共找到4條詞條名為李宗民的結果 展開
- 中國石油大學(華東)教授
- 吉林市衛生局副局長(兼)、黨委常委
- 中原工學院教授
- 山東梁山籍烈士
1992年到現在,在中國石油大學(華東)計算機與通信工程學院任教。曾任軟體教研室副主任、主任,計算機系副主任,計算機與通信工程學院副院。2005年7月畢業於中國科學院計算技術研究所計算機應用技術專業,獲博士學位,研究方向計算機圖形學,導師李華研究員,畢業論文“矩方法及其在幾何形狀描述中的應用 ”。 2006年10月在美國北卡羅來納大學作為訪問學者一年。
(4)中國石油科技創新基金研究項目“基於信息融合技術的地層對比方法研究” (項目號2009D-5006-01-07)
1.李宗民; 陸天波; 桑鑫焱; 秦寶山; 基於最小慣性軸及鏈碼的圖像形狀描述方法,通信學報, 2009-04,Vol.30 No.4,1-5. LI Zong-min; LU Tian-bo; SANG Xin-yan; QIN Bao-shan;Shape description based on axis of least inertia and chain,Journal on Communications,2009-04,Vol.30 No.4,1-5. EI: 20092112092689
2.Jianping Fan, Daniel A. Keim, Yuli Gao, Hangzai Luo, Zongmin Li .JustClick: Personalized Image Recommendation via Exploratory Search from Large-Scale Flickr Image Collections, IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems For Video Technology,Vol.19, No. 2, August 2009,273-288. EI: 20090711908237
3.Liu, Yujie; Yao, Xiaolan; Li, Zongmin. Curvature-based feature extraction method for 3D model retrieval, Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET 2009, 161-165. EI: 20092312107059
4.Zongmin, Li ; Deshan, Li ; Hua, Li ; Zongkai, Lin . An automatic visual detecting method for semantic object in video, 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA08, 210-215,EI: 20091612034568
5.Zongmin, Li; Li, Li ; Yujie, Liu ; Jingwei, Bao An improved method for support vector machine-based active feedback, 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA08, 389-393,EI: 20091612034606
6.J. Fan, D.A. Keim, Y. Gao, H. Luo, Z. Li, ``A Novel Approach to Enable Semantic and Visual Summarization for Exploratory Image Search", ACM Conf. on Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR'08), 2008.
7.Liu Yujie, Yao Xiaolan, Li Zongmin, Men Xiuping, SHREC’08 entry: 3D model retrieval based on the V system invariant moment, IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications,2008. SMI2008, 249-250, EI: 083711532686
8.Liu Yujie, Yao Xiaolan, Li Zongmin, SHREC’08 entry: Forward neural network-based 3D model retrieval,IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications,2008. SMI2008, 251-252, EI: 083711532687
9.Yujie Liu, Zongmin Li, Hua Li. Ensembling neural networks-based 3d model retrieval, 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA08, 56-460,EI: 20091612040913
11. Zongmin Li , Xiuping Men, Yujie Liu, Hua Li. 3D Model Retrieval Based on V System Rotation Invariant Moments, The 3nd International Conference on Natural Computation, 2007.08, 565-569,EI: 08031102663112.Zongmin Li , Xiuping Men, Hua Li. 3D Model Retrieval Based on U System Rotation Invariant Moments, The Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Applications(ICPCA07),2007.08,183-188, EI:080611079115
13. 李宗民,於廣斌,劉玉傑,李華。基於極半徑曲面矩的三維模型檢索,軟體學報,2007,18(增):71-76. Li Zongmin, Liu Yujie, Li Hua. 3D model retrieval based on polar-radius surface moment invariants. Journal of Software, 2007,18(Suppl.):71-76(chinese), EI: 081011136418
15.Yujie Liu, Zongmin Li, Hua Li. Electric Field Force-Based Detection of Rotational Symmetry in 3D Model, The Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications(ICPCA07), 2007.08, 117-121 EI:080611079102
16.潘金京,李宗民 一種改進的基於Sobol序列的快速線積分卷積法,中國石油大學學報(自然科學版),2007年 03期 Pan, Jin-Jing; Li, Zong-Min, An improved algorithm of fast line integral convolution with Sobol sequence, Journal of China University
of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), 2007,V31,No.3, 162-166,EI: 072910703024
17. Zongmin Li, Yuanzhen Zhang, Hua Li. 3D Model Retrieving based on Normal-Projection-Invariant-Moment, Chinese Journal of Electronics,2006.10,861-864 SCI:103XJ/EI: 064610241572
18. 李宗民,於廣斌,劉玉傑,李華。三維極半徑矩及其在三維模型檢索中的應用,《模式識別與人工智慧》,2006.6,vol.19,no.3,362-367。 Zongmin Li, guangbin Yu, yujie Liu,And Hua Li. 3D polar-radius invariant moments and their application to 3D model
retrieval, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,2006.6,vol.19,no.3,362-367 (chinese) EI: 063310069120
19.Zongmin Li, Kunpeng Hou, Hua Li. Similarity Measurement Based on Trigonometric Function Distance, The First International Symposium on Pervasive Computing and Applications(SPCA06),2006.8,227-231 EI: 080611078830
20.Zongmin Li, Kunpeng Hou, Hua Li. Continuous Symmetry Measure of Image ,IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition(ICIA2006),2006.8,824-828 . EI:082811360618
21.李宗民,李華。用於形狀相似性比較的結構矩,《計算機工程》,2006.8, vol.32, no.8,189-191. Zongmin Li , Hua Li. The comparison of shape similarity based on structure moment invariants, Computer Engineering, 2006.8, vol.32, no.8, 189-191.
(chinese)EI: 06229912576
22.Liu Yu-Jie, Li Zong-Min, LI Hua, Electric field force features-Harmonic Representation for 3D Shape Similarity.CGI'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4035 / 2006,221-230, SCI:BET89/EI:063010029809
23.劉玉傑,李宗民,李華,齊東旭。三維U 系統矩和三維檢索,計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2006(8),1111-1116. Yujie Liu, Zongmin Li, Hua Li,Qi Dongxu. 3D U system moment and 3D model retrieval, Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2006(8),1111-1116. EI:063710112270
24.劉玉傑,李宗民,李華. 用於三維模型檢索的擴展距離球面調和表達,計算機輔助設計與圖形學報,2006(11),1671-1676 . Yujie Liu, Zongmin Li, Hua Li. Spherical harmonic representation of extended distance feature for 3D model retrieval, Journal of
Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2006(11),1671-1676. EI:070310373299
26.Zongmin Li , Jian Zhang ,Yujie Liu , Hua Li. The curve-structure invariant moments for shape analysis and recognition,CAD and Graphics 2005,163-167 EI: 070910460141
27.Zongmin Li, Yuanzhen Zhang,Kunpeng Hou, Li Hua.3D Polar-Radius Invariant Moments and Structure Moment Invariants,Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Volume 3611 / 2005,483-492. SCI:BDA23 / EI: 05439427224
28.Luhong Diao, Hua Li, Zongmin Li. Method for constructing G2 continuous splines via matrices decomposition, Journal of Information and Computation Science, 2005.12, vol.2, no.4
29.Luhong Diao, Hua Li, Zongmin Li.A Method for Constructing C1 Continuous Splines via Matrix Decomposition, CAD and Graphics 2005,34-39 EI:070910460122