共找到47條詞條名為楊麗的結果 展開
- 中國歌手
- 山東省威海市人民政府副市長
- 湘潭大學材料科學與工程學院副院長
- 中國女足球員
- 瀋陽藥科大學藥劑教研室教授
- 東北師範大學副教授
- 中共依安縣委常委、宣傳部長
- 中山健民醫院婦科主任醫師
- 瀋陽市法院紀檢組組長
- 昆明市總工會主席
- 平輿縣副縣長
- 中國女子舉重運動員
- 中學高級教師
- 國家高級化妝師
- 河南協和醫院楊麗
- 解放軍總醫院南樓臨床部護理部副主任
- 龍馬潭區人民檢察院公訴科科長
- 安順學院教師
- 鄭州大學第二附屬醫院醫療美容科主任醫師
- 楊曉嫵
- 龍崗區黨校教師
- 《我們約會吧》20130702期女嘉賓
- 遼寧大學經濟學院教授
- 遵義醫學院附屬醫院教授
- 人民政府法制辦副主任
- 高級工程師
- 醫生
- 盤錦愛心婦科醫院
- 膠州市工業職工中專學校語文教師
- 暨南大學藥學院副教授
- 河北省骨幹教師
- 天津奧林匹克中心游泳跳水館館長
- 郫都中國川菜產業園管理委員會專職副主任
- 天津對外貿易職業學院副教授
- 遼寧大學助教
- 北京市第六建築工程公司職工醫院醫生
- 利通區郭家橋鄉黨委委員
- 四川省高級人民法院審判委員會委員
- 北京科技大學冶金與生態工程學院教師
- 大連醫科大學附屬第二醫院重症醫學科副主任
- 中國郵政儲蓄銀行廣州市分行副行長
- 東勝區文旅局工作人員
- 安順學院數學與計算機科學系副教授
- 淮陰師範學院經濟管理學院講師
- 貴州省仁懷市人民醫院心內科護師
- 製片人
- 淮安市金融發展集團有限公司副總經理
時間 | 院校 | 專業 | 學位 |
1993.09-1997.07 | 中國科技大學 | 化學系 | 學士 |
1997.09-1998.06 | 中國科技大學 | 化學系 | 碩士 |
1998.09-2002.06 | 中國科技大學 | 化學系 | 博士 |
2003.09-2004.10愛爾蘭University College Cork,博士后。
2006.7-2007.12美國馬里蘭大學,Calibrant Biosystem公司,博士后。
吉林省科技廳重點研發項目,“新型全自動在線藥物溶出分析檢測技術及其儀器研發”、2020.01-2022.12、30萬 元、在研、主持。國家自然科學基金面上項目,21775017、“口服固體藥物製劑體外溶出度的高時間分辨在線過程分析”、2018.01-2021.12、65萬元、在研、主持。國家自然科學基金面上項目,21475019、“基於毛細管電泳技術的微生物胞內目標代謝物在線分析”、2015/01-2018/12、80萬元、已結題、主持。國家自然科學基金面上項目,21175018、“以毛細管電泳為基礎的酶切多肽反應全程的高時間分辨檢測技術及應用研究”、2012/01-2015/12、56萬元、已結題、主持。
2020年Immunoassays using optical-fiber sensor with all-directional chemiluminescent collection. Anal. Chem. 2020,92,6257−6262 A portable pencil-like immunosensor for point-of-care testing of inflammatory biomarkers. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2020,412,3231-3239 Ultrasensitive determination of organotin compounds in plastic food packaging and edible oils by sheathless capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Analyst 2020,145,2286 Capillary electrophoresis-integrated immobilized enzyme microreactor with graphene oxide as support: Immobilization of negatively charged L-lactate dehydrogenase via hydrophobic interactions. Electrophoresis 2020,41,175-182 模塊化自組裝高效毛細管電泳教學儀的研製及實驗教學應用,化學教育,2020,41,36-40 Capillary electrophoresis-immobilized enzyme microreactors for acetylcholinesterase assay with surface modification by highly-homogeneous microporous layer. J. Chromatogr. A 2020,1609,460454
2019年Ultra-sensitive capillary immunosensor combining porous-layer surface modification and biotin streptavidin nano-complex signal amplification: Application for sensing of procalcitonin in serum. Talanta 2019,205,120089 Enzyme-like catalysis of polyoxometalates for chemiluminescence: Application in ultrasensitive detection of H2O2 and blood glucose. Talanta 2019,205,120139 Automatic dissolution testing with high-temporal resolution for both immediate-release and fixed-combination drug tablets. Sci.Rep. 2019,205,120139 Sensitive detection of benzophenone-type ultraviolet filters in plastic food packaging materials by sheathless capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 2019,1604,460469 Optical fiber-mediated immunosensor with a tunable detection range for multiplexed analysis of veterinary drug residues. ACS Sensors 2019,4,1864-1872 A highly sensitive capillary-based immunosensor by combining with peroxidase nano complex-mediated signal amplification for detection of procalcitonin in human serum. ACS Omega 2019,4,6210-6217 Converting solution viscosity to distance-readout on paper substrates based on enzyme-mediated alginate hydrogelation: Quantitative determination of organophosphorus pesticides. Anal. Chim. Acta 2019,1071,1-7 Surface modification with highly-homogeneous porous silica layer for enzyme immobilization in capillary enzyme microreactors. Talanta 2019,197,539-547
2018年Capillary electrophoresis-integrated immobilized enzyme microreactor utilizing single-step in-situ penicillinase-mediated alginate hydrogelation: Application for enzyme assays of penicillinase. Talanta 2018,189,377-382 Multiplex immunoassays using surface modification-mediated porous layer open tubular capillary. Anal. Chim. Acta 2018,1043,1-10 Enzyme assay for d-amino acid oxidase using optically gated capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence detection. J. Chromatogr. A 2018,1548,83-91 Single-step in situ acetylcholinesterase-mediated alginate hydrogelation for enzyme encapsulation in CE. Anal. Chem. 2018,90,4071-4078 Rapid and sensitive tapered-capillary microextraction combined to on-line sample stacking-capillary electrophoresis for extraction and quantification of two beta-blockers in human urine. Talanta 2018,180,90-97 Highly uniform porous silica layer open-tubular capillary columns produced via in-situ biphasic sol-gel processing for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 2018,1538,86-93
2017年Photonic crystal fiber-based immunosensor for high-performance detection of alpha fetoprotein. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2017,91,431-435 Screening platform based on robolid microplate for immobilized enzyme-based assays. ACS Omega 2017,2,5079-5086 Core-shell silica microsphere-based trypsin nanoreactor for low molecular-weight proteome analysis. Anal. Chim. Acta 2017,985,194-201
2016年 Facile synthesis of electrospinning Mn2O3-Fe2O3 loaded carbon fibers for electrocatalysis of hydrogen peroxide reduction and hydrazine oxidation. Electrochim. Acta. 2016,211,255-264 Capillary zone electrophoresis as a tool to monitor the stability and hydrolytic equilibria of strandberg-type polyoxometalates in aqueous solution. Eur. J Inorg. Chem. 2016,4179-4184 Enzyme and inhibition assay of urease by continuous monitoring of the ammonium formation based on capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 2016,37,2692-2698 Sequential on-line C-terminal sequencing of peptides based on carboxypeptidase Y digestion and optically gated capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection. J. Chromatogr. A 2016,1459,152-159 Capillary electrophoresis-integrated immobilized enzyme reactors. Rev. Anal. Chem. 2016,35,115-131 Determination of the inhibitory effect of green tea extract on glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase based on multilayer capillary enzyme microreactor. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2016,30,1210-1215
2015年Sequential capillary electrophoresis analysis using optically gated sample injection and UV/vis detection. Electrophoresis 2015,36,2380-2385 Enhancing separation in short-capillary electrophoresis via pressure-driven backflow. Electrophoresis 2015,36,1549-1554 On-plate enzyme and inhibition assay of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase using thin-layer chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 2015,38,2753-2930 Application of Thin-Layer Chromatography in Enzyme Activity and Inhibitors Studies of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase. JPC-J. Planar Chromat. 2015,28,333-336 Application of capillary enzyme micro-reactor in enzyme activity and inhibitors studies of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. J. Chromatogr. B 2015,990,174-180 Theoretical and experimental studies on sequential two-diffusional sample injection for capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A 2015,138,247-252
2014年Inhibition study of alanine aminotransferase enzyme using sequential online capillary electrophoresis analysis. Anal. Biochem. 2014,467,28-30 Capillary electrophoresis-based immobilized enzyme reactor using particle-packing technique. J. Chromatogr. A 2014,1352,80-86 A capillary electrophoresis-based immobilized enzyme reactor using graphene oxide as a support via layer by layer electrostatic assembly. Analyst 2014,139,1973 Efficient capillary electrophoresis separation and determination of free amino acids in beer samples. Electrophoresis 2014,35,577-584 Sequential micellar electrokinetic chromatography analysis of racemization reaction of alanine enantiomers. J. Chromatogr. A 2014,1331,123-12
2013年Ionic liquid-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with capillary electrophoresis to determine drugs of aAbuse in urine. Chinese J. Anal. Chem. 2013,41,1919-1922 Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide as novel stationary phases via electrostatic assembly for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 2013,34,1869-1876 Application of cyclodextrin-modified gold nanoparticles in enantioselective monolith capillary electrochromatography. Talanta 2013,109,1-6 Application of graphene as the stationary phase for open-tubular capillary electrochromatography.J. Chromatogr. A 2013,1277,93-97
2012年Electrochemistry and simultaneous detection of metabolites of purine nucleotide based on large mesoporous carbon modified electrode. Electroanal. 2012,24,1401-1408 Online enzyme discrimination and determination of substrate enantiomers based on electrophoretically mediated microanalysis. Anal. Chem. 2012,84,6701-6706 Method for the sequential online analysis of enzyme reactions based on capillary electrophoresis. Anal. Chem. 2012,84,2961-2967 A replaceable dual-enzyme capillary microreactor using magnetic beads and its application for simultaneous detection of acetaldehyde and pyruvate. Electrophoresis 2012,33,2145-2151
2011年Enantioselective open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using cyclodextrin-modified gold nanoparticles as stationary phase. J. Chromatogr. A 2011,1218,3725-3729 爆炸殘留物的毛細管電泳檢測。分析化學 2011,39,1293-1294
2010年Use of cyclodextrin-modified gold nanoparticles for enantioseparations of drugs and amino acids based on pseudostationary phase-capillary electrochromatography. Electrophoresis 2010,31,1-9 High temporal resolution monitoring of enzyme reaction and inhibition using optically gated vacancy capillary electrophoresis and immobilized enzyme. Anal. Chim. Acta 2010,683,136-142
2009年Dual-enzyme, co-immobilized capillary microreactor combined with substrate recycling for high-sensitive glutamate determination based on CE. Electrophoresis 2009,30,3527-3533