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陳光(曲阜師範大學) 博士/副教授/碩士生導師

2000年於曲阜師範大學獲學士學位;2003年於南京大學獲碩士學位;2013年於中國科學院大學(中科院西北高原生物研究所)獲博士學位。2003年至今於曲阜師範大學化學與化工學院從事無機化學、無機化學雙語課程、中級無機化學、高等無機化學、配位化學、無機化學實驗、專業英語、文獻檢索課程教學。獲曲阜師範大學教學項目1項,教學成果獎1項。先後從事量子化學(學士學位論文)、配位化學(碩士學位論文)、色譜質譜檢測(博士學位論文)、熒光分子設計(當前研究興趣)等領域研究。在Chemical Science, Biomaterials,Analytical Chemistry,Analyst,J Chromatography A,Food Chemistry,Talanta等重要期刊發表論文三十餘篇;獲批專利6項。多次擔任期刊J Chromatography A的客座編輯及評委。主持國家自然基金面上項目1項、山東省自然基金青年基金1項、山東省腫瘤標誌物檢測技術重點實驗室項目1項;完成校級科研項目2項。2014年獲全國教育碩士專業學位優秀教學工作者(教指委【2014】06發文)。


• 多功能熒光分子探針設計合成及細胞內應用
• 有機分子藥物傳遞及活體示蹤
• 癌細胞熒光檢測及藥物篩選
• 基於熒光分子探針的生物標誌物活體檢測


• 2007年:山東省基礎學科專項資金建設項目-無機化學
• 2005年:曲阜師範大學《金屬有機化學》雙語教學研究
• 2009年:曲阜師範大學《化學學科雙語教學研究》教學改革項目
• 2017年:曲阜師範大學《無機化學》雙語教學項目


• 主持:國家自然基金面上項目1項、山東省自然基金青年項目1項、山東省腫瘤標誌物檢測技術重點實驗室項目1項、完成曲師大校級科研項目2項;
• 參與:國家自然基金面上項目3項、國家自然基金青年項目4項、省自然基金青年項目3項。


Kun Dou, Guang Chen*, Fabiao Yub, Yuxia Liua, Lingxin Chenb, Ziping Caoa, Tao Chenc, Yulin Lic and Jinmao You* Bright sensitive ratiometric fluorescent probe enabling endogenous FA imaging and mechanistic exploration of indirect oxidative damage of FA in various living systems.Chemical Science (IF=9.12, JCR一區) 2017, 2017, 8, 7851-7861.
G. Chen, Q. Fu, F. Yu, R. Ren, Y. Liu, Z. Cao, G. Li, X.-E. Zhao, L. Chen, H. Wang, Jinmao You. Wide-acidity-range pH fluorescence probes for evaluation of acidification in mitochondria and digestive tract mucosa. Anal. Chem.(IF=6.32, JCR一區)2017.
K. Dou, Q. Fu, G. Chen*, F. Yu, Y. Liu, Z. Cao, G. Li, X. Zhao, L. Xia, L. Chen, H. Wang, J. You, A novel dual-ratiometric-response fluorescent probe for SO2/ClO− detection in cells and in vivo and its application in exploring the dichotomous role of SO2 under the ClO− induced oxidative stress. Biomaterials.(IF=8.40, JCR一區)2017,133, 82-93.
Q. Fu, Z. Chen, X. Ma, G. Chen*, Y. Liu, Z. Cao, F. Qu, D. Yang, X. Zhao, Z. Sun, G. Li, S. Zhang, F. Qu, R. Kong, H. Wang, J. You, Simultaneous absorbance-ratiometric, fluorimetric, and colorimetric analysis and biological imaging of α-ketoglutaric acid based on a special sensing mechanism. Sensor Actuat B-chem(IF=5.40, JCR一區)2017,241, 1035-1042.
Q. Fu, G. Chen*, Y. Liu, Z. Cao, X. Zhao, G. Li, F. Yu, L. Chen, H. Wang, J. You, In situ quantification and evaluation of ClO−/H2S homeostasis in inflammatory gastric tissue by applying a rationally designed dual-response fluorescence probe featuring a novel H+-activated mechanism. Analyst(IF=3.89, JCR二區)2017,142, 1619-1627.
X. Li, G. Chen*, J. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Zhao, Z. Cao, L. Xia, G. Li, Z. Sun, S. Zhang, H. Wang, J. You, A rapid, accurate and sensitive method with the new stable isotopic tags based on microwave-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and its application to the determination of hydroxyl UV filters in environmental water samples. Talanta(IF=4.16, JCR二區).2017, 167, 242-252.
M Liu, G Chen*, H Guo, B Fan, J Liu, Jinmao You. "Accurate Analysis and Evaluation of Acidic Plant Growth Regulators in Transgenic and Nontransgenic Edible Oils with Facile Microwave-Assisted Extraction." J. Agric. Food Chem.,(IF=3.15, JCR一區)2015, 63 (36), pp 8058–8067.
J. Liu, M. Liu, X. Li, X. Lu, G. Chen*, Z. Sun, G. Li, X. Zhao, S. Zhang, C. Song, Jinmao You. Development of ultrasonic-assisted closed in-syringe extraction and derivatization for the determination of labile abietic acid and dehydroabietic acid in cosmetics. J Chromatogr A(IF=4.02, JCR二區)2014, 1371, 20-29.
G. Chen,J. Liu, M. Liu, G. Li, Z. Sun, S. Zhang, C. Song, H. Wang, Y. Suo, J. You, Sensitive, accurate and rapid detection of trace aliphatic amines in environmental samples with ultrasonic-assisted derivatization microextraction using a new fluorescent reagent for high performance liquid chromatography J Chromatogr A(IF=4.02, JCR二區)2014, 1352, 8-19.
Chen, G., J. Li, Jinmao You et al. (2013). "Rapid and sensitive ultrasonic-assisted derivatization microextraction (UDME) technique for Bitter taste-Free amino acids (FAA) study by HPLC-FLD." Food Chemistry.(IF=4.53, JCR二區)2014,143, 97-105.
Guang Chen, Jun Li Shijuan Zhang Cuihua Song Guoliang Li Zhiwei Sun Yourui Suo, Jinmao You*, A sensitive and efficient method to systematically detect two biophenols in medicinal herb, herbal products and rat plasma based on thorough study of derivatization and its convenient application to pharmacokinetics with semi-automated device, Journal of Chromatography A(IF=4.02, JCR二區)Volume 1249, 3,190-200,2012.
Guang Chen*, Jun Li Cuihua Song Yourui Suo Jinmao You*,A sensitive and efficient method for simultaneous trace detection and identification of triterpene acids and its application to pharmacokinetic study, Talanta(IF=4.16, JCR二區),98, 30, 101–111, 2012.

