共找到4條詞條名為王艷林的結果 展開
王艷林,男, 1954年4月生,湖北省武漢市黃陂縣人。生物化學教授,三峽大學醫學院院長,武漢大學博士生導師,三峽大學碩士生導師。湖北省有突出貢獻的中青年專家,湖北省高校跨世紀學術帶頭人,美國腫瘤研究學會(AACR)高級會員,中國生物化學與分子生物學學會會員。研究方向為分子生物學, 生物化學。
1995年, 獲北京協和醫科大學分子生物學博士學位。
1996-2005年美國Johns Hopkins大學醫學院腫瘤研究所研究員。
2000 - 2005年, 美國Johns Hopkins 大學醫學院腫瘤研究所 Instructor 。
1996 - 2000年, 美國Johns Hopkins大學醫學院腫瘤研究所Post-doc. Fellow 。
分子生物學, 生物化學。
1. 國家自然科學基金 (主持):精胺氧化酶作為抗腫瘤治療新靶點的實驗研究;
2. 國家自然科學基金 (主持):重組鈣網蛋白用於抗腫瘤免疫治療的實驗研究
3. 湖北省自然科學基金/創新群體/團隊核心:三峽區域藥用植物中活性先導化合物的發現
4. 湖北省教委重點項目(主持):精胺氧化酶作為抗腫瘤治療新靶點的分子生物學研究
1. 鈣網蛋白用於抗腫瘤免疫治療的序列研究成果。
2. 發現,克隆, 鑒定人類新基因:SPERMINE 氧化酶 (PAOh1/SMO) 基因。
3. 發現,克隆,鑒定人類新基因Polyamine-modulated factor-1 (PMF-1)。
4. 發現PAOh1/SMO 基因的4種交替剪接產物。
5. 克隆和鑒定PAOh1/SMO基因的啟動子(promoter)並研究該啟動子對PAOh1/SMO基因表
6. 發現13種乙醯多胺氧化酶基因交替剪接體並研究其在多胺代謝中的功能變異。
發表研究論文100多篇, 其中在SCI雜誌上發表論文24篇, 在美國基因銀行註冊新基因和DNA序列29項, 在國際學術會議上交流論文16篇.
1. Yanlin Wang, Amy Hacher, Tracy M. Stewart, Patrick M. Woster and Casero, R.A., Jr. The induction of human spermine oxidase PAOh1/SMO is regulated at the level of increased new mRNA, mRNA stabilization, and newly synthesized protein. Biochem. J. 386:543-547; 2005
2. Yanlin Wang, Amy Hacher, Tracy M. Stewart, Benjamin Frydman, Aldonia Valasinas, Woster and Casero, R.A., Jr. Properties of recombinant human N1-acetylpolyamine oxidase (hPAO): potential role in determining drug sensitivity. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 56:83-90, 2005
3. Yanlin Wang, Tracy M. Stewart, Wendy Devereux, Amy Hacker, Benjamin Frydman, Patrick M. Woster and Casero, R.A., Jr. Properties of purified recombinant human polyamine oxidase, PAOh1/SMO. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 304:605-61, 2003
4. Devereux W, Yanlin Wang, Stewart TM, Hacker A, Smith R, Frydman B, Valasinas AL, Reddy VK, Marton LJ, Ward TD, Woster PM, Casero RA. Induction of PAOh1/SMO polyamine oxidase by polyamine analogues in human lung carcinoma cells. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 52:383-390, 2003
5. R.A. Casero, Jr., Yanlin Wang, T.M. Stewart, W. Devereux, A. Hacker, Yanchun Wang, R. Smith and P.M. Woster. The role of polyamine catabolism in anti-tumor drug response. Biochemical Society Transactions. 31 (part 2):361-365; 2003 6. Yanlin Wang, Devereux, W., Murray-Stewart, T. and Casero, R.A., Jr. Polyamine-modulated factor-1 binds to the human homologue of 7a subunite of the Arabidopsis COP9 signalosome: implications in gene expression. Biochem. J. 366:79-86; 2002
7. Murray-Stewart, T., Yanlin Wang, Devereux, W. and Casero, R.A., Jr. Cloning and characterization of multiple human polyamine oxidase splice variants. Biochem J. 368:673-677, 2002
8. Yanlin Wang, Devereux, W., Patrick M. Woster and Casero, R.A., Jr. Cloning and characterization of the mouse polyamine-modulated factor-1 (mPMF-1) gene: an alternatively spliced homologue of the human transcription factor. Biochem. J., 359; 387-392, 2001
9. Yanlin Wang, Devereux, W., Murray-Stewart, T. and Casero, R.A., Jr. Characterization of the Interaction between the Transcription Factor Human Polyamine Modulated Factor (PMF-1) and NF-E2-Related Factor 2 (Nrf-2) in the Transcriptional Regulation of Spermidine/Spermine N1-Acetyltransferase (SSAT) Gene. Biochem. J., 355:45-49, 2001
10. Yanlin Wang, Devereux, W., Woster, P.M., Murray Stewart, T., Hacker, A., sand Casero, R.A., Jr. Cloning and Characterization of the Human Polyamine Oxidase that is Inducible by Polyamine Analogue Exposure. Cancer Res., 61: 5370-5373, 2001
11. Yanlin Wang, Wendy Devereux, Tracy Murry, and Robert A. Casero, Jr. The cloning and characterization of a human polyamine modulated factor (PMF-1), a transcriptional co-factor that regulates the transcription of the spermidine/spermine N1 acetyltransferase (SSAT) gene. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.274, No 31: 22095-22101; 1999
12. Yanlin Wang, Lei Xiao, Arunthathi Thiagalingam, Barry D. Nelkin, Robert A. Casero, Jr. The identification of a cis-element and a trans-acting factor involved in the response to polyamine analogues in the regulation of the human spermidine/ spermine N1-acetyltransferase gene transcription. The Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 271, No 51: 34623-34630, 1998
13. 王艷林, 沈羽非, 等. 熱休克基因mRNA定量RT-PCR檢測方法的建立及其應用. 科學通報, 1999; 44(18):1928-1933
14. Wang Yanlin, Shen Yufei. HSP90b participates in regulation of heat shock gene expression. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996; 41(20):1730-1734
15. 王艷林, 沈羽非, 等. 熱休克蛋白90b參與熱休克基因的表達調控. 科學通報, 1996; 41(18):1699-1702