







[1]Yang Wenhao, Li Pei, Rensing Christopher, Ni Wuzhong, Xing Shihe. Biomass, activity and structure of rhizosphere soil microbial community under different metallophytes in a mining site. Plant Soil, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3546-9.
[2]Yang Wenhao, Zhang Taoxiang, Lin Sen, Ni Wuzhong. Distance-dependent varieties of microbial community structure and metabolic functions in the rhizosphere of Sedum alfredii Hance during phytoextraction of a cadmium-contaminated soil. Environ Sci Pollu Res, 2017, 24: 14234-14248.
[3]Zhang Taoxiang, Hu Suping, Yang Wenhao*. Variations of Escherichia coli O157: H7 Survival in Purple Soils. Inter J Env Res Pub Heal, 2017, 10: 1246.
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[6]Yang Wenhao, Hu Hong, Ru Mei, Ni Wuzhong. Changes of microbial properties in (near-) rhizosphere soils after phytoextraction by Sedum alfredii H: A rhizobox approach with anartificial Cd-contaminated soil. Appl Soil Ecol, 2013, 72:14-21.


[1]國家自然科學基金“內生真菌強化東南景天積累鎘的機理研究”(2016-2019, No. 41501345, 主持);
[2]福建省自然科學基金“自然生境下重金屬耐性植物修復的根際微生態效應及其機理”(2015-2018, No. 2015J01155,主持);
[3]福建農林大學傑出青年基金植物修復的強化措施研究”(2016-2019, No. XJQ201628,主持);
[4]中央支持地方科技專項基金“農菌有效結合與菌渣循環利用技術體系的構建與示範-廢菌棒生物炭調理劑研製、功效與推廣應用”(2016-2018,NO. 2016L3004,課題負責人)