崔洪昌,特聘教授,博士生導師。1983-90年就讀於北京大學,獲植物學本科和碩士學位。1990-97年在北京農林科學院工作,期間曾在美國康奈爾大學(Cornell University)以訪問學者身份進修(1993-94年)。1997年獲美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學(Pennsylvania State University)獎學金,赴美留學,師從於美國科學院院士Nina V. Fedoroff博士,研習植物表觀遺傳方面的研究。2003年獲植物生理學博士學位,同年加入了美國杜克大學(Duke University)、美國科學院院士Philip N. Benfey博士的實驗室,開始從事植物根發育和系統生物生物學方面的研究。 2010年成被美國佛羅里達州立大學(Florida State University)聘為助理教授。2016年升為副教授,並獲得終身教授職位;同年被西北農林科技大學聘為特聘教授。現為Frontiers in Plant Science期刊的審稿編輯;Nature Plants、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Molecular Plant和Scientific Reports等學術期刊的審稿人;美國、英國和以色列自然科學基金會基金評審。曾獲多項獎項,包括賓州州立大學對研究生的最高獎項-The Alumni Dissertation Award。
A.代表性論文 (*通訊作者)
1. Cui H* (2016) Middle cortex formation in the root: an emergin picture of integrated regulatory mechanisms. Molecular Plant 9: 261-270.
2. Kong D, Y Hao, and H Cui*(2016) The WUSCHEL Related Homeobox Protein WOX7 Regulates the Sugar Response of Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant 9: 261-270.
3. Cui H*, D Kong, P Wei, Y Hao, KU Torii, J Lee, and J Li(2014) SPINDLY, ERECTA and its ligand STOMAGEN have a role in redox-mediated cortex proliferation in the Arabidopsis root. Molecular Plant 7: 1727-1739.
4. Gao X, C Wang, and H Cui*(2014) Identification of bundle sheath cell-fate factors provides new tools for C3-to-C4 engineering. Plant Signaling & Behavior 9: e29162.
5. Cui H*, D Kong, X Liu, and Y Hao(2014) SCARECROW, SCR-LIKE 23 and SHORT-ROOT control bundle sheath cell fate and function in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 78: 319-327.
6. Cui H*, Y Hao and D Kong(2012) SCARECROW has a SHORT-ROOT independent role in modulating the sugar response. Plant Physiology 158: 1769-1788.
7. Cui H* (2012) Killing two birds with one stone - Transcriptional regulators coordinate development and stress responses in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 701-703.
8. Hao Y and H Cui*(2012) SHORT-ROOT regulates vascular patterning, but not apical meristematic activity, in the Arabidopsis root through cytokinin homeostasis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 314-317.
9. Cui H*, Y Hao, M Kovtun, V Stolc, X Deng, H Sakakibara, and M Kojima(2011) Genomewide direct target analysis reveals a role for SHORT-ROOT in root vascular patterning through cytokinin homeostasis. Plant Physiology 157: 1221-1231.
10. Sozzani R, H Cui (co-first author), M A Moreno-Risueno, W Busch, J M Van Norman, T Vernoux, S M Brady, W Dewitte, J A Murray, and P N Benfey(2010) Spatiotemporal regulation of cell-cycle genes by SHORT-ROOT links patterning and growth. Nature 466: 128-132.
11. Cui H and PN Benfey(2009) Cortex proliferation: simple phenotype, complex regulatory mechanisms. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4: 551-553.
12. Cui H and PN Benfey(2009) Interplay between SCARECROW, GA and LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 in ground tissue patterning in the Arabidopsis root. Plant Journal 58: 1016-1027.
13. Cui H, M Levesque, T Vernoux, JY Wang, I Blilou, B Scheres, and PN Benfey(2007) An evolutionarily conserved mechanism delimiting SHR movement defines a single layer of endodermis in plants. Science 316: 421-425
14. Cui H and NV Fedoroff(2002) Inducible DNA demethylation mediated by the maize Spm transposon-encoded TnpA protein. Plant Cell 14: 2883-2899.
1. Cui H (in press)C3-to-C4 engineering: the next wave of green revolution. In Trivedi PK and Nath P, John Willey & Sons.(專著)
2. Cui H(2011)The epigenetic basis of cell-fate specification and reprogramming. In Epigenetics: A Reference Manual. Craig JM and Wong NC, Caister Academic Press.Pp182-194. (專著)
Cui H, Kong D and Hao Y (2013). Materials and methods for controlling bundle sheath cell fate and function in plants. (美國專利局專利號 61/833,771)