共找到97條詞條名為張峰的結果 展開











發表研究論文30餘篇,包括國際著名生物學刊物‘Plant Physiology’、‘Plant, Cell and Environment’等發表SCI論文11篇,EI論文2篇。主持教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計劃,國家自然科學基金,甘肅省農業生物技術專項等10餘項,參加培育了“甘農薯4號”品種。
1. Lixiang Cheng, Hongyu Yang, Bibo Lin, Yuping Wang, Wenjian Li, Di Wang, Feng Zhang*. Effect of gamma-ray radiation on physiological, morphological characters and chromosome aberrations of minitubers in Solanum tuberosum L.. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2010, 89 : 791-799。
2.Yuping Wang, Wenliang He, Huiying Huang, Lizhe An, Di Wang, Feng Zhang*.Antioxidative responses to different altitudes in leaves of alpine plant Polygonum viviparum in summer. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2009, 31: 839-848。
3. Feng. Zhang*, Yuping Wang, Di Wang,. Role of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide during the salt resistance response. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2007, 2: 473-474。
4. Feng Zhang*, Yuping Wang, Yangli Yang, Hao Wu, Di Wang, Jianquan Liu. Involvement of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in salt resistance in the calluses from Populus euphratica. Plant, Cell and Environment 2007, 30: 775-785。
5. Yingli Yang, Feng Zhang, Mingui Zhao, Lizhe An. Lixin Zhang, Nianlai Chen. Properties of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in salt-treated Populus euphratica callus. Plant Cell Reports 2007, 26: 229-235。
6. Feng Zhang, Yingli Yang, Wenliang He, Xin Zhao, Lixin Zhang. Effects of Salinity on Growth, Compatible Solutes of Callus induced from Populus euphratica. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plant 2004, 40: 491-494。
7. Feng Zhang, Jinkui Guo, Yingli Yang, Wenliang He, Lixin Zhang. Changes in the pattern of antioxidant enzymes in wheat exposed to water deficit and rewatering. Acta Physiologiae Plantrum 2004, 26: 345-352。
8. Liqun Zhao$, Feng Zhang$, Jinkui G.uo, Yingli Yang, Beibei Li, Lixin Zhang. Nitric Oxide Functions as a Signal in Salt Resistance in the Calluses from Two Ecotypes of Reed. Plant Physiology 2004,134: 849–857. ($co-first author)。
9. Yingli Yang, Jinkui Guo, Feng Zhang, Liqun Zhao, Lixin Zhang. NaCl induced changes of the H*-ATPase in root plasma membrane of two wheat cultivars. Plant Science 2004, 166: 913-918。
10. YingliYang, Feng Zhang, Wenliang He, Xiaomin Wang, Lixin Zhang. Iron-mediated inhibition of H+-ATPase in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from wheat roots. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2003, 60: 1249–1257。

