冥寥子游 特色及評論
冥寥子游 本書目錄
一 出遊之由二 旅行之法三 高山之頂四 回到塵世五 出遊的哲學
冥寥子游 文章節選
The Reason for the Flight Mingliaotse was once an official, and he was tired of the ways of the world, of having to say things against his heart and to perform ceremonies against good form. What is "to say things against ones heart?" A host and his visitor make a low bow to each other, and after a few casual remarks about the weather, dare not make another comment. People we have met for the first time shake hands with us and insist they are our bosom friends, but after they have parted from us, we are totally indifferent to each other. When we praise a person, we compare him to the saint Poyi, and as soon as he has turned away, we talk behind his back and compare him to the thief Cheh. And when we are sitting at ease enjoying a conversation, we try to preserve a curt dignity, although we have so much we should like to say to each other; and we gabble about noble ideals, while we have immoral conduct. Being afraid that to unbosom our heart would betray the truth and to tell the truth would hurt, we layy these thoughts aside and let the coversation drift aimlessly on trivial topics. Sometimes we even play the actor and sigh or shout to cover up our thoughts, so that our ears, our eyes, our mouth and our nose are no more our own, and our anger, our joy, our laughter and our condemnations are no longer genuine.
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