共找到70條詞條名為張紅的結果 展開











1. 在重離子治癌機理研究中,完成了從分子、細胞和動物整體層面對重離子治癌有效性和安全性的評價,並證實了其機理;
2. 負責完成了213例腫瘤患者重離子臨床治療試驗,取得明顯療效;
3. 負責組建了“中國科學院重離子輻射生物醫學重點實驗室”和“甘肅省重離子束輻射醫學應用基礎重點實驗室”。


1. 重離子克服癌細胞輻射抗拒的分子機理研究自然科學基金聯合基金重點項目 2015.1.1-2018.12.31300萬
2. 重離子治癌的基礎及臨床研究 甘肅省重大科技專項項目 2007.1.1-2017.12.31 500萬
3. 重離子治癌關鍵科學技術問題研究 973計劃項目 2010.1.1-2014.12.31 2000萬
4. 重離子束輻射治療癌症的應用基礎研究 自然科學基金重點項目2009.1.1- 240萬
5. 重離子治癌關鍵科學技術問題研究-課題1:重離子治癌基礎及臨床研究 中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目 2007.11.1-2010.10.31 300萬
6. 先進加速器產生的重離子束輻射治療癌症的應用基礎研究 自然科學基金面上項目 2007.1.1-2009.12.31 28萬


1. DNA-PKcs deficiency inhibits glioblastoma cell-derived angiogenesis after ionizing radiation. J Cell Physiol. 2015, 230(5): 1094-03.
2. Disturbance of Redox Status Enhances Radiosensitivity of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Am J Cancer Res. 2015, 5(4): 1368-81.
3. Diallyl disulfide attenuated carbon ion irradiation-induced apoptosis in mouse testis through changing the ratio of Tap73/ΔNp73 via mitochondrial pathway. Scientific Reports. 2015.
4. Diallyl disulfide enhances carbon ion beams-induced apoptotic cell death in cervical cancer cells through regulating Tap73 /ΔNp73.Cell Cycle, 2015.
5. Radiosensitizationto X-ray radiation by telomerase inhibitor MST-312 in human hepatoma HepG2 cells.Life Sciences. 2015, 123: 43-50.
6. Comparative proteomic profiling and possible toxicological mechanism of acute injury induced by carbon ion radiation in pubertal mice testes.Reprod Toxicol. 2015, 58: 45-53.
7. The Developmental Toxicity and Apoptosis in Zebrafish Eyes Induced by Carbon-ion Irradiation. Life Sciences. 2015, 139: 114-22.
8. Carbon Ion Beams Induce Hepatoma Cell Death by NADPH Oxidase-mediated Mitochondrial Damage.J Cell Physiol. 2014, 229(1): 100-7.
9. One-pot synthesis of highly luminescent carbon uantum dots and their nontoxic ingestion by Zebrafish for in vivo Imaging.Chemistry. 2014, 20(19): 5640-8.
10. Differential proteome and gene expression reveal response to carbon ion irradiation in pubertal mice testes.Toxicol Letters. 2014, 255(3): 433-44.
11. Carbon ion radiation inhibits glioma and endothelial cell migration induced by secreted VEGF. Plos One. 2014, 9(6): e98448.
12. Curcumin ameliorates cognitive deficits heavy ion irradiation-induced learning and memory deficits through enhancing of Nrf2 antioxidant signaling pathways. Pharmacol, Biochem Be. 2014, 126: 181-6.
13. Proteome analysis for profiling infertility markers in male mouse sperm after carbon ion radiation.Toxicology. 2013, 306:89-92.
14. Mechanisms, function and clinical applications of DNp73.Cell Cycle, 2013, 12(12): 1861-7.
15. DNA-PKcs inhibition sensitizes cancer cells to carbon-ion irradiation via telomere capping disruption.Plos One.2013, 8(8): e72641.
16. Suppression of E. multilocularis hydatid cysts after ionizing radiation exposure.PLOSNEGLECT TROP D. 2013, 7(10):e2518.
17. Effects of 12C6+ ion radiation and ferulic acid on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic oxidative stress response and gene expression.Mutat Res, 2013, 745-746: 26-33.
18. Proteomic analysis for testis of mice exposed to carbon ion radiation.Mutat Res, 2013, 755: 148-55.
19. Exogenous melatonin modulates apoptosis in the mouse brain induced by high-LET carbon ion irradiation.J Pineal Res. 2012, 52: 47-56.
20. Results ofcarbon ion radiotherapy for skin carcinomas in 45patients.Br J Dermatol, 2012, 166(5): 1100-6.
21. Non-randomized mtDNA damage after ionizing radiation via charge transport. Scientific Reports.2012,2: 780-4.
22. Salidroside Inhibits Migration and Invasion of Human Fibrosarcoma HT1080 Cells.Phytomedicine. 2012, 19(3-4): 355-63.
23. Effects of X-irradiation on mitochondrial DNA damage and its supercoiling formation change.Mitochondrion. 2011, 11 (6) 886-92.
24. Chromosomal aberrations in the bone marrow cells of mice induced by accelerated12C6+ions.Mutat Res. 2011,716 (1-2) 20– 6.


1.重離子及質子治療中Bragg峰展寬的旋轉降能裝置(ZL 200710018042.2)
2.異甘草素在製備腫瘤放射治療輔助治療藥物中的應用(ZL 200910129078.2)
5. PCBP1基因製備放療增敏試劑盒的應用(201410005151.6)