Ying Zhang*, Yuan-Yuan Sun. Effect of chlorine dosage in prechlorination on trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids during water treatment process. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2017, 24(5): 5068-5077
• Jiafu Li, Zhiwei Lv, Lei Du, Xiaonan Li, Xuepeng Hu, Chong Wang, Zhiguang Niu*,Ying Zhang*. Emission characteristic of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins andpolychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from medical waste incinerators (MWIs) in China in 2016: A comparison between higheremission levels of MWIs and lower emission levels of MWIs. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 221(2017): 437-444
• Zhi-Guang Niu, Kai Zhang,Ying Zhang*. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the coastal area of the Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016, 107(1): 245-250
• Zhiguang Niu, Qianqian Gou, Xiujun Wang,Ying Zhang*. Simulation of a water ecosystem in a landscape lake in Tianjin with AQUATOX: Sensitivity, calibration, validation and ecosystem prognosis. Ecological Modelling, 2016, 335: 54-63
• Ying Zhang, Kai Zhang, Zhi-Guang Niu*. Reservoir-type water source vulnerability assessment: a case study of the Yuqiao Reservoir. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2016, 61(7): 1291-1300
• Zhi-Guang Niu, Zhi-Wei Lv,Ying Zhang*, Zhen-Zhen Cui. Stormwater infiltration and surface runoff pollution reduction performance of permeable pavement layers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 2576-2587
• 牛志廣, 魏曉婷,張穎. 於橋水庫溶解性有機碳分佈特性及三鹵甲烷的生成勢. 環境工程學報, 2016, 10(1): 48-54
• 牛志廣, 孫媛媛*,張穎. 預氯化及常規工藝對消毒副產物的影響. 環境工程學報. 2015, 9(11): 5142-5148
• Zhi-Guang Niu, Xiao-Ting Wei,Ying Zhang*. Characterization of the precursors of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in the Yuqiao Reservoir in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015(22): 17508-17517
• 王晨晨,牛志廣,張穎. 飲用水中消毒副產物的室內暴露模擬方法研究進展. 安全與環境學報, 2015, 15(3): 341-347
• Zhiguang Niu*, Xue Zang,Ying Zhang. Using physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to estimate the health risk of mixtures of trihalomethanes from reclaimed water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 285: 190-198
• 姬亞芹, 陳麗, 張雷波, 焦姣, 宮慶超,張穎*, 王秀艷. 天津城市污水泵站惡臭氣體組分濃度及污染現狀. 中國環境監測, 2013, 29(6): 52-57
• Chen-Chen Wang, Zhi-Guang Niu*,Ying Zhang. Health risk assessment of inhalation exposure of irrigation workers and the public to trihalomethanes from reclaimed water in landscape irrigation in Tianjin, North China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262: 179-188
徠• 岳尚超, 王馨, 王啟山, 吳立波, 張怡然,張穎. 上流式生物濾池中CANON工藝的恢復啟動方法. 天津大學學報, 2013, 46(7): 641-647
• 姬亞芹,陳麗,宮慶超,王釗,高爽,張穎*,王秀艷. 惡臭排放規律及其採樣和分析方法. 中國環境監測, 2013, 29(3): 132-136
• Chen-Chen Wang, Zhi-Guang Niu*,Ying Zhang. Health risk assessment of exposure to heavy metals from reclaimed water in greening workers in North China. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 2012, 4(SI-1): 1413-1418
• Zhiguang Niu, Qingchao Gong,Ying Zhang*, Yaqin Ji, Xiuyan Wang. Health risk assessment of BTEX from urban wastewater pump stations in Tianjin. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012, 30(SI-2): 419-424
• 張穎, 靳少培, 姬亞芹, 王秀艷. 污水除臭技術的應用及研究現狀. 環境污染與防治, 2013, 34(1): 81-85
• 張穎, 翟瑞昌, 王晨晨. 水庫型水源地系統脆弱性評價研究. 水資源與水工程學報, 2013, 24(1): 5-9
• 張建國,牛志廣,王晨晨,張穎. 再生水回用的潛在健康風險及對策研究. 工業水處理, 2012, 32(9): 1-5
• 宮慶超, 牛志廣, 陳彥熹,張穎. 環境空氣中揮發性有機物的健康風險評價研究進展. 安全與環境學報, 2012, 12(3): 84-88
• 白佳琦,張穎. 人工濕地防堵技術研究進展. 工業水處理, 2011, 31(6): 5-9
• Wang Hui, Niu Zhi-Guang,Zhang Ying*. Study on criteria for chinese researchers of environmental area. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 2011, 10(B): 986-991
• Niu Zhi-Guang, Yuan Yan-Bin, Peng Wan-Jiang,Zhang Ying*. Research on earthquake damage to urban water supply network based on ABAQUS. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ACEE 2011), April 2011, Wuhan China, 4352-4355
• Niu Zhi-Guang, Bai Jia-Qi,Zhang Ying*, Mi Zi-Ming, Sun Jie, Wan Fang. Application of bio-contact oxidation process as pretreatment technology to constructed wetland. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ACEE 2011), April 2011, Wuhan China
• Niu Zhi-Guang, Yuan Yan-Bin, Peng Wan-Jiang,Zhang Ying*. Research on earthquake damage to urban water supply network based on ABAQUS. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ACEE 2011), April 2011, Wuhan China
• 牛志廣,陳發,張穎,李浩賓,徐宗武,陸仁強. 基於MLE模型和EPANET軟體的城市供水系統風險評價研究. 中國給水排水, 2011, 27(7): 63-66
• 徐美娟,王啟山,孫曉明,王嵩,吳立波,張穎. 光催化—Fenton工藝處理廢紙製漿廢水, 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2009, 41(12): 157-161
• 張穎,牛志廣. 使用鐵鹽混凝方法延緩膜污染. 天津大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, 40(9): 1066-1070
• 張穎,牛志廣,張宏偉. 地統計學用於近海有機物濃度估值的研究. 天津大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, 40(4): 484-488
• 張穎,顧平. 膜生物反應器中有機物分子量分佈特性. 水處理技術,2007, 33(2): 18-20
• 徐美娟,王啟山,趙文玉,王嵩,吳立波,張穎. 廢紙製漿廢水在光—Fenton反應中的降解. 中國造紙,2006, 25(11): 17-21
• 徐美娟,王啟山,劉善培,吳立波,張穎. Fenton和光-Fenton反應處理二次纖維製漿廢水的研究. 中國造紙學報,2006, 21(4): 34-39
• Xu Meijuan, Wang Qishan, Wang Song, Wu Libo,Zhang Ying. Treatment of wastewater pulping effluents by fenton process. 3rd ISETPP, Guangzhou, China, 2006, 11: 251-256
• 張穎,顧平,王啟山. 預膜法用於控制膜生物反應器膜污染. 天津大學學報(自然科學版), 2006, 39(Suppl.): 316-319
• 張穎,王啟山,王秀艷. 膜反應器出水系統的水力學研究. 天津市給水排水分科學會第五屆第一次年會論文集,天津:2006, 4: 434-439
• 徐美娟,王啟山,王嵩,吳立波,張穎. 光—Fenton反應處理廢紙製漿廢水的研究. 浙江造紙,2006, (2): 14-19
• Niu Zhiguang, Zhang Hongwei,Zhang Ying. Coastal water quality assessment by Self-Organizing Map. Transaction of Tianjin University, 2005, 11(6): 446-451
• 王捷,張宏偉,賈輝,張穎. 預處理技術在膜飲用水處理中的研究進展. 天津工業大學學報,2005, 24(5): 98-104
• 英,白曉琴,張穎,顧平. 序批式膜生物反應器處理生活污水的特性. 化工學報,2005, 56(11):2195-2199
• 陳永玲,張穎,郝愛玲,顧平. 微污染地表水的組合微濾工藝處理. 中國公共衛生,2005, 21(12):1474-1476
• 白曉琴,趙英,張穎,顧平. 好氧MBR與序批式MBR處理生活污水的比較. 中國給水排水,2006, 22(3): 26-31
• 趙文玉,王啟山,伍婷,吳立波,王秀艷,張穎. 天津濱海地區水庫水質咸化問題及機理分析. 海河水利,2006, (3): 33-35
• 趙文玉,王啟山,吳立波,張穎,王秀艷. 天津濱海地區水庫水質咸化影響因素分析. 天津市給水排水分科學會第五屆第一次年會論文集,天津:2006, 4: 350-354
• 張穎, 李力, 楊振剛, 顧平. 膜生物反應器應用於醫院污水處理實例. 中國給水排水, 2005, 21(2): 83-85
• 郝愛玲,張光輝,張穎,顧平. MBR、MCR處理微污染水的膜污染比較. 中國給水排水, 2004, 20(7): 49-53
• Y. Zhang, D. Bu, C.-G. Liu, X. Luo, P. Gu. Study on retarding membrane fouling by ferric salts dosing in membrane bioreactors. Proceedings of IWA water environment-membrane technology 2004, Seoul, Korea, 2004, 6, 2: 753
• Luo Xin,Zhang Ying, Gu Ping. Study on membrane pre–coating used in membrane bioreactors. Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on building and urban environmental engineering, 2004, Tianjin, China, 2004, 5: 396-403
• 張光輝,郝愛玲,張穎,顧平. MBR與MCR處理微污染原水的效果. 中國給水排水, 2004, 20(2): 47-50
• Luo Xin,Zhang Ying, Gu Ping, Bu Duo. Membrane pre–coating used in membrane bioreactors. Transaction of Tianjin University, 2003, 9(Suppl.): 145-149
• 郝愛玲,張光輝,張穎,顧平. 膜生物反應器(MBR)和膜混凝反應器(MCR)處理微污染地表水的比較研究. 中國土木工程學會水工業分會給水委員會第九次年會論文集,長春: 2003.11: 21-30
• 布多,張穎,顧平. 氯化鐵絮凝法減輕膜污染的初步研究. 城市環境與城市生態, 2003, 16(6): 46-48
• 張穎,顧平,譚丁. 膜混凝反應器處理輕度污染地表水的研究. 天津大學學報(自然科學版), 2003, 36(2): 187-191
• 張穎,顧平. 膜生物反應器在污水處理中的應用進展. 中國給水排水, 2002, 18(4): 90-92
• 張穎,顧平,張江朝. 絮凝—中空纖維膜微濾工藝處理微污染地表水的研究. 中國土木工程學會水工業分會給水委員會第八次年會論文集,成都:2001.10: 139-146
• 張穎,顧平. 膜技術應用於飲用水處理的進展. 中國給水排水, 2001, 17(5): 29-32


• 國家自然科學基金面上項目,微污染源水預氯化對溴代消毒副產物的影響機理研究,2014.1至今
• 科技部對歐盟科技合作專項經費項目,中歐環境領域科研合作決策支持技術與平台研究,2011.3~2014.2
• 南開大學基本科研業務費項目,城市供水系統水庫型水源地脆弱性評價方法研究,2011.1~2013.12
• 國家科技支撐計劃項目,中新生態城環境治理與生態修復關鍵技術研究及示範,2011.1~2013.7
• 天津市科技支撐計劃重點項目,城市區域性污水泵站臭氣治理與控制示範研究,2010.4~2013.3
• 歐盟FP7框架項目,Scoping China’s Environmental Research Excellence and major Infrastructure: Foresight, Potentials, and Roadmaps,2010.3~2013.2
• 國家水體污染控制與治理科技重大專項子專題,人工濕地反衝防堵技術研究,2008.8~2012.10
• 橫向項目,污水庫污水治理排放生態風險評估,2008.10~2009.4
• 天津市環保局項目,天津市水污染物總量分配與排污許可證的實施,,2007.5~2008.4
• 天津市科技攻關計劃重大項目子課題,膜生物反應器最優工藝參數研究,,2006.9~2007.10
• 南開大學2005年度教育教學改革工程,環境工程專業實踐教學環節改革研究,2005.9~2007.8
• 南開大學科研啟動基金,膜生物反應器膜污染研究,2005.3~2007.2
• 教育部天南大兩校共建項目,廢水及微污染水處理創新技術研究,2002~2006
• 國家十五重大科技專項(863計劃),膜—生物反應器的工程化與應用,2003.1~2005.12
• 天津市重點科技攻關計劃項目,膜技術處理飲用水成套技術及裝置的研究,2001.8~2003.3
• 中國人民解放軍軍事醫學科學院項目,野戰給水一體化膜凈水器研製,2000.10~2002.10,獲中國人民解放軍科學技術進步獎二等獎