共找到2條詞條名為李連發的結果 展開












Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang & Hareton Leung, 2009, Using spatial analysis and Bayesian network to model the vulnerability and make insurance pricing of catastrophic risk, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, (SCI,出版中)
Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang & Hareton Leung, 2009, An unsupervised similarity classifier to stratify samples to improve estimation precision, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(5): 1207-1234 (SCI)
Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang, Zhidong Cao, and Ershun Zhong, 2008, An information-fusion method to identify pattern of spatial heterogeneity for improving the accuracy of estimation, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2008, 22(6): 689-704 (SCI)
Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang & Chengyi Wang, Typhoon insurance pricing with spatial decision-making support tools, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(3): 363-384 (SCI)
Lianfa Li & Jinfeng Wang, 2006, A prototype auto-human support system for spatial analysis, Progress in Natural Science, 16(9): 954-966 (SCI)
Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang & Jiyuan Liu, 2005, Optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling for survey of China's land with remotely sensed data, Science in China – Series D, 48(6): 752-764 (SCI)
Lianfa Li & Jinfeng Wang, 2004, Integrated spatial sampling modeling of geospatial data, Science in China – Series D, 47(3): 201-208 (SCI)
Jinfeng Wang, Lianfa Li & George Christakos, 2009, Sampling and Kriging Spatial Means: Efficiency and Conditions, Sensor, 9(7), 5224-5240 (SCI)
Jinfeng Wang & Lianfa Li, Improving tsunami warning systems with remote sensing and geographical information system input, 2008, Risk Analysis, 2008, 28(6): 1653-1668 (SCI)
Jinfeng Wang, Jiyuan Liu, Dafang Zhuang, Lianfa Li & Yong Ge, Spatial sampling design for monitoring the area of cultivated land, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2002, 23(3): 263-284 (SCI)
Lianfa Li & Hareton Leung, 2009, Using the number of faults to improve fault-proneness prediction of the probability models, 2009, World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, March 31 - April 2, Los Angeles/Anaheim, USA (IEEE Xplore收錄)
Lianfa Li, Jinfeng Wang, Zhidong Cao, et al., 2006, An information-fusion method to regionalize spatial heterogeneity for improving the accuracy of spatial sampling estimation, 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Canada (會議論文)
Jinfeng Wang, Lianfa Li, Zhidong Cao, et al., 2006, A systematic analysis for an intelligent induced spatial sampling (IISS), 53rd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Toronto, Canada (會議論文)
李連發、王勁峰劉紀遠,2004,國土遙感調查的空間抽樣優化決策,中國科學 D輯,34(10):975~982(中文核心)
王勁峰、武繼磊、孫英君、李連發、孟 斌,2005,空間信息分析技術,地理研究,24(3): 464-472 (中文核心)
李連發、王勁峰,2002,地理數據空間抽樣模型,自然科學進展, 12(5), 545-548(中文核心)
王勁峰、李連發、葛詠等,2000,地理信息空間分析的理論體系探討,地理學報, 55(1): 92-105(中文核心)


2009.2 一種基於柵格的空間異質模式識別方法及分層方法,負責人:李連發
2008.10 一種精細尺度下的動態風險及易損性預測方法,負責人:李連發


王勁峰 等著,2006,《空間分析》,科學出版社,2006年9月出版,李連發負責第一章、第九章、第二十八章及名詞解釋與索引的編寫


2008.1~ 現在:空間數據挖掘及決策支持工具包(負責人)
2007.1~2008.10:三明治空間抽樣及與統計推斷軟體包 0.9版本(主要參與人員)
SIMPLE空間分析 系列軟體包 已獲軟體著作權(2005SR05091)(第二著作權人)

