共找到93條詞條名為劉俊的結果 展開





攻讀博士學位以來,一直從事于波浪與海洋結構相互作用、電磁波場高性能數值模擬、核電廠結構工程的抗震分析、液體晃蕩的水動力特性分析。研究成果獲大連市科技進步一等獎,大連理工大學優秀博士論文獎,遼寧省優秀博士論文提名獎。相關研究結果發表在《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Ocean Engineering》、《IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation》、《European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids》、《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》、《Computers and Fluids》、《International Journal of Numerical Modelling- Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields》、《Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy》、《China Ocean Engineering》、《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》、《物理學報》、《力學學報》等國內外知名刊物上。總共發表及錄用學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄13篇,SCI他引20多次,同時是《International Journal of Solids and Structures》、《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》、《Ocean Engineering》、《Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques》、《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》、《Journal of Electrostatics》、《Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry》、《Journal of Engineering Mathematics 》、《Journal of Fluids and Structures》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Physics Research International》、《Wave Motion》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》、《Hindawi Publishing Corporation》等十多種國際著名期刊特邀審稿人。
《International Journal of Solids and Structures》
《Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering》
《Ocean Engineering》
《Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques》
《Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements》
《Journal of Electrostatics》
《Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry》
《Journal of Engineering Mathematics 》
《Journal of Fluids and Structures》
《International Journal of Geomechanics》
《Physics Research International》
《Wave Motion》
《Hindawi Publishing Corporation》
《International Journal of Geomechanics》
《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》
1. 2014年國家自然基金青年基金項目
2. 第53批中國博士后基金面上項目
3. 第7批中國博士后基金特別資助
4. 河海大學水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室開放基金
5. 上海交通大學海洋工程國家重點實驗室重點基金
6. 遼寧省教育廳重點實驗室基金
1. 國家自然基金重點項目
2. 中德合作自然基金
1. 大壩及核電廠結構工程的抗震分析
2. 結構--無限地基動力相互作用數值分析方法研究
3. 波浪與海洋結構相互作用
4. 流固耦合分析
5. 電磁波場高性能數值模擬
6. 比例邊界有限元方法在工程中的應用
1.Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo. Short-crested waves interaction with a concentric cylindrical structure with double-layered perforated walls. Ocean Engineering, 2012,40: 76-90.
2.Liu Jun, Lin Gao. A scaled boundary finite element method applied to electrostatic problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2012,36(12): 1721-1732.
3.Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo, Zhong Hong. Analysis of quadruple corner-cut ridged square waveguide using a scaled boundary finite element method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012,36(10): 4797-4809.
4.Lin Gao, Liu Jun. Hydrodynamic performance of combined cylinders structure with dual arc-shaped porous outer walls. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2012: 1-15.
5.Liu Jun, Lin Gao. Analysis of quadruple corner-cut ridged elliptical waveguide by scaled boundary finite element method. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 2012,25(4): 303-316.
6.Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo. Short-crested waves interaction with a concentric porous cylinder system with partially porous outer cylinder. China Ocean Engineering, 2012,26(2): 217-234.
7.Liu Jun, Lin Gao. Numerical modelling of wave interaction with a concentric cylindrical system with an arc-shaped porous outer cylinder. European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 2013,37: 59-71.
8.Li Jianbo, Liu Jun, Lin Gao. Dynamic interaction numerical models in time-domain on the basis of high performance scaled boundary finite element method. Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration12 (4): 541-546.
9.Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Scaled boundary FEM solution of short-crested wave interaction with a concentric structure with double-layer arc-shaped perforated cylinders, Computers and Fluids,2013,7, 82-104.
10.Lin Gao, Liu Jun, Li Jianbo, Fang Hongyuan, Scaled boundary finite element approach forwaveguide eigenvalue problem, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2011,12,5,1508-1515.
11.Li Jianbo, Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Dynamic interaction numerical models in time-domain on the basis of high performance scaled boundary finite element method. Earthquake Engineering &Engineering Vibration, 2013,12 ,4, 541-546.
12.Li miao, Guang Hong, Zhang Hong, Liu Jun, Three-Dimensional Investigation of
Wave-Pile Group Interaction Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method Part II:
Application Results, Ocean Engineering,2013, 64,174-184.
14.胡志強,林皋,王毅,劉俊。基於Hamilton體系的彈性力學問題的比例邊界有限元方法,計算力學學報, 2011,28,4,510-516.
16.蔡迎春,王復明,劉俊。路面材料介電常數非均勻模型雷達電磁波模擬。大連理工大學學報, 2009,49,4,571-575.
21. 張勇,林皋,劉俊,胡志強。靜電場分析的等幾何分析方法。大連理工大學,2012,52,6,870-877.
22.劉俊,林皋,李建波短峰波與雙層開孔圓筒柱相互作用的數值分析, 計算力學學報, 2012,29(5):646-653.
23. Liu Jun, Fuming Wang, Cai yingchun. Forward simulation of ground penetrating radar used in soil subgrade void detection under cement concrete pavements slab. 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering (JS-Dalian 2006)2006:563-566.
24.Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo, Wang Fuming.The scaled boundary finite element method applied to electromagnetic field problems. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2010,10: 012245.
25. Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo,Scaled boundary FEM solution of 3D liquid sloshing in containers with complex axisymmetric geometry, Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013: 284-289.
26. Li Jianbo,Liu Jun, Lin Gao.Analysis of liquid sloshing in half-full horizontal elliptical tanks by a scaled boundary finite element method, Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013: 262-267.
27. Liu Jun, Lin Gao, Li Jianbo.Analysis of a quadruple corner-cut ridged/vane-loaded circular waveguide using scaled boundary finite element method, Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2011,17:113-133.
28. Zhiqiang Hu, Gao Lin, Yi Wang, Jun Liu.A Hamiltonian-based derivation of scaled boundary finite element method for elasticity problems. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2010,10:012213.
1. 大連市科技進步一等獎
2. 大連理工大學優秀博士論文獎