解放初,上述原教會辦的醫院、學校皆由政府接管改為公立。 1958 年夏,北京市各教會實行聯合禮拜,亞斯立堂暫停活動,禮拜堂及附屬房屋由北京市第 13 女子中學 ( 原慕貞女中,后改為第 125 中學 ) 佔用,禮拜堂被當作學校的禮堂。“文革”期間,堂內各種設備破損十分嚴重,面目全非。 1982 年春,北京市政府貫徹落實宗教政策,在有關部門的協助下,經多方交涉,在付給 125 中學兩萬元人民幣后,經大規模整修,亞斯立堂正式更名為北京基督教會崇文門堂,並於當年聖誕節重新恢復聚會活動。
崇文門堂建築風格別具特色。整座教堂佔地面積為 8246 平方米,堂內分為正、副兩堂,正堂設有四百多個座位,副堂有三百多個座位,中間有可以上下活動的閘板相隔,既可分開,亦可聯用。禮拜堂呈圓形,整體為木製雙層傘形結構,建築風格極為獨特别致。 1990 年,經北京市人民政府批准為市級重點文物保護單位。
2001 年 8 月,北京市人民政府撥款人民幣 480 萬元,重新修繕了禮拜堂及其附屬房屋。禮拜堂玻璃更換成了教會傳統的彩繪玻璃,椅子更換為禮拜專用的長條木椅,附屬房也進行了翻建。 2002 年 12 月 22 日舉行了“崇文門堂復堂 20 周年暨修繕復堂感恩禮拜”。 2004 年正值崇文門堂建堂 100 周年,在社會各界的關心和幫助下,崇文門堂舉行了一系列的慶祝活動。
現在崇文門堂每個禮拜日早7:00, 8 :30 , 10 : 30 以及晚上19:00有四堂禮拜,下午 1 : 30 有朝語聚會,每個禮拜日約有四千多信徒參加聚會。為了方便外國友人參與上午的兩堂主日禮拜,本堂設立了英語同聲傳譯。除了主日禮拜以外,在每個禮拜二晚上 7 : 00 有查經聚會,禮拜三晚 7 : 00 有傳福音初信栽培聚會和朝語禱告會,禮拜四上午 (9 : 00 有禱告聚會,禮拜五上午 9 : 00 有姊妹聚會,晚上 6 : 30 有青年聚會。
1870 年至 1904 年,亞斯立堂的主任牧師均由外國傳教士擔任; 1904 年新堂建成,始有華人任主任牧師。解放后,崇文門堂先後由鄭如岡牧師、殷繼增牧師、石澤生牧師、吳巍牧師、高英牧師擔任主任牧師;目前由柳翠敏牧師主要負責教堂的各項事務。
The Chongwenmen Church of Beijing Christian Council was first established in 1870 when it was then called Asbury Church . It was the first church constructed by the American Methodist Church in Northern China . The scale of this church was smaller than its present size. It was originally
designed to hold 400 to 500 people. Although the church appears now as it did back then, its current seating capacity is 2,000 people. As the number of believers increased, the Methodist church began reconstruction of the building , which was completed in 1882. During the Yihetuan Movement (Boxer Rebellion) of 1900, the church was burned down. In 1902, the Qing Dynasty Government appropriated money to rebuild the Asbury Church and was completed in the spring of 1904. This is the main structure we have here today. Following the completion of the new building, a Chinese pastor held the senior position. Previous to this date, the position of senior pastor was held by foreigners.
At that time, all church property and offices were in the possession of the Asbury Church . In addition to this, the church also possessed the No. 1 and No. 2 properties in the Xiaoshun Hutong, the buildings in No.43 Chonwenmennei Street , and three graveyards. As the church developed in various fields, the Methodist Church gradually built many public institutions around the church such as: The Hopkin's Memorial Hospital, The Sleeper-Davis Memorial Hospital, Huiwen Primary School, Peking Academy, Jewel Academy, Peking Theological Seminary, and even the original campus of Peking University (this campus eventually merged with Yanching University and Peking University moved to it's current location).
In the earlier stage of New China, the hospitals and schools operated by the church were all taken over by the government and made available for public use. In the summer of 1958, the churches of Beijing were united by the government and this church and its facilities were given to the No. 125 Middle School (this was the original Gamewell School ). The church was used as an assembly hall for the middle school. During the notorious ‘Cultural Revolution' the interior of the church was damaged beyond recognition. In the spring of 1982, with the assistance of relevant governmental agencies and through many negotiations, this church was finally renamed as “The Chongwenmen Church of Beijing Christian Council.” The No.125 Middle School received 20,000 RMB in the exchange, and all church buildings were renovated extensively giving the people the wood and brick structure that is enjoyed today. Finally, during the Christmas season of 1982, religious activities were resumed and the church has been growing steadily ever since then.
The Chongwenmen Church is the largest Christian Protestant Church in Beijing , and it enjoys high prestige both at home and abroad. Its architectural style shows grace, ingenuity, and a blend of many cultures. The church consists of two levels. The main level, at 8,245 square meters, is divided into two sections: The main hall which seats 400 people, and the side chapel which seats 300. These two sections are separated by a movable partition so that they can be used separately or as one large room. The second level is the basement, which boasts a seating capacity of 800-1000. Services are filmed and viewed in the basement via closed-circuit television.
In 1990, Beijing People's Municipal Government approved the church as a historical relic in the municipal district. In August of 2001, the municipal government gave 4,800,000 RMB to refurbish the church that included new floors, pews, stained-glass windows, painting and new offices with updated equipment. The rededication service was celebrated on December 22, 2002 .
Chongwenmen Church of Beijing Christian Council
Dec 22, 2005