



2004年畢業於中南大學湘雅醫學院,獲病理學病理生理學博士學位(導師:李桂源教授)。2004年9月至2009年7月先後在美國匹茨堡大學遺傳藥理研究中心和美國H.Lee Moffitt腫瘤研究中心免疫學系接受博士后訓練。2009年教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”獲得者(海外)。2010年1月作為中山大學“百人計劃”人才引進,受聘中山大學中山醫學院教授,博士研究生導師。曾主持並參加過多項國家自然科學基金。近五年以第一作者在國際學術期刊發表多篇高質量學術論文,包括Immunity, Gastroenterology, JBC等,在病理狀態下細胞信號傳導網路的篩選和鑒定方面具有較豐富的研究經驗。


樹突狀細胞( Dendritic Cell )分化異常的角度探討腫瘤細胞或病原微生物免疫逃逸的分子機制,具體包括:


1. Zhou J, Cheng P, Je-in Youn, Cotter M J, Gabrilovich, DI. Notch and Wnt Signaling Cooperate in Regulation of Dendritic Cell Differentiation. Immunity 2009 20, 845-859 ( IF: 20.579)
2. Zhou J, Febbraio M, Zhai Y, Kuruba R, Wada T, Khadem S, Ren S, Li S, Silverstein R, Xie W. Hepatic fatty acid transporter Cd36 is a common target of LXR, PXR, and PPARgamma in promoting steatosis. Gastroenterology 2008 Feb;134(2):556-567. ( IF: 11.673 )
3. Zhou J, Liu M, Zhai Y, Xie W. The Anti-Apoptotic Role of Pregnane X Receptor in Human Colon Cancer Cells. Mol. Endocrinol. 2008 Apr;22(4):868-880. ( IF: 5.337 )
4. Zhou J, Zhai Y, Mu Y, Gong H, Uppal H, Toma D, Ren S, Evans RM, Xie W. A novel pregnane X receptor-mediated and sterol regulatory element-binding protein-independent lipogenic pathway. J Biol. Chem. 2006 May 26;281(21):15013-15020. ( IF: 5.81 )
5. Peng C*, Zhou J*, Liu HY, Zhou M, Wang LL, Zhang Q H, Yang YX , Xiong W, Shen SR, Li XL, Li GY. The transcriptional regulation role of BRD7 by binding to acetylated histone through bromodomain. J Cell Biochem. 2006 Mar 1;97(4):882-892 (*contribute equally) ( IF: 3.381 )
6. Zhou J, Ma J, Zhang BC, Li XL, Shen SR, Zhu SG, Xiong W, Liu HY, Huang H, Zhou M and Li GY. BRD7, a novel bromodomain gene, inhibits G1-S progression by transcriptionally regulating some important molecules involved in ras/MEK/ERK and Rb/E2F pathways. J Cell Physiol. 2004, Jul;200 (1):89-98. ( IF: 3.643 )
7. Uppal H, Saini SPS, Moschetta A, Mu Y, Zhou J, Gong H, Zhai Y, Ren S, Michalopoulos GK, Mangelsdorf DJ, and Xie W. Activation of LXRs Prevents Bile Acid Toxicity and Cholestasis in Female Mice. Hepatology 2007 26;45(2):422-432. ( IF: 10.743)
8. Gong H, Guo P, Zhai Y, Zhou J, Uppal H, Jarzynka MJ, Song WC, Cheng SY, Xie W. Estrogen Deprivation and Inhibition of Breast Cancer Growth in Vivo through Activation of the Orphan Nuclear Receptor Liver X Receptor. Mol Endocrinol. 2007 Aug;21(8):1781-1790. ( IF: 5.337 )
9. Zhai Y, Pai HV, Zhou J, Amico JA, Vollmer RR, and Xie W. Activation of pregnane X receptor disrupts glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid homeostasis. Mol. Endocrinol. 2007, 21(1):138-147. ( IF: 5.337)
10. Snz-Robles MT, Toma D, Cantalupo P, Zhou J, Gong H, Edwards C, Pipas JM, and Xie W. Repression of Intestinal Drug Metabolizing Enzymes by the SV40 Large T Antigen. Oncogene 2007 Aug 2;26(35):5124-31. ( IF: 6.44 )
11. S. Fan, J. Ma, J. Zhou, W. Xiong, B. Xiao, W. Zhang, C. Tan, X. Li, S. Shen, M. Zhou Differential expression of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded RNA and several tumor-related genes in various types of nasopharyngeal epithelial lesions and nasopharyngeal carcinoma using tissue microarray analysis. Hum. Pathol. 2006, 37( 5): 593-605. ( IF: 3.034 )
12. Ma J, Zhou J, Fan SQ, Wang LL, Li XL, Yan Q, Zhou M, Liu HY 1, Zhang QH, Zhou HD, Gan K, Li Z, Peng C, Xiong W, Tan C, Shen SQ, Yang JB 1, Li J and Li GY Role of a novel EGF-like domain containing gene NGX6 in cell adhesion modulation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. Carcinogenesis 2005 Feb;26(2):281-291. ( IF: 5.406 )


在核受體參與代謝性疾病發生的研究領域,首次發現並證明核受體PXR可以促進肝臟細胞脂質沉澱,並證明脂肪轉移酶CD36是核受體家族成員參與脂肪肝形成過程中的共同靶分子,提示CD36有望成為治療脂肪肝的靶基因。此項研究成果分別發表在JBC 和 Gastroenterology 上,並被同行廣泛引用。在樹突狀細胞分化過程中信號傳導網路的鑒定方面, 首次發現並證明Wnt/beta-catenin信號傳導通路對於調控樹突狀細胞的分化是必需的;並且發現Notch和Wnt信號傳導通路可通過相互協作而共同調控樹突狀細胞的分化,此項研究成果在免疫學權威期刊Immunity上發表。


2010年廣東省引進創新科研團隊項目 核心成員
國家自然科學基金青年基金(項目批准號:30400238) 已結題 負責