









2020年 “四有”好老師金質獎章





主持多項國家自然科學基金項目(包括重點項目、重大研究計劃、海外青年學者合作研究基金項目、面上項目)、主持了1項863項目、主持了北京市自然科學基金重點項目等多項重要項目。近5年發表SCI論文20餘篇, EI論文40餘篇。


基於實時功能磁共振信號的神經反饋系統,(中國發明專利),發明人: 姚力,趙小傑,李熠。
Long Z, Peng D, Chen K, Jin Z, Yao L. Neural substrates in color processing: A comparison between painting majors and non-majors. Neuroscience Letters 2011, 487(2): 191–195 (SCI)
Hui M, Li J, Wen X, Yao L, Long Z. An Empirical Comparison of Information-Theoretic Criteria in Estimating the Number of Independent Components of fMRI Data. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(12): e29274. (SCI)
Zhang H, Xu L, Wang S, Xie B, Guo J, Long Z, Yao L. Behavioral improvements and brain functional alterations by motor imagery training. Brain Res 2011, 1407: 38-46. (SCI)
Xia Wu,Rui Li,Adam S. Fleisher,Eric M. Reiman,Xiaoting Guan,Yumei Zhang,Kewei Chen,Li Yao. Altered Default Mode Network Connectivity inAlzheimer’s Disease—A Resting Functional MRIand Bayesian Network Study. Human Brain Mapping2011, 32(11):1868–1881.(SCI)
Xiaoyan Miao, Xia Wu, Rui Li, Kewei Chen, Li Yao.Altered Connectivity Pattern of Hubs in Default-Mode Network with Alzheimer’s Disease: An Granger Causality Modeling Approach.PloS ONE2011, 6(10):e25546.(SCI)
Rui Li, Kewei Chen, Adam S. Fleisher, Eric M. Reiman, Li Yao, Xia Wu.Large-scale directional connections among multi resting-state neural networks inhuman brain: A functional MRI and Bayesian network modeling study. NeuroImage2011, 56 (3): 1035–1042. (SCI)
Song S, Zhan Z, Long Z, Zhang J, Yao L. Comparative Study of SVM Methods Combined with Voxel Selection for Object Category Classification on fMRI Data. PLoS ONE 2011, 6(2): e17191.(SCI)
Wang C, Hu X, Yao L, Xiong S, Zhang J. Spatio-temporal pattern analysis of single-trial EEG signals recorded during visual object recognition. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 2011, 54(12): 2499-2507. (SCI)
Jiachao Liu, Ziyi Li, Kewei Chen, Li Yao, Zhiqun Wang, Kunchen Li, Xiaojuan Guo. Comparison of gray matter volume and thickness for analysis of cortical changes in Alzheimer's Disease.Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2011,7965(79652E):1-7.(EI)
Li R, Hui M, Yao L, Chen K, Long Z. The application of independent component analysis with projection method to two-task fMRI data over multiple subjects. Proceeding of SPIE medical Imaging 2011, 7965(79651T):1-7. (EI)
Hang Z, Yao L, Long Z. The functional alterations associated with motor imagery training: a comparison between motor execution and motor imagery of sequential finger tapping. Proceeding of SPIE medical Imaging 2011, 7965(79651U):1-7. (EI)
Hui M, Yao L, Long Z. Comparison of three group ICA methods for multi-subject fMRI data Analysis. Proceedings of ICIST 2011, 1276-1280. (EI)
Zhichao Zhan, Rui Li , Changming Wang, Chen Lin, Li Yao, Xia Wu. The Difference of Two Brain States: a SimultaneousEEG/fMRI Study. IEEE/ICME Conference Proceedings 2011: 224-228.(EI)
Yuan Han, Rui Li, Jiangtao Liu, Li Yao, Xia Wu. Functional connectivity comparison of the default mode network innon-depressed Parkinson disease and depressed Parkinson disease. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2011, 7965(79650S):1-9. (EI)
Juan Li, Rui Li, Li Yao, Xia Wu. Learn the effective connectivity pattern of attention networks: Aresting functional MRI and Bayesian network study. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2011, 7965(796506):1-7. (EI)
Changming Wang, Jiacai Zhang, Li Yao, Xiaoping Hu. A mean-sensitive spatial filtering (MSF) method for trial-by-trial analysis of N170 component. Proc. of SPIE 2011, 7965(79652B):1-8.(EI)
Sutao Song, Jiacai Zhang, Li Yao. Prediction of fMRI time series of a single voxel using radial basis function neural network. Proc. of SPIE 2011, 7965(796529):1-7. (EI)
Guo XJ, Wang ZQ, Li KC, Li ZY, Qi ZG, Jin Z, Yao L, Chen KW . Voxel-based assessment of gray and white matter volumes in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience Letters 2010, 468 (2) 146-150.(SCI)
Zhao SN, Zou Q, Jin Z, Yao GZ, Yao L. Neural computation of visual imaging based on Kronecker product in the primary visual cortex. BMC Neuroscience 2010, 11(1):43.(SCI)
Zhao SN, Zou Q, Jin Z, Yao GZ, Yao L. A computational model of early vision based on synchronized response and inner product operation. Neurocomputing 2010, 73(16-18): 3229-3241. (SCI)
Wu X, Chen KW, Yao L, Ayutyanont N, Langbaum JBS, Fleisher A, Reschke C, Lee W, Liu XF, Alexander GE, Bandy D, Foster NL, Thompson PM, Harvey DJ, Weiner MW, Koeppe RA, Jagust WJ, Reiman EM, the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Assessing the Reliability to Detect Cerebral Hypometabolism in Probable Alzheimer’s Diseaseand Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairmen. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2010, 192(2):277-285. (SCI)
Wu X, Li R, Fleisher AS, Reiman EM, Chen KW, Yao L. Altered Default Mode Network Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease-A Resting Functional MRI and Bayesian Network Stud. Human Brain Mapping 2010 (in press). (SCI)
Zhang GY, Zhang JC, Yao L. Extension of dVCA model and its application in estimating fMRI components. Proc. SPIE2010, 76261R:1-9.(EI)
Guo XJ, Li ZY, Chen KW, Yao L, Wang ZQ, Li KC. Mapping gray matter volume and cortical thickness in Alzheimer's disease. Proc. SPIE 2010, 76260B:1-9. (EI)
Li R, Li J, Miao XY, Yao L, Wu X. Consistent pivotal role of posterior cingulate cortex in the default mode network revealed by partial correlation analysis. Proc. SPIE 2010, 76260C:1-11. (EI)
Li R, Chen KW, Yao L, Long ZY. The improvement of ICA with projection technique in multitask fMRI data analysis.Proc. SPIE 2010, 762606:1-9. (EI)
Li R, Chen KW, Li J, Fleisher AS, Reiman EM, Yao L, Wu X. Deriving difference between the Bayesian networks based patterns of the effective connectivity using permutation test in fMRI studies. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2010, 5558868:85-90.(EI)
Miao XY, Chen KW, Li R, Wen XT, Yao L, Wu X. Application of Granger causality analysis to effective connectivity of the default-mode network. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2010, 5558851:156-159. (EI)
Li Y, Xie BQ, Yao L, Zhao XJ. A Self Assembled Real Time fMRI System. Proc. of IEEE/ICME 2010, 5558866:96-99. (EI)
Long ZY, Chen KW, Wu X, Reiman E, Peng DL, Yao L. Improved application of independent component analysis to functional magnetic resonance imaging study via linear projection techniques. Human Brain Mapping 2009, 30(2):417-431.(SCI)
Wu X, Lu J, Chen KW, Long ZY, Wang XY, Shu H, Li KC, Liu YJ, Yao L. Multiple neural networks supporting a semantic task: An fMRI study using independent component analysis. NeuroImage 2009, 45(4):1347-1358. (SCI)
Long ZY, Yao L, Chen KW, Peng DL. An improved exponential filter for fast nonlinear registration of brain magnetic resonance images. Progress in Natural Science 2009, 19(6):759-767. (SCI)
Wu XJ, Di Q, Yao L, Zhao XJ. Combination of DTI and fMRI reveals the white matter changes correlating with the decline of default-mode network activity in Alzheimer's disease. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2009, 72621S:1-8. (EI)
Hong H, Yao L, Zhao XJ. A study of human brain structural connectivity based on diffusion tensor imaging in Alzheimer's disease. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2009, 4906683:1-4. (EI)
Zhao XJ, Long ZY, Guo XJ, Yao L. Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging data on the study of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Software 2009, 20(5):1123-1138. (EI)
WU J, Zhang JC, Yao L. An Automated Detection and Correction Method of EOG Artifacts in EEG-Based BCI. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2009, 4906624:1-5. (EI)
Chen GM, Zhang JC, Yao L. An improved feature extraction method for self-paced brain-computer interface application. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2009, 4906643:1-6. (EI)
Xu YQ, Yin K, Zhang JC, Yao L. A Spatiotemporal Approach to N170 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) 2008, 4811392:886-891. (EI)
Zhang N, Guan X, Zhang Y, Li J, Chen H, Chen KW, Fleisher A, Yao L, Wu X. Functional network connectivity analysis based on partial correlation in Alzheimer’s disease. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2009, 72621X: 1-10.(EI)
Li R, Chen KW, Zhang N, Fleisher A,Yao L,Wu X. Effective connectivity analysis of default mode network based on the Bayesian network learning approach. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2009, 72621W:1-11. (EI)
Song ST, Zhan ZC, Jin Z, Yao L, Guo XJ. Computer-aided volume measurement of the local homogenous region on magnetic resonance images. IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering 2009, 4906611:1-5. (EI)
Guo XJ, Jin Z, Chen KW, Peng DL, Yao L. Mapping brain development during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2009, 72621Q:1-10. (EI)
Wu X, Chen KW, Long ZY, Wen XT, Jin Z, Yao L. Ipsilateral brain deactivation specific to the non-dominant hand during simple finger movement. Neuroreport 2008, 19(4):483-486. (SCI)
Zhao SN, Yao L, Jin Z, Xiong XY, Wu X, Zou Q, Yao GZ, Liu YJ. Sparse representation of global features of visual images in human primary cortex: evidence from fMRI. Chinese Science Bulletin 2008, 53(14): 2165-2174. (SCI)
趙松年, 姚力, 金真, 熊小雲, 鄔霞, 鄒琪, 姚國正, 蔡曉紅, 劉一軍. 視像整體特徵在人類初級視皮層上的稀疏表象: 腦功能成像的證據. 科學通報 2008, 53(11): 1296-1304.(國內頂級期刊)
Liu XD, Lu J, Yao L, Li KC, Zhao XJ. An improved algorithm of fiber tractography demonstrates postischemic cerebral reorganization. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2008, 69161T:1-8. (EI)
Di Q, Wang TT, Yao L, Zhao XJ. White Matter Fiber Tracts Based On Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Proc. of International Conference on Natural Computation 2008, 819:306-310. (EI)
Zhang Q, Li H, Zhao Y, Liu XL, Shu H, Yao L, Zhao XJ. Exploration of Event-Evoked Oscillatory Activities during a Cognitive Task. Proc. of International Conference on Natural Computation 2008, 821:37-41. (EI)
WANG CM,Zhang JC,YIN K,YAO L. A multicomponent estimation method of single-trial ERPs for BCI applications. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) 2008, 4620999: 3439-3444.(EI)
XJ Guo, Jin Z, Chen KW, Peng DL, Yao L. Gender differences in brain development in Chinese children and adolescents: a structural MRI study. Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging 2008, 69160A: 1-11. (EI)
Guo XJ, Chen CS, Chen KW, Jin Z, Peng DL, Yao L. Brain development in Chinese children and adolescents-a structural MRI study. Neuroreport 2007, 18(9):875-880. (SCI)
Wu X, Yao L, Long ZY, Chen KW. A Variant of Logistic Transfer Function in Infomax and a Post-processing Procedure for Independent Component Analysis Applied to fMRI data. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2007, 25(5):703-711. (SCI)
Zhang JC, Tang JJ, Yao L. Identification of Vegetable Diseases using Neural Network. Electronic Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 649717:1-9. (EI)
Zhang JC, Guo TM Yao L. Spatiotemporal Patterns of ERP Based on Combined ICA-LORETA Analysis. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 651120:1-9.(EI)
Cai ZF, Di Q, Chen KW, Reiman EM, Wang L, Li KC, Zhao XJ, Yao L. Automated diagnosis and prediction of Alzheimer disease using magnetic resonance image. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 65142B:1-8. (EI)
Wu XC, Tang N, Yin K, Wu X, Wen XT, Yao L, Zhao XJ. Investigation of effective connectivity in the motor cortex of fMRI data using Granger causality model. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 651127:1-7. (EI)
Lu J, Wu X, Yao L, Li KC, Dong Q. The functional connectivity of semantic task changes in the recovery from stroke aphasia. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 651122:1-8. (EI)
Yang XY, Chen KW, Guo XJ, Yao L. Validation of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) based on MRI. Medical Imaging Proceeding of SPIE 2007, 65121G:1-8. (EI)
Wang TT, Cai ZF, Tang N, Lu J, Yao L, Zhao XJ. A Study of Combination fMRI and DTI in A Cognitive Task. Proceeding of IEEE/ICME 2007, 4381870:896-900. (ISTP)
Zhang JC, Xu YQ, Yao L. P300 Detection Using Boosting Neural Networks with Application to BCI. Proceeding of IEEE/ICME 2007, 4382002:1526-1530. (ISTP)
Wang CM, Guo XJ, Yao L, Li K, Jin Z. A Practical Method for Muscles Extraction and Automatic Segmentation of Leg Magnetic Resonance Images. Proceeding of IEEE/ICME 2007, 4381868:891-896. (ISTP)
Wen XT, Yin K, Sun DZ, Yao L, Zhao XJ. Application of Time-varying Coherence to Coordinative Connectivity Based on Event Related EEG. Proceeding of IEEE/ICNC 2007, 265: 216-220. (EI)
Zhang JC, Kai Yin, Li Yao. Optimizing Spatial Filters with Kernel Methods for BCI Applications. Proc. Of SPIE 2007, 67903V:1-8.(ISTP)