







1.Chow, Ying Foon, Liu, Ming, Fan, X.T., 2008, Broad-Market Return Persistence and Momentum Profitsh . Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 78, 181–188
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4.Chow, Ying Foon, Liu, Ming, 2003, The Value of Variable-Tenor Mortgage Feature in Hong Kong . Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 11
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6.Chow, Ying Foon, Chiang, R., Liu, Ming, 2002, Residential Mortgage Lending and Borrower Risk: The Relationship Between Mortgage Spreads and Invididual Characteristics . Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 25
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9.Chow, Ying Foon, Huang, C., Liu, Ming, 2000, Valuation of Adjustable Rate Mortgages with Automatic Maturity Stretching . Journal of Banking and Finance 24, 1809–1829
10.Liu, Ming, Chow, Ying Foon, Huang, C., 2000, Valuation of the Variable Tenor Mortgage Loans .Journal of Banking and Finance, 24, 1809-1829
11.Huang, Charles, Wong, Sharon, Tang, Don, Liu, Ming, 1999, Hong Kong Residential Mortgage Prepayment Analysis and Modeling. . The Journal of Fixed Income, pp.55-65
12.Liu, Ming, Chow, Ying Foon, 1999, Long Swing with Memory and Stock Market Fluctuation .Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 34, 341-367
13.He, Jia, Liu, Ming, 1998, Mortgage Prepayment Behavior in a Market with ARMs only . Journal of the Asian Real Estate Society, 1, 64-80