


先後擔任Oxford Research Encyclopedia自然災害科學期刊編委、ISDE青年科學家委員會、GEO全球火災工作組等國內外專業委員會委員。




1999年 - 2003年,西北工業大學航海工程學院 環境科學專業理學學士;
2003年 - 2007年,中國科學院遙感應用研究所地圖學與地理信息系統專業理學博士;


2007年 - 2009年,美國馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩郡分校, 地理系, Research Associate;
2009年 - 2011年,美國愛達荷州立大學, 地理信息系統教育研究中心, Research Associate;
2011 年 至今,中國科學院對地觀測與數字地球科學中心, 研究員,擔任中國科學院數字地球重點實驗室全球災害研究室副主任,CAS-TWAS空間減災卓越中心常務副主任等職務。


擔任Oxford Research Encyclopedia自然災害科學期刊編委、ISDE青年科學家委員會、GEO全球火災工作組等國內外專業委員會委員。









Chen, F., K. T. Weber, J. Anderson, and B. Gokhale (2011). Assessing the susceptibility of semiarid rangelands to wildfires using Terra MODIS and Landsat Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Wildland Fire
Chen, F., K. T. Weber, and B. Gokhale (2011). Herbaceous biomass estimation from SPOT-5 imagery in semiarid rangelands of Idaho. GIScience & Remote Sensing
Anderson, J. H., Weber, K. T., B. Gokhale, and F. Chen (2011). Intercalibration and Evaluation of ResourceSat-1 and Landsat-5 NDVI. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing,
Chen, F., K. T. Weber, J. Anderson, and B. Gokhale (2010). Comparison of MODIS LAI/fPAR product with Landsat-5 TM LAI/fPAR over semiarid rangelands of Idaho. GIScience & Remote Sensing
Weber, K. T., and F. Chen (2010). Detection thresholds for rare, spectrally unique targets within semiarid rangelands. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing
Chen, F., and J. M. Tang (2009). Using spectral-shape parameters to improve linear spectral mixture analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing
Chen, F., J. M. Tang, and Z. Niu (2008). Estimating the impact of urbanization on LAI/fPAR in the Baltimore-Washington corridor area. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
Chen, F., Z. Niu, G. Y. Sun, C. Y. Wang, and J. Teng (2008). Using low spectral resolution images to acquire simulated hyperspectral images. International Journal of Remote Sensing
Weber, K. T., and F. Chen. Diurnal fluctuations of NDVI in semiarid rangelands. The IX International Rangeland Congress, 2011, Rosario, Santa Fe State, Argentina.
Chen, F., K. T. Weber, and J. L. Schnase. Assessing the Success of Post-fire Reseeding in the Semiarid Rangelands Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. 2011 Intermountain GIS Conference, Pocatello, Idaho
Chen, F., and Z. Niu. Study on the design of the optical sensor applying the image simulation method of the high spectrum resolution RS image. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites (FIEOS), May Beijing, China.
Chen, F., Z. Niu, W. P. Lin. A study on methods of describing the figure of reflectance curve. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '05)