





博士期間研究桔小實蠅Bactrocera dorsalis抵禦環境溫度脅迫的響應機制。研究圍繞桔小實蠅適應環境脅迫的分子生態機理,從蛋白質水平和分子水平系統開展了生理生化、基因分析及功能研究等多方面的研究,揭示了桔小實蠅熱脅迫的響應機制,為實蠅類果蔬害蟲的綜合防治提供了重要的理論基礎。
碩士期間研究三色書虱Liposcelis tricolor和Wolbachia的共生關係及對環境溫度脅迫的響應。研究結果有力說明了高溫脅迫可以徹底消除三色書虱體內共生的Wolbachia;同時,三色書虱種群適合度明顯下降。研究結果為書虱倉儲害蟲的綜合防治提供了重要的理論基礎。


《Wolbachia 共生菌對書虱生殖的調控作用研究》,教育部科學技術研究重點項目,(205130);


Jia Fu-Xian, Dou Wei, Hu Fei and Wang Jin-Jun, 2011. Effects of thermal stress on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities of oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Florida Entomologist, 94(4): 956-963. (SCI收錄)
Jia Fu-Xian, Yang Man-San, Yang Wen-Jia and Wang Jin-Jun, 2009. Influence of continuous high temperature conditions on Wolbachia infection frequency and the fitness of Liposcelis tricolor (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Environmental Entomology, 38(5): 1365-1372. (SCI收錄)
Shen Guang-Mao, Dou Wei, Niu Jin-Zhi, Jiang Hong-Bo, Yang Wen-Jia, Jia Fu-Xian, Hu Fei, Cong Lin and Wang Jin-Jun, 2011. Transcriptome analysis of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis). PLoS One, 6(12): e29127. (SCI收錄)
Hu Fei, Dou Wei, Wang Jing-Jing, Jia Fu-Xian and Wang Jin-Jun, 2011. Purification and biochemical characterization of glutathione S-transferases from four field populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 78(4): 201-215. (SCI收錄)
Hu Fei, Zhang Guo-Na, Jia Fu-Xian, Dou Wei and Wang Jin-Jun, 2010. Morphological characterization and distribution of antennal sensilla of six fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 103(4): 661-670. (SCI收錄)
Hu Fei, Zhang Guo-Na, Jia Fu-Xian, and Wang Jin-Jun, 2009. Morphological characterization of antennal sensillae of three fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology, Beijing, China. 239-240
Dong Peng, Wang Jin-Jun, Jia Fu-Xian, Hu Fei. 2007. Development and reproduction of the psocid Liposcelis tricolor (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) as a function of temperature. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 100: 228-235. (SCI收錄)
Dong Peng, Wang Jin-Jun, Hu Fei, Jia Fu-Xian. 2007. Influence of Wolbachia infection on the fitness of the stored-product pest Liposcelis tricolor (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 100 (4): 1476-1481. (SCI收錄)
夾福先,王進軍. 2007. 共生微生物沃爾巴克氏體(Wolbachia)的研究進展及其在害蟲防治中的應用研究. 統籌城鄉發展與植保科技進步: 145-153.
胡飛, 王進軍, 夾福先, 李建勛. 2008. 空心蓮子草葉甲觸角感器的掃描電鏡觀察. 統籌城鄉發展與植保科技進步: 124-128.
胡飛, 鄒創, 王曉娜, 夾福先, 王進軍, 2010. 桔小實蠅GSTs的純化及生化毒理學特性研究, 公共植保與綠色防控-中國植物保護學會2010年學術年會. 北京: 中國農業科學技術出版社, 826.