



1998-2002,四川大學生命科學學院生態學專業 學士
2007-2009,Yale University,博士后
2009-2010,M.D.Anderson Cancer Center,博士后


1. Liu, T., Chen, H., Kim, H., Huen, MS,, Chen, J.#, and Huang, J.# 2011. RAD18-BRCTx interaction is required for efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage. DNA Repair (In press)
2.Liu, T., Wan L.,Wu, Y., Chen, J.#, and Huang, J.# 2011. hSWS1-SWSAP1 is an evolutionarily conserved complex required for efficient homologous recombination repair. J Biol Chem (In press)
3.Liu, T., Huang, J. #, and Chen, J. # 2010. RAD18 lives a double life: Its implication in DNA double-strand break repair. DNA Repair 9:1241-1248.
4.Liu, T., Ghosal, G., Yuan, J., Chen, J. #, and Huang, J. # 2010. FAN1 acts with FANCI-FANCD2 to promote DNA interstrand cross-link repair. Science329:693-696.
5.Liu, T., and Feng, X.H#. (2010). Regulation of TGF-beta signalling by proteinphosphatases. Biochem J 430, 191-198.
6.Martinez, G.J., Zhang, Z., Reynolds, J.M., Tanaka, S., Chung, Y., Liu, T., Robertson, E., Lin, X., Feng, X.H., and Dong, C#. (2010). Smad2 positively regulates the generation of Th17 cells. J Biol Chem 285, 29039-29043.
7.Wan, T.*, Liu, T.*, Zhang, H., Tang, S., and Min, W#. (2010). AIP1 functions as Arf6-GAP to negatively regulate TLR4 signaling. J Biol Chem 285, 3750-3757. (*co-first authors)
8.Huang, J.*, Liu, T.*, Xu, L.G., Chen, D., Zhai, Z., and Shu, H.B#. (2005). SIKE is an IKK epsilon/TBK1-associated suppressor of TLR3- and virus-triggered IRF-3 activation pathways. EMBO J 24, 4018-4028. (*co-first authorsr)
9.馮新華,劉婷,黃俊,夏總平,梁敏(2010)。第五章 翻譯后水平的蛋白質修飾,分子細胞生物學(陳曄光主編)清華大學出版社


973項目:中胚層幹細胞的自我更新以及分化機制與功能研究 課題骨幹
國家自然科學基金面上項目:BRD7在TGF-beta信號通路中的功能及分子機制研究 項目負責人