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畢業於浙江大學地球科學系。1991-1992,獲包玉剛獎學金,赴美國Texas A&M University 進修環境地球化學,1999.11-2000.1、2007.9-2007.11和2012.7-2012.10,分別赴美國University of Southern California(USC)、Purdue University和Pacific Northwest National Lab進行學術交流。




首次在國內外建立了以29項國家發明專利為技術支撐的污泥低溫干化技術達到國際先進水平,國外英語、法語、西班牙語越語等報道了該成果;首次通過植物碘強化(已獲國家發明專利19項),開闢了人體自然補碘的新途徑,Beneficial Nutrients News 專門介紹了該成果;通過測定赤潮藻細胞內Fe/P的比值和揭示大氣顆粒物對赤潮頻發的關鍵作用,首次建立了季風與赤潮的潛在關係模型,為建立赤潮的預警預報提供了新的科學依據。


翁煥新等.海洋沉積磷的減少與冰期大氣CO2降低的聯繫,中國科學D輯, 2005, 35(11): 1053–1059.
翁煥新等.蔬菜植物碘強化—— 一種人體自然補碘的新途徑,科學通報,2013,58(5-6):444-451
翁煥新等.鐵和磷對原甲藻隱藻暴發性增殖的限制與協同影響,自然科學進展, 2006, 16(6): 705–711.
翁煥新等.光照強度對隱藻吸收鐵和磷的影響,地球化學, 2007, 36(4): 383–390.
Huanxin Weng et al,Inherent correlation between decreased marine sedimentary phosphotus and glacial atmospheric CO2 decline,Geophysical Research Letters,2005,l18606,1-4.
Huanxin Weng et al,Iron and phosphorus effects on the growth of Cryptomonas sp. (Cryptophyceae) and their availability in sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, China, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Sciences, 73(2007):501-509
Huanxin Weng et al,Elevated iron and manganese concentration in groundwater derived from the Holocene transgression in the Hang-Jia-Hu Plain, China,HydrogeologyJournal, 2007,15(4):715-726
Huanxin Weng et al,Biogeochemical transfer and dynamics of iodine in a soil–plant system, Environ Geochem Health, 2008 DOI 10.1007/s10653-008-9193-6
Huanxin Weng et al,Accumulation discrepancy of heavy metal and organic pollutants in three near-shore depositional environments, southeastern China,Asian Earth Sciences, 31(2008):522-532
Huanxin Weng et al,Crucial Roles of Iron in the Growth of Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg (Dinophyceae),Journal of Coastal Research 2008 24 4C 176–183
Huanxin Weng et al,Limitation and combined effects of iron and phosphorus on the growth of Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg (Dinophyceae) and Cryptomonas sp. (Cryptophyceae),Environ Geol,2008,55:1431–1436(IF1.078)
Huanxin Weng et al,Uptake of Different Species of Iodine by Water Spinach and Its Effect to Growth,Biol Trace Elem Res,2008,124:184–194
Huanxin Weng et al,Increment of Iodine Content in Vegetable Plants by Applying Iodized Fertilizer and the Residual Characteristics of Iodine in Soil,Biol Trace Elem Res,2008,123:218–228
Huanxin Weng et al,Mechanism of Iodine Uptake by Cabbage:Effects of Iodine Species and Where It is Stored,Biol Trace Elem Res (2008) 125:59–71
Huanxin Weng et al,Treatment of leachate from domestic landfills with three-stage physicochemical and biochemical technology,Environ Earth Sci. 2011,64(6):1675-1681
Huanxin Weng et al,Benzene series in sewage sludge from China and its release characteristics during drying process,Environ Earth Sci.,2012,65(3):561-569
Huanxin Weng et al,The stability of the relative content ratios of Cu,ZnPb in the soil and sediments,Environmental Geology,2003,45(1):79-85.
Huanxin Weng et al,Geochemical migration of arsenic and its environmental effect, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1997, 9(2):162-171.
Huanxin Weng et al, Distribution and sources of phosphorus in tidal river sediments in the Washington, DC. area. Environmental Geology, 1997, 30(3/4):224-230.
Huanxin Weng et al, Van Armstrong,Distribution of sedimentary phosphorus in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, Marine Environmental Research, 1994, (37):375-392.
Huanxin Weng et al, Capacity and degree of iodine absorbed and enriched by vegetable from soil. J Environ Sci. 2003,15:107-111.
Huanxin Weng et al,《Geochemical Fundamental for Oceanic Metallogeny and Environment Questions》,Training Course for the International Seabed Authority U.N., 1994.