查爾斯·布朗森(Charles Bronson,1921年11月3日-2003年8月30日),男,出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州的埃倫費爾德,動作片演員。
早年他在各類動作電影中摸爬滾打,其中的一些表演受到了一些電影評論家的好評,比如黃金篷車大作戰(1954)和飛箭(1957)。1958年,查爾斯出演了獨立電影導演羅傑·科爾曼的低成本黑幫電影《機關槍凱利》(1958),廣受好評。接著又主演了電視劇集《Man with a camera》。漸漸地,在六十年代,查爾斯樹立起來了他的銀幕表演基調——沉默寡言,只靠行動說話。
1960年,查爾斯·布朗森出演了約翰·斯特奇斯導演的《豪勇七蛟龍》(1960),扮演一名愛爾蘭和墨西哥混血的槍手Bernardo O'Reilly。影片上映后廣受好評。三年後,約翰再次同查爾斯合作了當年的一部大製作二戰題材電影《大逃亡》(1963)(史蒂夫·麥奎因主演),他在其中扮演“地鼠”Danny Velinski。在主演了幾部電影之後,查爾斯再次回歸軍事題材電影,在1967年同李·馬文和歐內斯特·博格寧出演了爺們兒氣息爆表的《十二金剛》。歐洲觀眾對他
Harriet Tendler(1949年-1967年)(離婚)育有兩個孩子

英文名:Charles Bronson

Biography for Charles Bronson(資料來自imdb)
Date of Birth
3 November 1921,Ehrenfeld,Pennsylvania,USA
Date of Death
30 August 2003,Los Angeles,California,USA.(pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease)
Birth Name
Charles Dennis Buchinsky
Il Brutto(Italy)
Le Sacre Monstre(France)

5'10"(1.78 m)
Mini Biography
The archetypal screen tough guy with weatherbeaten features-one film critic described his rugged looks as"a Clark Gable who had been left out in the sun too long"-Charles Bronson was born Charles Buchinski,one of 14 children of struggling Polish immigrant parents in Pennsylvania(his father was a coal miner).He completed high school and joined his father in the mines(an experience that resulted in a lifetime fear of being in enclosed spaces)and then served in WW II.After his return from the war,Bronson used the GI Bill to study art(a passion he had for the rest of his life),then enrolled at the Pasadena Playhouse in California.One of his teachers was impressed with the young man and recommended him to director Henry Hathaway,resulting in Bronson making his film debut in You're in the Navy Now(1951).He appeared on screen often early in his career,though often uncredited.However,he made an impact on audiences as the evil assistant to Vincent Price in the 3-D thriller House of Wax(1953).His sinewy yet muscular physique got him cast in action-type roles,often without a shirt to highlight his manly frame.He received positive notices from critics for his performances in Vera Cruz(1954),Target Zero(1955)and Run of the Arrow(1957).Indie director Roger Corman cast him as the lead in his well-received low-budget gangster flick Machine-Gun Kelly(1958),then Bronson scored the lead in his own TV series,"Man with a Camera"(1958).The 1960s proved to be the era in which Bronson made his reputation as a man of few words but much action.Director John Sturges cast him as half Irish/half Mexican gunslinger Bernardo O'Reilly in the smash hit western The Magnificent Seven(1960),and hired him again as tunnel rat Danny Velinski for the WWII POW big budget epic The Great Escape(1963).Several more strong roles followed,then once again Bronson was back in military uniform,alongside Lee Marvin and Ernest Borgnine in the testosterone-filled The Dirty Dozen(1967).European audiences had taken a shine to his minimalist acting style,and he headed to the Continent to star in several action-oriented films,including Bataille de San Sebastian,La(1968)(aka"Guns for San Sebastian"),the cult western C'era una volta il West(1968)(aka"Once Upon a Time in The West"),Passager de la pluie,Le(1969)(aka"Rider On The Rain")and,in one of the quirkier examples of international casting,alongside Japansese screen legend ToshirôMifune in the western Soleil rouge(1971)(aka"Red Sun").American audiences were by now keen to see Bronson back on US soil,and he returned triumphantly in the early 1970s to take the lead in more hard-edged crime and western dramas,including The Valachi Papers(1972)and the revenge western Chato's Land(1972).After nearly 25 years as a working actor,he became an overnight sensation.Bronson then hooked up with British director Michael Winner to star in several highly successful urban crime thrillers,including The Mechanic(1972)and The Stone Killer(1973).He then scored a solid hit as a Colorado melon farmer-done-wrong in Richard Fleischer's Mr.Majestyk(1974).However,the film that proved to be a breakthrough for both Bronson and Winner came in 1974 with the release of the controversial Death Wish(1974)(written with Henry Fonda in mind,who was disgusted by the script).The US was at the time in the midst of rising street crime,and audiences flocked to see a story about a mild-mannered architect who seeks revenge for the murder of his wife and rape of his daughter by gunning down hoods,rapists and killers on the streets of New York City.So popular was the film that it spawned four increasingly inferior sequels over the next 20 years.
Action fans could not get enough of tough guy Bronson,and he appeared in what many fans,and critics,consider his best role-as Depression-era streetfighter Chaney alongside James Coburn in the superb Hard Times(1975).That was followed by the somewhat slow-paced but beautifully photographed western Breakheart Pass(1975)(with wife Jill Ireland),the light-hearted romp(a flop)From Noon Till Three(1976),and as Soviet agent Grigori Borsov in director Don Siegel's decent Cold War thriller Telefon(1977).Bronson remained busy throughout the 1980s,with most of his films taking a more violent tone,and he was pitched as an avenging angel eradicating evildoers in films like the mediocre 10 to Midnight(1983),the nearly unwatchable The Evil That Men Do(1984),Assassination(1987)and Kinjite:Forbidden Subjects(1989).Bronson jolted many critics with his forceful work as murdered United Mine Workers leader Jock Yablonski in the TV movie Act of Vengeance(1986)(TV),gave a very interesting performance in the Sean Penn-directed The Indian Runner(1991),and surprised everyone with his appearance as compassionate newspaper editor Francis Church in the family film Yes Virginia,There Is a Santa Claus(1991)(TV).
Bronson's final film roles were as police commissioner Paul Fein in a well-received trio of crime/drama TV movies Family of Cops(1995)(TV),Breach of Faith:Family of Cops II(1997)(TV)and Family of Cops III:Under Suspicion(1999)(TV).Unfortunately,ill health began to take its toll;he suffered from Alzheimers disease for the last few years of his life,and finally passed away from pneumonia at Los Angeles'Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in August 2003.Bronson was a true icon of international cinema;critics had few good things to say about his films,but he remained a fan favorite in both the US and abroad for 50 years,a claim few other film legends can make.
Kim Weeks(22 December 1998-30 August 2003)(his death)
Jill Ireland(5 October 1968-18 May 1990)(her death)1 daughter
Harriet Tendler(1949-1967)(divorced)2 children

Shared a room with Jack Klugman in a New York boarding house in the 1940s.
He had two children with his first wife,Tony and Suzanne.He then married Jill Ireland,who had two sons with her first husband,David McCallum.One adopted son(Jason)died in 1989.He and Ireland had a daughter named Zuleika.
Perhaps the biggest late bloomer in Hollywood history,he did not get the marquee treatment he deserved until his late 40s.He was already 53 when Death Wish(1974)premiered.
The name Bronson is said to taken from the"Bronson Gate"at Paramount Studios,at the north end of Bronson Avenue.
Spoofed in an episode of"The Simpsons"(1989)in which the Simpson family mistakenly travels to Bronson,Missouri,instead of Branson.In Bronson,such lines of dialogue as these are spoken by its citizens:"No dice.","This ain't ovah."
Changed his stage name in the early 1950s in the midst of the McCarthy"Red Scare"at the suggestion of his agent,who was fearful that his last name(Buchinsky)would damage his career.
Actor Dick Van Dyke received a lemon cake every Christmas from Bronson,who lived nearby in Malibu for 16 years
In 1949 he moved to California,where he signed up for acting lessons at the Pasadena Playhouse
In 1954 on the Mexican set of Vera Cruz(1954),he and fellow cast member Ernest Borgnine--who were playing American gunfighters involved in the Mexican fight against the French--had some spare time on their hands and decided to go to a nearby town for cigarettes.They saddled up in costume,sidearms and all,and began riding to town.On the way they were spotted by a truck full of Mexican"federales"--national police--who mistook them for bandits and held them at gunpoint until their identities could be verified.
Was drafted into the army in 1943 and assigned to the Air Corps.At first he was a truck driver,but was later trained as a bomber tail gunner and assigned to a B-29.He flew 25 missions and received,among other decorations,a Purple Heart for wounds incurred in battle.
"I am not a Casper Milquetoast,"Bronson told The Washington Post in 1985,recalling the time he was visiting Rome and felt someone stick a gun in his side."A guy in broken English asked me for money.I said,'You give ME money.'He turned around and walked away."
Director John Huston once summed him up as"a grenade with the pin pulled"
Was by all accounts a very quiet and introspective collaborator,often sitting in a corner for much of a shoot and listening to a director's instructions and not saying a word until cameras were rolling.
Was the first actor considered for the role of Snake Plissken in Escape from New York(1981)
He grew privately frustrated by the declining quality and range of roles over his career,being pigeonholed as a violent vigilante after the commercial success of Death Wish(1974).His own favorite of his"vigilante"movies was C'era una volta il West(1968)(aka Once Upon a Time in the West).
In 1963 Sergio Leone asked him to star in his western Per un pugno di dollari(1964)(A Fistful of Dollars).Bronson turned the role down,so Leone asked Clint Eastwood.
His father died when he was 10,and at 16 he followed his brothers into the mines to support the family.He was paid$1 per ton of coal and volunteered for perilous jobs because the pay was better.
Responding to critics'complaints,he said:"We don't make movies for critics,since they don't pay to see them anyhow."
Called West Windsor,Vermont his home for more than three decades(Bronson Farm),and was buried in nearby Brownsville Cemetery,near the foot of Mt.Ascutney.
Appeared with Steve McQueen and James Coburn in two films,both of which were directed by John Sturges:The Magnificent Seven(1960)and The Great Escape(1963).
With his death on August 30,2003,Robert Vaughn and Eli Wallach are the only two of the seven main stars of the The Magnificent Seven(1960)who are still alive as of November 2005.
His stepson,Jason McCallum Bronson,the adoptive son of David McCallum and Jill Ireland,died of an accidental drug overdose in 1989.
Was introduced to his second wife,Jill Ireland,by her then-husband David McCallum during the filming of The Great Escape(1963).
Spoke fluent Russian,Lithuanian and Greek.
Owned homes in Europe,including Lithuania and Greece.
Had hip replacement surgery in August 1998.
The voice of the sarcastic store clerk in"The Simpsons"(1989)is based on him.
Sergio Leone once called him"the greatest actor I ever worked with".Leone had wanted Bronson for all three of what became known as the"Man with No Name"trilogy,but Bronson turned him down each time.
The term"Charles Bronson"is frequently uttered in Reservoir Dogs(1992)in reference to a hard-man.
He was very active in raising funds for the John Wayne Cancer Institute.
Advertised Mandom hair oil.
Capable of essaying a variety of types,from Russian to American Indian,from homicidal villain to tight-lipped hero,Bronson suddenly became a star at the age of 50.Following the success of Death Wish(1974)he repeated,with little variation,his role as a vengeful urban vigilante.
In the latter part of his career,he worked predominantly with The Guns of Navarone(1961)director J.Lee Thompson.They made nine films together in just over a decade between 1977 and 1989:10 to Midnight(1983),Caboblanco(1980),Death Wish 4:The Crackdown(1987),The Evil That Men Do(1984),Kinjite:Forbidden Subjects(1989),Messenger of Death(1988),Murphy's Law(1986),St.Ives(1976)and The White Buffalo(1977).
From a Lithuanian family,he grew up in a western Pennsylvania coal-mining town.Like all the men in his family,he worked in the mines,but hated it and used a variety of means to escape it(including the military and,eventually,acting).His expertise with tunneling and working underground turned out to be quite helpful when making The Great Escape(1963)in the role of"Tunnel King"Velinski.However,even though the"tunnel"he was working in was a cutaway set,he could only stay in it for a few minutes at a time before he had to get up and leave.As a boy working in the mines,he was caught in a cave-in and almost died before he was finally rescued.Ever since that time he had had a deathly fear of enclosed spaces.
Made six films with director Michael Winner:Chato's Land(1972),The Mechanic(1972),The Stone Killer(1973),Death Wish(1974),Death Wish II(1982)and Death Wish 3(1985).
In the'90s a lady whom he'd never met left him her estate worth well over a million dollars.She was a big fan of his.Her family sued and he ended up settling with them out of court.
Diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2000 after suffering ill health for the previous two years.
Retired from acting after undergoing hip replacement surgery in 1998.
The Japanese manga artist Yoshiyuki Okamura,famed for the Fist of the Northstar manga sometimes credit himself under the name of Buronson,after Bronson and sports a similar moustache.
He and his wife Jill Ireland adopted Katrina Holden Bronson after her mother Hilary Holden died in 1983.
Personal Quotes
"I guess I look like a rock quarry that someone has dynamited."
"Acting is the easiest thing I've done,I guess that's why I'm stuck with it."
"Someday I'd like a part where I can lean my elbow against a mantlepiece and have a cocktail."
"I don't look like someone who leans on a mantelpiece with a cocktail in my hand,you know.I look like the kind of guy who has a bottle of beer in my hand."
"Maybe I'm too masculine.Casting directors cast in their own,or an idealized image.Maybe I don't look like anybody's ideal."(1971)
"I am not a fan of myself."
Nobody stays on top forever.Nobody!
10 to Midnight(1983)$2,000,000
Death Wish(1974)$1,000,000
Valdez,il mezzosangue(1973)$1,000,000
The Stone Killer(1973)$1,000,000
在1954年對墨西哥的一套維拉克魯斯(1954年),他和同胞投下會員歐內斯特博格寧-誰玩美國g unfighters涉及在墨西哥打擊法語-有一些閑暇時間對他們的手中,並決定到一個附近城市的香煙。他們背負了在服裝,sidearms和所有,並開始騎馬城市。就未來路,他們發現一輛卡車,充滿墨西哥“federales”-國家警察-誰誤以為他們為土匪和舉行他們在槍口下,直到他們的身份可以得到證實。
是第一個演員考慮的作用,蛇,plissken在逃生由New York(1981)
1951年You're in the Navy Now
1951年《紐約警探網》(The People Against O'Hara)
1951年《暴徒》(The Mob)
1952年《婚姻趣事》(The Marrying Kind)
1952年《我的六人罪犯》(My Six Convicts)
1952年《帕特和麥克》(Pat and Mike)
1952年Red Skies of Montana
1952年《諜影雄風》(Diplomatic Courier)
1952年《百老匯偵探》(Bloodhounds of Broadway)
1952年《丑角》(The Clown)
1952年《戰爭地帶》(Battle Zone)
1953年Off Limits
1953年Torpedo Alley
1953年《恐怖蠟像館》(House of Wax)
1953年《軍中紅》(Miss Sadie Thompson)
1953年《龍虎干戈》(Vera Cruz)
1954年《警網重重》(Crime Wave)
1954年《鐵腕丹心》(Tennessee Champ)
1954年《馬背上的槍聲》(Riding Shotgun)
1954年《雷鳴戰鼓》(Drum Beat)
1955年Big House,U.S.A.
1955年Target Zero
1957年《執導》(Run of the Arrow)
1958年Gang War
1958年《機槍手凱利》(Machine-Gun Kelly)
1958年Showdown At Boot Hill
1958年When Hell Broke Loose
1959年《戰雲》(Never So Few)
1960年《豪勇七蛟龍》(The Magnificent Seven)
1961年《世界的主人》(Master of the World)
1961年A Thunder of Drums
1962年《長勝拳王》(Kid Galahad)
1963年《大逃亡》(The Great Escape)
1963年《德州四傑》(4 for Texas)
1965年《坦克大決戰》(Battle of the Bulge)
1965年《春風無限恨》(The Sandpiper)
1965年Guns of Diablo
1966年《蓬門碧玉紅顏淚》(This Property Is Condemned)
1967年《十二金剛》(The Dirty Dozen)
1968年《雙虎將大追蹤》(Guns for San Sebastian)
1968年Villa Rides
1968年《西部往事》(Once Upon a Time in the West)
1969年《雨中的乘客》(Rider on the Rain)
1970年《大風暴》(You Can't Win'Em All)
1970年《狼之輓歌》(Violent City)
1970年Cold Sweat
1971年《致命動機》(Someone Behind the Door)
1971年《龍虎群英》(Red Sun)
1972年《野狼》(Chato's Land)
1972年《大時代》(The Valachi Papers)
1972年《龍虎鐵金剛》(The Mechanic)
1973年《鐵石殺手》(The Stone Killer)
1974年《猛龍怪客》(Death Wish)
1975年《奪命列車》(Breakheart Pass)
1975年《鬥士》(Hard Times)
1976年《老查的故事》(From Noon Till Three)
1977年《威馬神龍》(The White Buffalo)
1977年《火狐一號出擊》(Raid on Entebbe)
1979年《火爆猛金鋼》(Love and Bullets)
1981年《雪嶺過江龍》(Death Hunt)
1982年《猛龍怪客2》(Death Wish II)
1983年《處刑在午夜》(10 to Midnight)
1984年《手下不留情》(The Evil That Men Do)
1985年《猛龍怪客3》(Death Wish 3)
1986年《暴力先鋒》(Murphy's Law)
1987年《猛龍怪客4》(Death Wish 4:The Crackdown)
1988年《閻王信差》(Messenger of Death)
1989年《近距對搏》(Kinjite:Forbidden Subjects)
1991年《兄弟情仇》(The Indian Runner)
1994年《猛龍怪客5》(Death Wish V:The Face of Death)