共找到97條詞條名為周斌的結果 展開





姓 名: 周斌
性 別: 男
職 務: 無
職 稱: 副研究員
學 歷: 博士
通訊地址: 北京市朝陽區林翠路16號院中科院心理所


1999.9-2003.7: 北京大學心理學系,學士。
2003.9-2005.7: 北京大學心理學系,碩士。
2004.10-2008.9: 德國慕尼黑大學人類科學中心,博士。


2008.10-2010.9: 北京大學心理學系,博士后。
2010.10-2016.02: 中科院心理所,助理研究員
2016.03- 至今: 中科院心理所,副研究員




Zhou, B., Zhang, T., & Mao, L. (2015). Temporal perception in visual processing as a research tool.Frontiers in Psychology,6, Article 521.
Zhou, B., Yang, S., Zhang, T., Zhang, X., & Mao, L. (2015). Situational context is important: Perceptual grouping modulates temporal perception.Cognitive Processing,16(S1), S443–S447.
Bao, Y., Pöppel, E., Wang, L., Lin, X., Yang, T., Avram, M., …Zhou, B.(2015). Synchronization as a biological, psychological and social mechanism to create common time: A theoretical frame and a single case study.PsyCh Journal,4, 243–254.
Zhou, B., Yang, S., Mao, L., & Han, S. (2014). Visual feature processing in the early visual cortex affects duration perception.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,143(5), 1893–1902.
Zhou, B., Pöppel, E., & Bao, Y. (2014). In the jungle of time: the concept of identity as a way out.Frontiers in Psychology,5, Article 844.
Chen, K.,Zhou, B., Chen, S., He, S., & Zhou, W. (2013). Olfaction spontaneously highlights visual saliency map.Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, Biological Sciences,280, 20131729.
Zhou, B., Qin, J., Mao, L., Han, S., & Pöppel, E. (2010). Modulations of temporal perception by consciously and unconsciously perceived stimuli.Perception,39(7), 900–908.
Zhou, B., Bao, Y., Sander, T., Trahms, L., & Pöppel, E. (2010). Dissociation of summation and peak latencies in visual processing: an MEG study on stimulus eccentricity.Neuroscience Letters,483(2), 101–104.
Zhou, B.(2008). Disentangling perceptual and motor components in inhibition of return.Cognitive Processing,9(3), 175–187.
Zhou, B., Zhang, J. X., Tan, L. H., & Han, S. (2004). Spatial congruence in working memory: an ERP study.Neuroreport,15(18), 2795–2799.