Andy Timmons
Andy Timmons
Andy Timmons(安迪 提蒙斯)出生於美國德克薩斯州(TEXAS),是一名吉他樂手。
風格:Pop-Metal、Hair Metal、Hard Rock
他五歲開始習吉他,六歲正式登台演出,二十歲加入重金屬名團“Danger Danger”,出版了三張作品,並登表過數張個人專輯,深受樂界好評,可說是美國搖滾金屬吉他界里的中流砥柱,當時樂手都沉迷於速度的快感,這位全方位吉他大師,仍舊認為“感覺”的重要。再加上Andy曾擔任美國吉他學院(GIT)的講師,足證明他實力的不凡。
Andy在大學時代曾主修過古典樂與爵士樂,後來更朝向藍調音樂領域發展,在如此豐富的歷練之下,不久後果然受到青睞,並且加入Danger Danger擔任吉他手一職,在發行了兩張專輯之後,Andy決定離團,開始邁向個人演奏事業之路,1995年發表的首張solo專輯“ear X-Tacy”,被權威雜誌“Guitar World”喻為是一張吉他演奏經典之作,隨後更獲得EML/VJRGIN與日本Sony 唱片的合約,Andy的演奏事業從此便平步青雲。
他的音樂不同於Yngwie Malmsteen與Tony Macalpine 的古典音階奏法,而是美式的敘情派搖滾風格,此外,他也能夠彈奏出驚鴻一瞥般的吉他神技,如專輯“ear X-Tacy 2”中的新古典速彈”Groove Or Die”,其超高技巧的快速sweep 與泛音技術,再加上電吉他最重要的乾淨悶音,不知打死多少基本功不夠,卻號稱速彈派的二流角色。
本人非常喜歡這樣劇有情緒化的吉他手 喜歡Ibanez Anniversary 90中的表現 有些人說他是錄音棚吉他我不這麼認為像他那樣輕鬆彈奏高速音階編曲有味道的真是不多
Andy Timmons
期待已久的Andy Timmons Band在Favored Nations旗下發布的標準長度CD. 這張專輯是超過4年的創作和錄製,由Andy和一眾隊員所能貢獻的頂峰作品。一個真正的“三重奏”,幾乎沒有疊錄的錄音. 參與錄製的包括Andy Timmons Band陣容,以及Mike Daane的貝斯還有Mitch Marine的鼓。
1. Deliver Us
2. Helipad
3. Ghost Of You
4. Resolution
5. Redemption
6. Lydia
7. Gone (9/11/01)
8. Move On
9. Beware Dark Days
10. The Prayer/The Answer
11. bonus track
That Was Then, This Is Now
Andy Timmons
1. Super 70's (new)
2. Pink Champagne Sparkle (new)
3. Falling Down (new)
4. Beautiful Strange (new)
5. Turn Away
6. I Remember Stevie
7. Cry For You
8. Farmer Sez
9. Electric Gypsy
10. It's Getting Better
11. That Was Then, This Is Now
12. Groove Or Die
13. A Night To Remember
14. Carpe Diem 15. Donna Lee (twist - live) (new)
Bonus Track 16. Slips Away (dedicated to George Harrison)
Andy Timmons
1. All Is Forgiven
2. Happening '68 - (vocal)
3. The Princess
4. Nowhere - (vocal)
5. For God and Country
6. Don't Bring Me Down - (vocal)
7. Astral Fishing
8. Duende
9. The Spoken and Unspoken
10. Olivia's Song
11. Cry For You (live)
Andy Timmons
1.Puppet Show
2. Innocence Lost
3. Late Nite
4. Pungent Larry
5. Follow your Heart
6. Turn Away
7. Groove Or Die (original version)
8. Southwest Jam
9. Candy Apple Red Jam
10. Blues For Carlos
11. September
Side 2 (The Vocals)
1. Freedom
2. Sometimes I (original version)
3. There before You
4. Wishing Well (original version)
5. Back To You.
6. No More Mr. Nice Guy
7. Wanted Man
8. Feelings Change
9. Angel
10. Wish I Had A Lover
Andy Timmons
1. That Was Then, This Is Now
2. Last One
3. Is This What You Want?
4. A Night To Remember
5. Sometimes I
6. Down To The Wire ( w/ Reb Beach)
7. To Your Knees
8. Groove Or Die
9. Wishing Well|
10. Slips Away
Andy Timmons
1. Carpe Diem
2. Turn Away
3. I Remember Stevie
4. Cry For You
5. Farmer Sez
6. Electric Gypsy
7. I Have No Idea
8. This Time For Sure
9. It's Getting Better
10. Hiroshima
11. No More Goodbyes
Andy Timmons
1. Please Come Home
2. State of Mind
3. My Friend
4. It's a Shame
5. In His Arms
6. Wherever You Are
7. Nobody Cares About Julie
8. Now That You've Been Gone
9. Nothing You Can Do
10. Homeless
11. Leave It Alone
12. Call My Name
13. She's Leaving Home
Pawn Kings Live(Official Bootleg)
Andy Timmons
1. Guess Who's Back in Town (A.Timmons)
2. I Feel Good (J. Brown)
3. Black Magic Woman (P.Green)
4. The Loner (G.Moore/M.Middleton)
5. Money (B.Gordy Jr./J.Bradford)
6. Way That I'm Livin' (A.Timmons)
7. I've Been in Dallas (For A Long, Long Time)(T.Young)
8. Come Together (Lennon/McCartney)
9. Sweet Home Chicago (Traditional)
Andy Timmons
1. Guess Who's Back In Town
2. Way That I'm Livin'
3. Green Onions
4. Loosen Up
5. I Believe In You
6. Night Train
7. Blood Is Thicker Than Water
8. Let's Go
9. Honky Tonk Blues
10. Little Wing
11. You Can Count On Me *
12. When A Man Loves A Woman *
13. Fried Chicken Skin *
Acoustic Christmas
Andy Timmons
1. Greensleeves - Andy Timmons
2. Home For The Holidays - Johnny Hiland
3. Jingle Bells - Adrian Legg
4. We Pray Sanctus - Peppino D'Agostino
5. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Greg Koch
6. Run Rudolf Run - The Dillengers
7. Winter Wonderland - Mimi Fox
8. Fodere L'Astronome - Pierre Bensusan
9. The 25th Day - Pete Huttlinger
10. Meditation From Thais - Marty Friedman