

世界明星廚師聯合會,(英語名:World Federation of star chef,簡稱:WFOSC)成立於2008年,分別在澳大利亞、英國、法國、中國香港、加拿大、德國、韓國等地註冊,他是熱心於烹飪的知名人士、明星、明星經理、明星總廚、明星廚師、明星娛樂企業、明星餐飲企業等單位組成的非營利性的,全世界的社會組織。


World Federation of star chef, (English name: World Federation of star chef, referred to as: WFOSC) was established in 2008, respectively, in Australia, Britain, France, Hong Kong, China, Canada, Germany, Korea and other places registered, he is passionate about cooking The celebrities, star, star chefs, star catering enterprises and other units consisting of a non-profit in nature, the world's social organization. Currently has more than 8800 members, aims to focus on implementation of the cooking can be the cause of sustainable development strategies, technology, the achievement of higher cooking knowledge, promote a healthy diet, so that people understand the world's great cuisines States. Fully reflects the star chefs of the world federation of the "big stars, big cooks, big coalition" of the organizational advantages to play a bridge between the stars and the catering and link role in promoting the world's culinary career development and promote the progress of the cause of mankind's health.


成龍、鞏 俐林依輪范冰冰、陳 好、甄子丹
世界名廚 讓。喬治。馮格里奇頓(Jean Georges Vongerichten)
國際廚王 世界華人健康飲食協會主席團主席 梁文超
世博廚王、上海宏博廚藝聯誼會會長 王 偉
世博廚王 亞洲名廚 馬鐘鳴
杭州萬禧酒店集團管理有限公司總經理 趙水梁
世博廚帝、明星金廚 胡長兵
馬來西亞名廚、深圳福朋喜來登酒店行政總廚 peter
粵港台澳名廚、深圳友和國際海航大酒店行政總廚 梁文輝
浙江口福來·淳味工坊餐飲管理有限公司總經理 姜仁健
世博廚帝 鍾永聰
世界明星廚師聯合會 秘書處