娜塔莉·伍德(Natalie Wood),原名娜塔莉婭·尼古拉耶娃·扎哈瑞科(Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko),1938年7月20日出生於加州洛杉磯,美國女演員。

1943年第一次出現在電影中《Happy Land》。
1946年參加了電影《Tomorrow Is Forever》的試鏡。
1947年的《夢幻街奇緣》中,扮演的Susan Walker—一個質疑聖誕老人真實性的小女孩。
1948年出演 《Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!》。
1979年參與電視的拍攝連續劇《From Here to Eternity》的拍攝。
1980年拍攝《The Last Married Couple in America》。


1.《頭腦風暴》Brainstorm AS …… Karen Brace (1983)
2. Willie and Phil AS …… Herself (1980)
3. The Memory of Eva Ryker AS …… Eva/Claire Ryker (1980)
4. The 51st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Foreign Language Film (1979)
5. The Cracker Factory AS …… Cassie Barrett (1979)
6. Meteor AS …… Tatiana Nikolaevna Donskaya (1979)
7. The 50th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Presenter: Best Costume Design (1978)
8. The American Film Institute Salute to Bette Davis AS …… Herself (1977)
9. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof AS …… Maggie (1976)
10. James Dean: The First American Teenager AS …… The producers thank (1975)
11. Peeper AS …… Ellen Prendergast (1975)
12. The American Film Institute Salute to Orson Welles AS …… Herself (1975)
13. James Dean Remembered AS …… Herself (1974)
14. I'm a Stranger Here Myself AS …… Herself (1974)
15. ABC's Wide World of Entertainment Memories of a Gentle Giant AS …… Herself (1974)
16. The 45th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Documentary,Short Subjects & Features (1973)
17. The Affair AS …… Courtney Patterson (1973)
18.《候選人》The Candidate AS …… Herself (1972)
19. Happy Land AS …… Bit Part (uncredited) (1970)
20. The 41st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Best Art Direction-Set Decoration & Scientific & Technical Awards (1969)
21. The 40th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Presenter: Best Special Effects (1968)
22.《蓬門碧玉紅顏淚》This Property Is Condemned AS …… Alva Starr (1966)
23.《賊美人》Penelope AS …… Penelope Elcott (1966)
24. Penelope's Fashion Show AS …… Herself (uncredited) (1966)
25.《瘋狂大賽車》The Great Race AS …… Maggie DuBois (1965)
26.《春花秋月奈何天》Inside Daisy Clover AS …… Daisy Clover (1965)
27. Sex and the Single Girl AS …… Helen Gurley Brown (1964)
28.《陌生人之戀》Love with the Proper Stranger AS …… Angie Rossini (1963)
29.《玫瑰舞后》Gypsy AS …… Louise 'Gypsy Rose Lee' Hovick (1962)
30.《西區故事》West Side Story AS …… Maria (1961)
31.《天涯何處無芳草》Splendor in the Grass AS …… Wilma Dean Loomis (1961)
32.《情海波瀾》All the Fine Young Cannibals AS …… Sarah 'Salome' Davis (1960)
33. Cash McCall AS …… Lory Austen (1960)
34. The 31st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Herself - Co-Presenter: Documentary Awards (1959)
35.《初戀》Marjorie Morningstar AS …… Marjorie Morgenstern (1958)
36. Kings Go Forth AS …… Monique Blair (1958)
37.《詹姆斯狄恩傳》The James Dean Story AS …… Herself (Giant premiere) (archive footage) (uncredited) (1957)
38. The Bob Hope Show Episode dated 25 January 1957 AS …… Herself (1957)
39. Bombers B-52 AS …… Lois Brennan (1957)
40. The Burning Hills AS …… Maria Christina Colton (1956)
41.《搜索者》The Searchers AS …… Debbie Edwards (older) (1956)
42.《少爺從軍記》The Girl He Left Behind AS …… Susan Daniels (1956)
43. A Cry in the Night AS …… Liz Taggart (1956)
44. The Kaiser Aluminum Hour Carnival AS …… Kathy Jo (1956)
45.《無因的反抗》Rebel Without a Cause AS …… Judy (1955)
46.《聖杯》The Silver Chalice AS …… Helena,as a child (1954)
47. "The Pride of the Family" AS …… Ann Morrison (1953-1955) (1953)
48.《就是為你》Just for You AS …… Barbara Blake (1952)
49.《昨日星塵》The Star AS …… Gretchen (1952)
50. Dear Brat AS …… Pauline (1951)
51.《青紗紅淚》The Blue Veil AS …… Stephanie Rawlins (1951)
52. Never a Dull Moment AS …… Nancy 'Nan' Hayward (1950)
53.《親情深似海》Our Very Own AS …… Penny Macaulay (1950)
54.《一朝春盡紅顏老》No Sad Songs for Me AS …… Polly Scott (1950)
55. The Jackpot AS …… Phyllis Lawrence (1950)
56. Father Was a Fullback AS …… Ellen Cooper (1949)
57. The Green Promise AS …… Susan Anastasia Matthews (1949)
58. Chicken Every Sunday AS …… Ruth Hefferan (1949)
59. Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! AS …… Bean McGill (1948)
60.《寡婦情深結鬼緣》Ghost and Mrs. Muir,The AS …… Anna Muir as a Child (1947)
61.《夢幻街奇緣》Miracle on 34th Street AS …… Susan Walker (1947)
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