



1. 2012年畢業於南京航空航天大學,獲電機與電器專業博士學位;
2. 2013.2至2015.2在英國謝菲爾德大學擔任EPSRC Postdoc Research Associate;
3. 2014.12- 南京信息工程大學任教授,碩士生導師。


1. IEEE Member
4. 20多個電氣、控制和機械領域重要SCI期刊審稿人
5. 電氣工程頂級或重要國際學術會議審稿人


在開關磁阻電機、電動汽車驅動系統和混合能量存儲系統領域共發表論文50餘篇(第一作者46篇),其中40餘篇被SCI或EI收錄,以第一作者在IEEE Trans. Power Electron., IEEE Trans.Ind. Electron., IEEE Trans. Magn., IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Rev. Sci. Instrum.等電氣學科領域最重要SCI國際期刊發表論文15篇,國內頂級期刊6篇。已申請發明專利47項和實用新型專利3項,已獲授權發明專利12項和實用新型3項。


Jun Cai, Zhiquan Deng, An Approach to selecting the optimal sensing coil configuration structure for switched reluctance motor rotor position measurement, Review of Scientific Instruments, PP. 1-7, Vol. 86, No. 025002, 2015.
Jun Cai, Zhiquan Deng, Initial Rotor Position Estimation and Sensorless Control of SRM Based on Coordinate Transformation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, PP. 1004-1018, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2015.
Jun Cai, Zhiquan Deng, Rongguang Hu, Position Signal Faults Diagnosis and Control for Switched Reluctance Motor, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 50, No. 9, Sept. 2014.
Jun Cai, Zhiquan Deng, Switched-Reluctance Position Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 50, No. 11, Sept. 2014.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, Sensorless Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Phase Inductance Vectors,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, PP. 3410-3423, Vol. 27, No. 7, 2012.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, A Switching Flux-linkage Reference Based Sensorless Method for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives, Electric Power Components and Systems, PP. 227-237, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2014.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, A Position sensorless control of switched reluctance motor based on phase inductance slope, Journal of Power Electronics, PP. 264-274, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2013.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, Sensorless Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Dynamic Thresholds of Phase Inductance, Electric Power Components and Systems, PP. 915-934, Vol. 40, No. 8, 2012.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, A Sensorless Starting Control Strategy for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives with Current Threshold, Electric Power Components and Systems, PP. 1-15, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2012.
Jun Cai and Zhiquan Deng, A RBF Neural Network Based Sensorless Control Scheme for Switched Reluctance Motor, International Review of Electrical Engineering, PP. 6026-6034, Vol. 7, No. 6, 2012.


ICEMS 2014 Best Paper Awards