




譯 名:電子戰場2027 / 超越終結者 / 天譴
導 演: ( 阿爾伯特·派恩Albert Pyun )
主 演: ( 奧利維爾·格魯納Olivier Gruner)(Tim Thomerson)(卡里-希羅尤基·泰加瓦 Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) (Merle Kennedy)(Yuji Okumoto)(Marjorie Monaghan)
上 映: 1993年01月29日
顏 色:彩色
聲 音: Dolby SR
類 型:科幻 動作 驚怵


In the near future, illegalandroidshave become commonplace, and many criminals will enhance themselves with cybernetic components, making them "more than human". Alex Raine (Olivier Gruner) is a disillusionedassassin/bounty hunterfor theLAPD. During a routine mission, he is attacked by a group of cyborg freedom fighters known as The Red Army Hammerheads. Nearly killed by the surviving leader, Rosaria (Jennifer Gatti), Alex resists her assertion that he is a mindless robot: "Eighty-six point five percent [of him] is still human."
After months of cybernetic reconstruction and recovery, Alex tracks Rosaria to Old Baja and kills her. Soon after this, his handlers show up - his former lover Jared (Marjorie Monaghan), who is anandroid, and another android, Sam. Alex decides he has had enough and leaves the LAPD, becoming a freelance hustler and triggerman. However, his LAPD bosses are just letting him run free for a while. After he is shot and badly wounded on a job, his old boss, Commissioner Farnsworth (Tim Thomerson), has him kidnapped and brought in for one final assignment. According to Germaine (Nicholas Guest), Jared has stolen vital security information regarding an upcoming summit between Japan and the United States, and must be stopped before she leaks the plans to the Red Army Hammerheads. Alex is told by Farnsworth that a bomb was implanted in his heart during his latest repairs. He is given three days to find Jared before she meets with the leader of the Hammerheads, Angie-Liv (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa); otherwise, the bomb will detonate and kill him. After flying to the island of Shang-Lu in the Pacific Rim, he is turned loose as bait for Jared.
In reality, the freedom fighters are not battling against government control of people's lives, but for humanity's future. A newly designed android is infiltrating the higher echelons of human society,copying the mindsof powerful leaders into synthetic bodies, Farnsworth among them. Jared threatens their plans, and so Alex's real mission is to smoke her out for the synthetics to destroy. Burnt out, Alex halfheartedly begins his search, checking into a local hotel. He is soon intercepted by Julian (Deborah Shelton), acyborgrepresenting Jared. She tells him he is being followed by an LAPD strike team led by Farnsworth, waiting for the opportunity to hit the Hammerheads and Jared.
It turns out that Jared was fatally wounded in her escape from LA, requiring her memory core to be salvaged from her body. After removing a surveillance device implanted in Alex's eye, Julian injects him with a digital scrambler that prevents the bomb from being remotely detonated. She gives him Jared's memory core, enabling him to talk to her. The strike team storms the hotel and Julian sacrifices herself to let Alex escape.
Alex eventually joins up with a local woman, Max (Merle Kennedy) who acts a scout for the Hammerheads while fronting as a tour guide. She is also the sister of Rosaria, the woman he'd killed in Old Baja. While she wants Alex dead, her loyalty to the freedom fighters comes first. He is brought to the Hammerheads and is convinced by Angie-Liv to join their cause. Unfortunately, the strike team tracks them down, leading to a shootout and chase through the rundown city. Most of the Hammerheads, including Angie-Liv, are killed by Farnsworth's men. Alex saves Max's life, eventually earning her forgiveness. In a confrontation with Farnsworth, Alex shoots him with a grenade launcher, apparently killing him.
Alex and Max arrive at a secret hangar where Yoshiro (Yuji Okumoto), a surviving Hammerhead, is waiting. While launching their escape vehicle, an aerodyne, they are attacked by the cyborg Farnsworth, reduced to his mechanical endoskeleton. Alex defeats him, but suffers grave injuries in the process and discovers just how much of him really is synthetic. Alex brings Jared's core to another Hammerhead compound where they will be able to destroy the labs being used to duplicate people. Unfortunately this means wiping her memory from the core, effectively killing her. Heavily bandaged and temporarily blind, Alex is forced to say goodbye.
Sneaking into LA and hunting down the synthetic agents, Alex corners Germaine on the helipad of LAPD headquarters. Despite Germaine's protests that he cannot hope to kill all the synthetics, Alex shoots him. Before she died, Jared told Alex that the real Commissioner Farnsworth left him a letter at an old dead drop. In it, his former mentor apologizes for his sometimes rough treatment, reminding him that they all have to do what is right. Alex walks off with his new partner Max, and they joke about how they are going to smuggle his synthetic body through airport customs: "Piece by piece, Max..."
在不久的將來,非法的機器人已經司空見慣,許多罪犯會增強自己的控制元件,使他們“比”的人。Alex Raine(奧利維·葛納)是一個失望的刺客,賞金獵人/洛杉磯。在一次例行任務,他是由一組機器人的自由戰士被稱為紅軍的鎚頭鯊攻擊。從現存的領導人幾乎殺了,Rosaria(Jennifer Gatti),亞歷克斯對她說他是一個無意識的機器人:“八十六點百分之五[他]仍然是人類。”
控制論的重建和恢復的幾個月里,Alex tracks Rosaria老下殺死她。這之後不久,他處理了他的前情人賈里德(Marjorie Monaghan),他是一個機器人,和另一個Android,Sam. Alex決定他已經受夠了,離開警局,成為一名自由人和刺客。然而,他的警局的老闆很讓他自由奔跑一會兒。在他開槍重傷一份工作時,他的老上司,專員Farnsworth(蒂姆·托馬森),他綁架了最後一個任務。根據Germaine(尼古拉斯客串),賈里德偷走了重要的安全信息,對於日本和美國之間的一個高峰即將到來,必須在她泄露給紅軍鎚頭計劃停止。亞歷克斯告訴Farnsworth,一顆炸彈被植入他的心在他最新的維修。給他三天找到賈里德之前,她遇到了鎚頭的領袖,Angie Liv(Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa);否則,將引爆的炸彈,殺死他。飛到太平洋邊的尚璐島后,他成了賈里德的誘餌。
亞歷克斯最終加入了當地的一個女人,馬克斯(Merle Kennedy)是一個鎚頭偵察而前置作為導遊。她也是他妹妹,他老下殺的女人。雖然她想讓亞歷克斯死,但她對自由戰士的忠誠是第一位的。他被帶到鎚頭,說服Angie Liv加入他們的原因。不幸的是,突擊隊跟蹤他們,導致槍戰,並通過破敗的城市追逐。大部分的鎚頭,包括Angie Liv,都被Farnsworth的人殺了。Alex saves Max的生活,最終贏得了她的原諒。在和Farnsworth對峙,亞歷克斯拍攝了他一槍榴彈發射器,顯然殺了他。
亞歷克斯和馬克斯來到一個秘密的機庫,Yoshiro(Yuji Okumoto),一個倖存的鎚頭,等。發射逃逸車輛,而飛車,它們由機器人Farnsworth攻擊,減少他的機械外骨骼。亞歷克斯擊敗了他,但在這個過程中遭受了嚴重的傷害,發現他真的有多少是合成的。亞歷克斯把賈里德的核心帶到另一個鎚頭複合物中,在那裡他們可以摧毀用來複制人的實驗室。不幸的是,這意味著從核心擦除她的記憶,有效地殺死她。亞歷克斯包紮繃帶,暫時失明,被迫說再見。
潛入LA追捕的合成劑,在警局總部的直升機停機坪Alex corners Germaine。儘管Germaine的抗議,他不希望殺死所有的合成,亞歷克斯射殺了他。在她去世之前,賈里德告訴亞歷克斯,真正的專員Farnsworth給他留了一封信在一個舊的死亡。在那,他以前的導師為他有時粗糙處理,提醒他,他們都去做正確的事情。亞歷克斯和他的新搭檔馬克斯走了,他們開玩笑說他們將如何通過機場海關走私他的合成體:“一塊一塊,最大……”


AlexOlivier Gruner
FarnsworthTim Thomerson
Angie-LivCary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
Max ImpactMerle Kennedy