共找到2條詞條名為梁能的結果 展開
- 中歐國際工商管理學院副院長
- 萬寧市公安局刑事偵查大隊大隊長
1990 美國印地安納大學博士(國際商務)
1. Liang, N. and Useem, M. (2009) Corporate Governance in China, in Handbook of international corporate governance, Institute of Directors, United Kingdom, forthcoming.
2. Useem, M. and Liang, N. (2009). Globalizing the Company Board: Lessons from China’s Lenovo, in Boardroom Realities: Leadership for the Challenges Facing Your Board, Jay Conger Editor, Jossey-Bass, forthcoming.
3. Liang, N. and Lin, S. (2008). Erroneous Learning from the West? A Narrative analysis of Chinese MBA Cases published in 1992, 1999 and 2003. Management International Review, 48(5), 603-638.
4. Liang, N. (2006). Be careful of the Harvard-type virus in management education, Peking University Business Review. (1): 122-125. (In Chinese)
5. Liang, N. and Wang, J. (2004). Implicit Mental Models in Teaching Cases: An Empirical Study of Popular MBA Cases in the United States and China. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 3 (4), 397-413.
6. Recent publications:
7. Liang, Neng and Lin, Shu. (2009). “再論‘哈佛型病毒’”發表於《中歐商業評論》 “ON Harvard-type Virus in MBA teaching cases,” CEIBS Business Review, April. (in Chinese).
8. Liang, N. and Useem, M. (2009). Corporate Governance in China, in Handbook of international corporate governance, Institute of Directors, United Kingdom, pp.167-175.
9. Useem, M. and Liang, N. (2009). Globalizing the Company Board: Lessons from China’s Lenovo, in Boardroom Realities: Leadership for the Challenges Facing Your Board, Jay Conger Editor, Jossey-Bass, pp.401-442.
10. Liang, N. and Lin, S. (2008). Erroneous Learning from the West? A Narrative analysis of Chinese MBA Cases published in 1992, 1999 and 2003, in Management International Review, 48(5), 603-638.
11. Liang, N. (2006). “警惕管理教育中的哈佛型病毒”,發表於《北大商業評論》, Be careful of the Harvard-type virus in management education, in Peking University Business Review. (1): 122-125. (In Chinese)
12. Liang, N. and Wang, J. (2004). Implicit Mental Models in Teaching Cases: An Empirical Study of Popular MBA Cases in the United States and China, in Academy of Management Learning and Education, 3 (4), 397-413.
13. Liang, N. (2000). “Two Stories and a Model about Corporate Governance,” in Corporate Governance: Chinese Practices and American Experiences,” Liang N. Ed., People’s University Press, pp. 32-47. 關於公司治理的兩個故事和一個模型,發表於“公司治理:中國的實踐和美國的經驗,”梁能主編,中國人民大學出版社,2000.
14. Selected Publications before 2000:
15. Liang, N. and Parhke, A. (1997). Importer Behavior: The Neglected Counterpart of International Exchange, Journal of International Business Studies, 28(3): 495-530
16. Liang, N. and Stump, R. (1996). Judgmental Heuristics in Overseas Vendor Search and Evaluation: A Proposed Model of Importer Buying Behavior,”The International Executive, 38(6): 779-806.
17. Liang, N. (1995). Soliciting unsolicited export orders: are recipients chosen at random?, European Journal of Marketing, 29 (8): 37–59
1. 1986年度Starr獎學金
2. 1998年當選為中國留美經濟學會的優秀會員
3. 1999年被美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市長授予優秀市民稱號
4. 有關“進口商行為“的研究論著於1996年和1998年兩次獲得歐洲“Anbar優秀研究獎,”相關模型被收入北美國際商務的主要教材
5. 主編的《公司治理結構》一書獲中國圖書出版協會“2001年全國優秀暢銷書”獎
6. 關於管理教育和案例方法的兩篇論文在2005年獲得世界管理科學院管理“教育分會年度最佳論文獎,”世界管理科學院(Academy of Management)“Carolyn Dexter最佳國際論文獎,”國際管理科學院“《學習與教育》雜誌年度最佳論文獎”
7. 2007年獲中歐國際工商學院教學優秀獎