



1994年武漢大學物理系本科畢業,1998年中科院物理所理論物理博士畢業。1998年至2007年分別在美國內布拉斯加州奧馬哈和林肯大學任研究助理博士后和研究助理教授,2007年同濟大學物理系教授,2008年作為紫江特聘教授調入華東師範大學信息科學技術學院 極化材料與器件教育部重點實驗室工作,任實驗室副主任。2008年上海市浦江人才,2008年上海市曙光學者,2009年教育部“新世紀優秀人才”,2009年教育部創新團隊“極化類信息功能材料”學術帶頭人,2010年入選“上海領軍人才”計劃,2011年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金,2013年上海市優秀學術帶頭人
在Nano Lett.‚ Phys. Rev. Lett.‚ Chem. Mater.‚Appl. Phys. Lett‚ Europhys. Lett.‚ Phys. Rev. B等國際著名學術刊物上共發表學術論文70餘篇,SCI引用逾1600次,引用刊物包括Nature、Science等,SCI論文H因子24。


1 多鐵體,磁電體,鐵電體,鐵磁體和自旋電子學材料等信息功能材料
2 納米結構:超薄膜,表面界面,納米管
3 磁性和鐵電材料隧道結的自旋輸運
4 分子動力學和蒙特卡羅模擬







Xiangang Wan* Hang-Chen Ding, Sergey Y. Savrasov,Chun-Gang Duan*, Ferroelectricity induced by interatomic magnetic exchange interaction,
Xiangang Wan, Hang-Chen Ding, Sergey Y. Savrasov andChun-Gang Duan. "Density-functional calculations of the electronic structure and lattice dynamics ofsuperconducting LaO0.5F0.5BiS2: Evidence for an electron-phonon interaction near thecharge-density-wave instability",Phys. Rev. B87, 115124 (2013).
Shi-Jing Gong,Chun-Gang Duan*, Yan Zhu, Zi-Qiang Zhu, Jun-Hao Chu. “Controlling Rashba spin splitting in Au(111) surface states through electric field”,Phys. Rev. B87, 035403 (2013). )
Shiyou Chen‚ X. G. Gong‚Chun-Gang Duan‚ Zi-Qiang Zhu‚ Jun-Hao Chu‚ Aron Walsh‚ Yu-Gui Yao‚ Jie Ma‚ and Su-Huai Wei‚ "Band structure engineering of multinary chalcogenide topological insulators"‚Phys. Rev. B83‚ 245202 (2011).
M. K. Niranjan‚Chun-Gang Duan‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ and E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Electric field effect on magnetization at the Fe/MgO(001)interface"‚Appl. Phys. Lett.96‚ 222504 (2010).
J. P. Velev‚Chun-Gang Duan‚*J. D. Burton‚ Alexander Smogunov‚ Manish K. Niranjan‚ Erio Tosatti‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ and Evgeny Y. Tsymbal‚ "Magnetic tunnel junctions with ferroelectric barriers: Prediction of four resistance states from first-principles"‚Nano Lett.9‚ 427 (2009). (*: Co-first author).
Chun-Gang Duan‚Ce-Wen Nan‚ S. S. Jaswal and E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Universality of the Surface Magnetoelectric Effect in Half-Metals"‚Phys. Rev. B ( Rapid Communication )79‚ 140403(R) (2009).
Chun-Gang Duan‚Julian P. Velev‚ R. F. Sabirianov‚ Ziqiang Zhu‚ Junhao Chu‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ and E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Surface Magnetoelectric effect in ferromagnetic metal films"‚Phys. Rev. Lett.101‚ 137201 (2008). (Selected for the October 6‚ 2008 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).
Chun-gang Duan‚ J. P. Velev‚ R. F. Sabiryanov‚ W. N. Mei‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Tailoring magnetic anisotropy at the ferromagnet/ferroelectric interface"‚Appl. Phys. Lett.92‚ 122905 (2008).
J. P. Velev‚Chun-gang Duan‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Effect of ferroelectricity on electron transport in Pt/BaTiO3/Pt ferroelectric tunnel junctions"‚Phys. Rev. Lett.98‚ 137201 (2007). (Selected for the April 9‚ 2007 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology).
Chun-gang Duan‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Predicted Magnetoelectric Effect in Fe/BaTiO3 Multilayers: Ferroelectric Control of Magnetism"‚Phys. Rev. Lett.97‚ 047201 (2006). (Selected for the August 7‚ 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology‚ and highlighted in the Research News section in Materials Today Vol. 9‚ October 2006).
Chun-gang Duan‚ R. F. Sabiryanov‚ W. N. Mei‚ S. S. Jaswal‚ E. Y. Tsymbal‚ "Interface Effect on Ferroelectricity at the Nanoscale"‚Nano Lett.6‚ 483 (2006).
Chun-gang Duan‚ R. F. Sabiryanov‚ Jianjun Liu‚ W. N. Mei‚ P. A. Dowben‚ J. R. Hardy‚ "Strain induced half-metal to semiconductor transition in GdN"‚Phys. Rev. Lett.94‚ 237201 (2005).
段純剛‚ "磁電效應研究進展". 邀請文章‚物理學進展29‚ 215 (2009).
Chun-gang Duan‚ "Interface/surface magnetoelectric effects: new routes to the electric field control of magnetism"‚ invited paper‚Frontiers of Physics7, 375 (2012).
Shi-Jing Gong, Hang-Chen Ding, Wan-Jiao Zhu,Chun-Gang Duan,* Ziqiang Zhu, Junhao Chu. "A new pathway towards all-electric spintronics: electric-field control of spin states through surface/interface effects",Science China: Phys., Mech. & Astro.56, 232-244(2013).


"Spin-dependent Optical Properties of Multiferroic EuO and GdN", March Meeting of the American Physical Society‚ Boston‚ 2012.
"Electric-field control of magnetic ordering in the tetragonal-like BiFeO3," 4TH APCTP workshop on multiferroics, Beijing, 2012.
"Magnetoelectric and multiferroic memory: first-principles studies", invited talk, The 13th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, 2010.
"Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions", invited talk, IUMRS-ICA2010 , Qiangdao (2010).
"Prediction of our resistance states in multiferroic tunnel junctions"‚ Invited Talk‚ Joint Meeting of 12th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity & 18th IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics‚ Xi´An‚ China (2009).
"Surface magnetoelectric effects from first principles"‚ March Meeting of the American Physical Society‚ Pittsburgh‚ 2009.
"Magnetoelectric effect in ferromagnetic metal films"‚ Materials Research Society Spring Meeting‚ San Francisco‚ 2008.
"Ferroelectric switching induced magnetic anisotropy in Fe/BaTiO3 bilayers"‚ March Meeting of the American Physical Society‚ Denver‚ 2007.
"Magnetic ordering of rare-earth compounds: firstprinciples studies"‚ March Meeting of the American Physical Society‚Baltimore‚ 2006.
"Interface effect to the nanoscale ferroelectricity"‚ March Meeting of the American Physical Society‚ Baltimore‚ 2006.