在數學中,隱函數定理是一個描述關係以隱函數表示的某些變數之間是否存在顯式關係的定理。隱函數定理說明,對於一個由關係R(x,y)=0表示的隱函數,如果它在某一點附近的微分滿足某些條件,則在這點附近, y可以表示成關於x的函數:
《隱函數定理(英文)》內容包括:The implicit function theorem is. along with its close cousin the inverse func-tion theorem,one of the most important,and one of the oldest,paradigms in modcrn mathemarics. One can see the germ of the idea for the implicir func tion theorem in the writings of Isaac Newton (1642-1727),and Gottfried Leib-niz's (1646-1716) work cxplicitty contains an instance of implicit differentiation.
Whilc Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) found a theorcm that is essentially a version of the inverse function theorem,ic was Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857) who approached the implicit function theorem with mathematical rigor and it is he who is gencrally acknowledgcd as the discovcrer of the theorem. In Chap-ter 2,we will give details of the contributions of Newton,Lagrange,and Cauchy to the development of the implicit function theorem.