
養父:Stuart Margolin
弟弟:Christopher Martini
妹妹:Michelle Martini

2014 FITNESS Rx雜誌圖
2014---破壞者 Sabotage Tom 'Pyro' Roberts
2013—菲利普斯船 長 CaptainPhillips SEAL Commander
2013—環太平洋 Pacific RimHerc Hansen
2011—哥倫比亞人 ColombianaAgent Robert Williams
2008--紅帶高手 redbelt Joe Ryan
2008--街頭戰士 Street WarriorJack Campbell
2005—大偷襲 The Great Raid 1st Sgt. Sid "Top" Wojo
1998--拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan Corporal Henderson
2014—綁架危機Crisis Koz
2014--Exit Strategy(TV Movie) Alex Harbour
2013-- Republic of Doyle Big Charlie Archer / Big Charlie
2013-- Person of Interest RIP

2011-2012 復仇 RevengeFrank Stevens
2012-- Hirokin Renault
2011-- Criminal Minds Luke Dolan
2011-- Rizzoli & Isles Dan Mateo
2011-- Flashpoint Bill Greeley
2011—靈書妙探 Castle Hal Lockwood
2011—他愛我 He Loves Me(TV Movie) Sam
2010-- All Signs of Death(TV Movie) Mercer
2010—別對我撒謊 Lie to Me Dave Burns
2006-2009秘密部隊 The Unit Mack Gerhardt
2003--反恐24小時 day 2Steve Goodrich
2002--24 gate Nate Natleson
2000--Taken Colonel Breck
1999Desert Son(與弟弟Christopher Martini共同執導)
2015~Will Gardner (籌備中)