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發表論文論著30多篇,其中SCI論文15篇。曾任第八屆中國力學學會地球動力學專業委員會委員,現任澳大利亞學術刊物《Journal of the Virtual Explorer》編委。





2007 -至今,研究員,中國科學院青藏高原研究所
2008,3- 6,合作研究,Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California-Los Angeles, USA
2005,9-12,訪問學者,Laboratoire de Geophysique, CNRS & Universite de Montpellier II, France
2004,7- 9,合作研究,Laboratoire de Geophysique, CNRS & Universite de Montpellier II, France
2002,7-12,訪問學者,Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
1998 – 2006,副研究員,中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所
1988 – 1992,講師,地質系,中國礦業大學




中國力學學會地球動力學專業委員會委員 (2004-2007)
澳大利亞《Journal of the Virtual Explorer》編委 (2005- )
美國《International Journal of Geosciences》編委(2011-)




He, J., P. Vernant, J. Chéry, W. Wang, et al., 2013, Nailing down the slip rate of the Altyn Tagh fault. Geophysical Research Letters
He, J., S. Lu, W. Wang, 2013, Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of the GPS velocity field around the northeastern Tibetan plateau and surrounding regions. Tectonophysics
He, J., W. Xia, and S. Lu, 2011, Three-dimensional finite element modeling of stress evolution around the Xiaojiang fault system, southeastern Tibet, in the past ~500 years
He, J. and G. Peltzer, 2010, Poroelastic triggering in the January 9-22, 2008 Nima-Gaize (Tibet) earthquake sequence. Geology
He, J., S. Lu, and X. Wang, 2009, Mechanical relation between crustal rheology, effective fault friction, and strike-slip distribution among the Xiaojiang fault system, southeastern Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
He, J. and J. Chéry, 2008, Late Quaternary slip rates of the Altyn Tagh,the Kunlun and the Karakorum faults (Tibet) from 3D mechanical modeling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
He, J. and S. Lu, 2007, Lower friction of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system and its effect on active deformation around the southeastern Tibetan margin. Terra Nova
He, J., Y. Li, et al., 2005, Asymmetric flank uplift of the Yinchuan graben, north central China: implication of lateral variation of crustal rheology from the Alashan to the Ordos. Geophysical Research Letters
He, J., D. Cai, Y. Li, and Z. Gong, 2004, Active extension of the Shanxi rift, north China: does it result from anticlockwise block rotations?. Terra Nova
He, J., M. Liu, and Y. Li, 2003, Is the Shanxi rift of northern China extending?. Geophysical Research Letters
He, J., 2003, Mechanical instability of the crustal thickness transition zone between the Taihang Shan mountains in relation to the tectonic compression of the frontal Cenozoic basin. Chinese J. Geophy
He, J., J. Liu, 2002, Lower-crust ductile flow and its mechanical relation with syn-collision crustal extension in orogenic belt. Chinese J. Geophys
He, J., 1998,Morphology of the Moho discontinuity beneath the Eastern Qinling mountains and its implication for deep process of the collisional orogeny. Chinese J. Geophys.
Zhao, L., X. Xie, J. He, et al., 2013, Crustal flow pattern beneath the Tibetan Plateau constrained by regional Lg-wave Q tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Wang, X., J. He, et al., 2013, A possible mechanism for the initiation of the Yinggehai Basin: A visco-elasto-plastic model. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Wang, X., and J. He, 2012, Channel flow of the lower crust and its relation to large-scale tectonic geomorphology of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Science in China
Pei, S., J. Su, H. Zhang,Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz, Z. Wang, X. Gao, J. Liu, J. He, 2010, Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure across the 2008 Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake, Sichuan, China. Tectonophysics
Pei, S., Z. Cui, Y. Sun, M. N. Toksöz, C.A. Rowe, X. Gao, J. Zhao, H. Liu, J. He, F. D. Morgan, 2009, Structure of the Upper Crust in Japan from S-wave Attenuation Tomography. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Wang, J., Z. Ye, and J. He, 2008, Three-dimensional mechanical modeling of large-scale crustal deformation in China constrained by the GPS velocity field. Tectonophysics
Chang, X., Y. Liu, and J. He, 2007, Lower velocities beneath the Taihang Mountains, northeastern China. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Li, Y., J. Zhang, J. He, et al., 2007, Current-day tectonic motion and intraplate deformation strain field obtained from space geodesy in the Pacific Plate. Chinese J. Geophys
Liu, Y., C. Chang, J. He, 2005, Three-dimensional velocity images of the crust and upper mantle beneathe the north-south zone in China. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Sun, R., F. Liu, and J. He, 2001, Structural setting of strong earthquakes in the Huabei area of China. Pure and Applied Geophysics
Liu, J., F. Liu, J. He, H. Chen, and Q. You, 2001, Study of seismic tomography in Panxi paleorift area of southwestern China—Structural features of crust and mantle and their evolution. Science in China (D),
Cai, D., Y. Luo, C. Yao, J. He, et al., 2000, Structures of the Bohai petroliferous area, Bohai Bay Basin. Acta Geologica Sinica
何建坤, 2013, 構造地質中的數值模擬方法. 見: 丁仲禮(主編), 固體地球科學研究方法. 北京:科學出版社


He, J., P. Vernant, W. Wang, et al., 2011, A new GPS network across the Altyn Tagh Fault of the Tibetan plateau: preliminary results from 3-years’ survey, Abstract T51B-2336 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco
He, J., S. Lu, and W. Wang, 2010, Strain accumulation across the Longmen Shan before the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. Abstract T43C-2231 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting
Wang, W., P. Vernant, J. He*, et al., 2009, New GPS Network across the Altyn Tagh Fault, preliminary results from the first survey
He, J. and G. Peltzer, 2009, Poroelastic triggering in the January 9-22, 2008 Nima-Gaize (Tibet) earthquake sequence. EOS Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl
Peltzer, G. and J. He, 2009, Fault permeability and poroelastic triggering in the January 9-22, 2008 Nima-Gaize (Tibet) earthquake sequence. FRINGE, 2009 workshop, ESA, Italy (Oral).
He, J. and G
He. J., S. Lu., and X. Wang, 2007,Coulomb stress change on the Xiaojiang and the Red River faults, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, from the 1970 Ms=7.7 Tonghai earthquake. EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet
He, J., 2006, Strike-slip motion of the Xiaojiang fault system, southeastern Tibet, driven by lower-crust flow. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet
He, J., Y. Li, and C. Teng, 2004, Three-dimensional Mechanical Modeling of the GPS Velocity Field around the Northeastern Tibet and Surrounding Region
He, J. M. Liu, et al., 2002, Intraplate seismicity and crustal deformation in the North China block: Role of crustal heterogeneities