When It Falls
When It Falls
《When It Falls》是Zero7在2004年3月推出的最新專輯。Henry Binns及Sam Hardaker兩位在倫敦當地錄音室工作的夥伴組合成為了Zero7。這是Zero7在連續四年裡發行的第四張專輯。
中文名稱:When It Falls
When It Falls
Zero7由Henry Binns及Sam Hardaker兩位在倫敦當地錄音室工作的哥們兒一起組合而成,在90年代的組建初期主要以改編他人作品的混音版來鍛煉他們製作音樂上的一些技術與技巧,其中以改編Radiohead的《Climbing up the walls》和TerryCallier的《Love Theme from Spartacus》兩首作品最被人稱頌。2001年他們推出了首張大碟《Simple Things》,終於讓世人完全的領略了他們在嫻熟的駕馭音樂的功力,而專輯的熱賣與好評不僅讓他們名聲大振,也間接的促使了Trip-Hop這種音樂形式在全球的進一步流行。
《When It Falls》是Zero7在2004年3月推出的最新專輯,如果算上2003年1月發行的《Simple Things Remixes》這張混音專輯的話,那麼這就是他們在連續四年裡發行的第四張專輯。在Zero7身上你可以清晰地感受到原本刻板得有些木訥的英國人在電子樂面前那種絲毫不含糊的浪漫表達,在第一曲《Warm Sound》里你幾乎會以為重又聽到了Air的《Moon Safari》,那種與這個時代逆向的唯美情調在倫敦大霧的包裹下卻同樣顯得迷人萬千,在長笛的悠揚聲中,你也許早就忘了這首作品居然出自兩位電子藝人之手。《Home》里的銅管樂所佔的比重雖然不多,卻總是讓人想起遙遠的西藏,與宗教節日上的樂聲相比,它的輕柔當然可以忽略不計,但是做為波瀾攪動你的心海卻已經足夠足夠。《Somersault》踩著略有沙質的華爾茲節拍,和著Sia Furler同樣具有沙質的嗓音,就像是一張砂皮反覆地在你身上一遍又一遍地擦拭著,稍有疼痛卻又欲罷不能。《Over Our Heads》里的背景聲雖然還用了六七十年代歐陸懷舊風情的電子合成器音色,不過在爵士化的鑔片單調地敲擊聲中還是給人一種現世的壓抑感覺,而音樂也就在這種時空交錯中恍惚行進著。同名曲《When It Falls》無疑是專輯里最“慢”、最“輕”的一首音樂,在貝司懶洋洋的跳動中,空氣彷彿被凝固了,而因為慢的程度往往與記憶的強度直接成正比,所以這也可以說是一首相當適合你回憶起更多往事的音樂。而《In Time》無疑就是專輯里最讓人心潮澎湃的音樂了,催枯拉朽的弦樂、神經質的口琴、英式的吉它掃弦,再加上那些於不經意間響起的電子音效——或空靈、或詭魅,說不清是應該順著音樂奔跑還是就此停下,是該傷心落淚還是該開懷滿面,頗有種被矛盾折磨的快感。《Morning Song》總是讓人分不清是應該在早上聽還是在晚上當催眠音樂聽,因為它的懶散總是會給人一種無望的感覺,一種經久不逝的疲憊和一種與世俱焚的頹廢,也許和你所期待聽到的那種晨間健康歌的理解相去甚遠了吧!如果是這樣你可以僅聽5分鐘以後的段落,試一試在歡快的鼓擊和吉它掃弦中去撐起你的腳尖,像多年以前那樣沒心沒肺地背著書包上學堂的一樣輕靈,這種感覺倒是久違了。(轉自tom網)
Amazon.com Review:
Beautifully crafted and produced, When It Falls is a fitting follow-up to Zero 7's 2001 platinum hit Simple Things. Reintroducing several of their debut's guest vocalists, the band continue to meld subtle orchestration, elegant jazz and easy-going West Coast soul and folk, creating a sound so tasteful it makes Morcheeba sound like Napalm Death. The album opens with the appropriately titled "Warm Sound," where long-time collaborator Mozez delivers his spacey soul over a quivering flute and funky keys. Later he reappears for the string-swept lullaby "Over Our Heads." Next up is newcomer Tina Dico who lends the softest of vocals to "Home," where quietly chiming guitars rise to a careful collision of brass, and "The Space Between," a techno-update of 70s folk-jazz. Much the same service is provided by Sophie Barker on "Passing By" and "In Time," which recalls the sweet innocence of early James Taylor. It's left to Sia Furler to add extra color, her slight rasp lending character to both "Somersault" and "Speed Dial No 2." Throughout, the band introduce a welter of instruments and effects, sometimes approaching the psychedelic, though they're keen to avoid an over-technological coldness--the squeak of finger on guitar string is never far away. For fans of Simple Things, it's a real treat. --Dominic Wills
Album Description:
2004 release for UK down-tempo/soul outfit features 11 tracks including the first single 'Home'. Elektra/WEA.
1.Warm Sound
4.Over Our Heads
6.When It Falls
7.The Space Between
8.Look Up
9.In Time
10.Speed Dial No. 2
11.Morning Song