





1997.04-2002.03 德國Kaiserslautern大學攻讀博士學位
1993.09-1996.06 山西大學攻讀在職碩士究生
1982.09-1986.06 山西大學攻讀學士學位


2017年 山西大學生命科學學院院長
2009至2016年 山西大學生物技術研究所 所長
2003年至2009年 英國鄧迪大學生物醫學中心 博士后




2016年: 山西省高等學校科學技術成果獎自然科學類一等獎
2010年: 山西省科技奉獻獎“先進個人二等獎”(山西省科協)


(3)一種地皮菜水應激蛋白基因及其重組蛋白的製備和應用: 2013-1-0291766.5


1.Li Z*, Näthke IS.Tumor-associated NH2-terminal fragments are the most stable part of the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli protein and can be regulated by interactions with COOH-terminal domains, Cancer Research , 2005; 65 (12): 5195-5204. IF: 9.234
2.Zhuoyu Li*, Karin Kroboth, Ian P Newton, Inke S Nathke. Novel self-association of NH2-terminal regions of the Adenomatous polyposis coli protein regulates APC cluster formation and cell migration. Journal of Cell Science , 2008, 121: 1916-1925. IF: 6.290
3.Dina Dikovskaya, Zhuoyu Li*, Ian P Newton, Iain Davision, Paul Clacke and Inke S Nathke. Microtubule assmbly by the Apc protein is regulated by importin-β-RanGTP. Journal of Cell Scienc e. 2010, 123:1242-1253. IF: 6.290
4.Zhuoyu Li*, Wenling Li, Wensi Li, Li Song, Cilia. adenomatous polyposis coli and associated diseases. Oncogene . 2012, 31(12):1475-83. IF: 7.932
5.Zongwei Li, Zhuoyu Li*. Glucose regulated protein 78: a critical link between tumor microenvironment and cancer hallmarks. BBA-reviews on cancer .2012,1826(1):13-22.IF:8.8
6.Zongwei Li, Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. The multifaceted regulation and functions of PKM2 in tumor progression. BBA-reviews on cancer . 2014, 24;1846(2):285-296. IF: 8.8
7.Zongwei Li, Yingying Wang, Haili Wu, Lichao Zhang,Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. GRP78 enhances the glutamine metabolismto support cell survival from glucose deficiency by modulating the β-catenin signaling. Oncotarget . 2014, 30;5(14):5369-5380. IF: 6.6
8.Haili Wu, Peng Yang, Wanglai Hu, Yingying Wang, Yangxu Lu,Lichao Zhang, Yongsheng Fan, Hong Xiao, Zhuoyu Li*. Overexpression of PKM2 promotes mitochondrial fusion through attenuated p53 stability. Oncotarget , 2016, 7 (47): 78069-78082. IF: 5.008
9.Xiaoting Jin, Meilan Chen, Ruijin Li,Quan An, Li Song, Yi Zhao, Hong Xiao, Long Cheng, Zhuoyu Li*.Progression and inflammation of human myeloid leukemia induced by ambient PM2.5 exposure. Archives of Toxicology . 2016, 90 (8), 1929-38. IF: 6.637
10.Zongwei Li, Ming Zhuang, Lichao Zhang, Xingnan Zheng, Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. Acetylation modification regulates GRP78 secretion in colon cancer cells, Scientific Reports . 2016,6,1-11. IF:5.228
11.Xiaoqin La, Lichao Zhang, Zhuoyu Li*, Peng Yang, Yingying Wang. Berberine-induced autophagic cell death by elevating GRP78 levels in cancer cells. Oncotarget , 2017, doi:10.18632/oncotarget.14959. IF: 5.008
12.Peng Yang, Zongwei Li, Hanqing Li, Yangxu Lu, Haili Wu, Zhuoyu Li*. Pyruvate kinase M2 accelerates pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and cell proliferation induced by lipopolysaccharide in colorectal cancer. Cellular Signalling . 2015, 27, 1525-1532. IF:4.471
13.Zongwei Li, YingyingWang, Ian P. Newton, Lichao Zhang, Pengyu Ji, Zhuoyu Li*. GRP78 is implicated in the modulation of tumor aerobic glycolysis by promoting autophagic degradation of IKKβ. Cellular Signalling . 2015, 27, 1237–1245. IF:4.471
14.Yingying Wang , Haili Wu, Zongwei Li, Peng Yang, Zhuoyu Li*. A positive feedback loop between GRP78 and VPS34 is critical for GRP78-mediated autophagy in cancer cells. Exp Cell Res . 2016, 351(1):24-35.IF: 3.378
15.Lichao Zhang, Zongwei Li, Tonglin Shi, Xiaoqin La, Hanqing Li* and Zhuoyu Li*.Design, purification and assessment of GRP78 binding peptide-linked Subunit A of Subtilase cytotoxic for targeting cancer cells. BMC Biotechnol . 2016; 16(1):65. IF: 2.452
16.Peng Yang#, Zongwei Li#*, Lichao Zhang, Hanqing Li, Zhuoyu Li*. Analysis of metabonomic profiling alterations in a mouse model of colitis-associated cancer and 2-deoxy-D-glucose treatment. RSC Advances . 2016, 6, 58862. IF: 3.814
17.Xiaoting Jin, Ruijun Su, Ruijin Li, Li Song, Meilan Chen, Long Cheng, Zhuoyu Li*. Amelioration of particulate matter-induced oxidative damage byvitamin c and quercetin in human bronchial epithelial cells. Chemosphere .2016,144,459-466.IF:3.698
18.Xiaoting Jin, Li Song, Zhuoyu Li*, Ian P. Newton, Meirong Zhao M, Weiping Liu. DichlorodiphenyldichloroethyleneDichlorodi exposure reduces r-GCS via suppressed Nrf2 in HepG2 cells.Environ Toxicol . 2016, 29, 350-359.IF:2.868
19.Jiangying Shi, Shuhua Shan, Zongwei Li, Hanqing Li, Xinfeng Li, Zhuoyu Li*.Bound polyphenol from foxtail millet bran induces apoptosis in HCT-116 cell through ROS generation. Journal of functional foods. 2015, 17, 958-968.IF:3.973
20.Peng Yang, Zongwei Li, Yingying Wang, Lichao Zhang, Haili Wu, Zhuoyu Li*. Secreted pyruvate kinase M2 facilitates cell migration via PI3K/Akt and Wnt/β-catenin pathway in colon cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications . 2015, 459(2), 327-332. IF:2.371
21.Shuhua Shan, Jiangying Shi, Zhen Li,Huixiang Gao, Tonglin Shi, Zongwei Li, Zhuoyu Li*.Targeted anti-colon cancer activities of a millet bran-derived peroxidase were mediated by elevated ROS generation. Food Funct . 2015, 8; 6(7): 2331-2338.IF:2.686
22.Min Guo, Guobin Ding, Songjia Guo, Zhuoyu Li*, Liangqi Zhao, Ke Li, Xiangrong Guo. Isolation and antitumor efficacy evaluation of a polysaccharide from Nostoc commune Vauch. Food Funct . 2015, 6, 3035-3044. IF: 2.686
23.Tonglin Shi, Lichao Zhang, Zhuoyu Li*, Ian P Newton Quanbin Zhang. Expression, purification and renaturation of truncated human integrin β1 from inclusion bodies of Escherichia coli.Protein Expr Purif .2015 Mar; 107:13-9. IF:1.407
24.Songjia Guo, ShuhuaShan,Xiaoting Jin,Zongwei Li, Zhuoyu Li*, LichaoZhao, Quan An, Wei Zhang. Water Stress Proteins from Nostoc commune Vauch. Exhibit Anti-Colon cancer activities in Vitro and in Vivo.J Agric Food Chem .2015 Jan 14;63(1):150-9.IF:2.857
25.Lichao Zhang, Zongwei Li, Yongsheng Fan, Hanqing Li*, Zhuoyu Li*, Yaoping Li. Overexpressed GRP78 affects EMT and cell-matrix adhesion viaautocrine TGF-β/Smad2/3 signaling. Int J Biochem Cell Biol . 2015, 2015, 64, 202-211. IF:3.905
26.Li Song, Meirong Zhao, Jianxin Liu, Zhuoyu Li*,Hong Xiao, Weiping Liu. p, p’-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane inhibits the apoptosis of colorectal adenocarcinoma DLD1 cells through PI3K/AKT and Hedgehog/Gli1 signaling pathways. Toxicology Research . 2015, 4, 1214–1224. IF:2.161
27.Li Song, Zhuoyu Li*, Wei-Ping Liu, Mei-Rong Zhao. Crosstalk between Wnt/β-catenin and Hedgehog/Gli signaling pathways in colon cancer and implications for therapy. Cancer Biology & Therapy . 2015, 16, 1–7. IF:2.921
28.Li Song, Jiao Chang and Zhuoyu Li*.A serine protease extracted from Trichosanthes kirilowii induces apoptosis via the PI3K/AKTmediated mitochondrial pathway in human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Food& Function .2016, 7(2):843-54.IF:2.686
29.Tonglin Shi, Zongwei Li, Quanbin Zhang, Dawen Zheng and Zhuoyu Li*. Pluronic F127 as a drug vehicle used in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane shell-less model.Pak J Pharm Sci.2015,28,1997-1999.IF:0.581
30.Tonglin Shi,Cao Zhao Zhuoyu Li*,Quanbin Zhang,Xiaoting Jin. Bisphenol a exposure promote the migration of NCM460 cells via estrogen receptor-mediated integrin β1/MMP-9 pathway.Environ Toxicol .2014 2016 Jul;31(7):799-807 .IF:2.868
31.Li Song, Jianxin Liu, Zhuoyu Li*, 2016 Jul;31(7):799-807Meirong Zhao, Weiping Liu. P’-dichlorodiphenyl-dichloroethylene induces colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Proliferation through Oxidative Stress.PLoS One . 2014, 11;9(11):e112700.IF:3.057
32.Shuhua Shan, Zongwei Li, Songjia Guo, Zhuoyu Li*, Tonglin Shi, Jiangying Shi. A millet bran-derived peroxidase inhibits cell migration by antagonizing STAT3-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human colon cancer. Journal of functional foods . 2014, 10:444-455.IF:3.973
33.Li song, Junyu Zhao, Xiaotiing Jin, Zhuoyu Li*, Ian P Newton, Weiping Liu, Hong xiao, Meirong Zhao. The organochlorine p,p'- dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane induces colorectal cancer growth through Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Toxicol Lett . 2014, 17; 229(1):284-91. IF:3.522
34.Li Song, Yuxin Jia, Wensi Zhu, Ian P Newton, Zhuoyu Li*, Wenlin Li. N-terminal trunctions of adenomatous polyposis coli are associated with primary cilia defects. Int J Biochem Cell Biol . 2014, 21; 55C:79-86.IF:3.905
35.Yanan Peng, Zongwei li, Peng Yang, Ian P Newton, Hua Ren, Lichao Zhang, Haili Wu, Zhuoyu Li*. Direct contacts with colon cancer cells regulate the differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into tumor associated fibroblasts. Biochem Biophys Res Commun . 2014, 15; 451(1):68-73.IF:2.371
36.Haili wu, Zongwei Li, Peng Yang, Lichao Zhang, Yongsheng fan, Zhuoyu Li*. PKM2 depletion induces the compensation of glutaminolysis through β-catenin/c-Myc pathway in tumor cells. Cell Signal . 2014, 26(11):2397-405. IF:4.191
37.Xaioting Jin, Meilan Chen, Li Song, Hanqing Li, Zhuoyu Li*. The evaluation of p,p'-DDT exposure on cell adhesion of hepatocellular carcinoma. Toxicology . 2014, 322:99-108.IF:3.817
38.Xiaoting Jin, Li Song, Junyu Zhao, Zhuoyu Li*, Meirong Zhao, Weiping Liu. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane exposure induces the growth of hepatocellular. Toxicology letters . 2014, 225:158-166. IF:3.522
39.Peng Yang, Zongwei Li, Rong Fu, Haili Wu, Zhuoyu Li*. Pyruvate kinase M2 facilites colon cancer migration via the modulation of STAT3 signaling. Cell Signal . 2014, 26(9):1853-1862.IF:4.191
40.Shuahua Shan, Zongwei Li, Ian P. Newton, Chao Zhao, Zhuoyu Li*, Maolin Guo. A novel protein extraxted from foxtail millet bran displays anti-carcinogenic effects in human colon cancer cells. Toxicology letters . 2014, 227:129-138.IF:3.522
41.Zongwei Li, Lichao Zhang, Hanqing Li, Shuhua Shan, Zhuoyu Li*. Glucose regulated protein 78 promotes cell invasion via regulation of uPA production and secretion in colon cancer cells. BMB Rep. 2014, 47(8):445-450.IF:2.782
42.Zongwei Li, Chao Zhao, Zhuoyu Li * , Yarui Zhao, Shuhua Shan, Tonglin Shi, Jianguo Li. Reconstructed mung bean trypsin inhibitor targeting cell surface GRP78 induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth in colorectal cancer. Int J Biochem Cell Biol .2014, 47, 68-75. IF:3.905
43.Xiaoting Jin, Li Song, Xiangyuan Liu, Meilian Chen, Zhuoyu Li*, Long Cheng, Hua Ren. Protective efficacy of Vitamins C and E on p,p’ -DDT-induced cytotoxicity via the ROS–mediated mitochondrial pathway and NF-kB/FasL pathway. PLoS One . 2014, 9(12):e113257. IF:3.057
44.Yanan Peng, Zongwei Li, Zhuoyu Li*. GRP78 secreted by tumor cells stimulates differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to cancer associated fibroblasts. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications . 2013, 440(4):558-63.IF:2.371
45.Zongwei Li, Lichao Zhang,Yarui Zhao,Hanqing Li,Hong Xiao,Rong Fu, Zhuoyu Li*. Cell-surface GRP78 facilitates colorectal cancer cell migration and invasion.Int J Biochem Cell Biol.2013, 45(5):987-994.IF:3.905
46.Cui Wang, Zhuoyu Li*, Quan Zhang, Meirong Zhao, Weipiing Liu. Enantioselective induction of cytotoxicity by o,p'-DDD in PC12 cells: implications of chairality in risk assessment of POPs metabolisms. Environ Sci Technol . 2013, 6; 47(8):3909-3917. IF:5.393
47.Scott A Nelson, Zhuoyu Li*, Ian P Newton,David Schiffmann,Cornelis J. Weijer,Paul L. Appleton,Inke S. N?thke. Tumorigenic fragments of APC cause dominant defects in directional cell migration in multiple model systems. Disease Models & Mechanisms . 2012, 5(5):1-7. IF:4.316
48.Lixi Niu, Chenyun Guo, Jingming Yuan, Zhuoyu Li*. Potential roles of recombinant acetylcholine receptor α subunit 1-211 in immunoadsorbent and DNA immunization.J Immunol Methods. 2011, 30; 372(1-2):14-21. IF:1.858